Twisted Metal Black

I don't know why, but I am seriously considering buying a ps2 again just so I can play twisted metal black one more time. Is their something wrong with me for wanting to do that. To willingly waste money to play a video game that came out nine years ago. I mean seriously, what the hell.Eh, their probably isn't any copy's of it left in stores anymore so I don't really know why I'm even thinking...
March 18th, 2010 at 02:42am

My most recent day dream

"Murder was the case that they gave me"-Snoop DoggSo My most recent day was I was a member of the glee cast and they killed my charecter off.So when glees goes on tour for the whole concert thing,for the first three concerts I dont show up to preform my numbers from the show.The fourth concert,Everyone finishes their numbers and goes off stage.Then this ambulence(sorry for mis-spells) noise in the...
November 18th, 2009 at 12:11am

Quotes or No?

I'm thinking about starting my journals with a quote I don't really know.cause if I do it could pertain to what I'm talking about or I could just fuck it and jump into it I dont really know.Oh btw I would like to apoligize for the last journal when I get pissy I go crazy.Yeah so let me know about the whole quotes thing and if I get more yes's then no's and vice versa I decide based off your votes...
November 8th, 2009 at 05:08am

Stupid Algebra

As of today I am now offically saying that algebra is a horrible uneeded class in that whole entire world seriously when am I ever going to walk into a mcdonalds and say I need a x=big mac with my y=change back please.I mean they claim their preparing us for the real world but their not their preparing us for their version of the real world.God it pisses me off so much sometimes because they say...
November 4th, 2009 at 05:15am

Equally as depressing as the last update

I'm on fire tonight with the jorunal updates,this one unlike the last one isn't going to be as ranty if you will but more me just fucking rambling until I can't ramble anymore.That begin said I want to talk about recent things in my life(I know just the funnest thing you've ever heard right).Even though I broke up with her(for her privacy's sake she shall remain nameless) and I never regret...
November 3rd, 2009 at 05:47am

A list of things you can do to make life suck more then it already does

Break-up with your girlfriend cause your too stupid to handle a long distance relationshipScrew up in schoolPunch walls when frustratedKick walls when frustratedPlay video games until god knows when at nightSit on your couch for three days straight because you have nothing to else to doListen to john mayer and not expect to become very depressed after awhileLitsen to your idiot best friend because...
November 3rd, 2009 at 04:57am