JustNyxie / Comments

  • HEY!! :D so im in :) but i really really need a tutorial im totally lost in here lol
    how your doing? ;)
    January 17th, 2010 at 01:22am
  • I hope I will. I have to.

    oh xD that's cool ^^ Economics can be so horrible >.>

    I guess I'll have to. I just found out that people I don't know, know pretty much about me. wtf >.> and I broke someone's heart without knowing O_O what the hell?
    January 15th, 2010 at 10:57pm
  • I'm okay. Just some drama with one guy...seems like it's my fault after all. >.>
    Exams : / Good luck.
    I have them in 2 weeks (If I somehow pass macroeconomics -.-)
    January 15th, 2010 at 10:30am
  • Hi! How are you?
    January 13th, 2010 at 03:37pm
  • Oh. But I hope it will be fun ^^ nd a Happy New Year!

    Thanks and I hope you had fun : )
    January 1st, 2010 at 05:13pm
  • Hey, thanks for the add (:
    I love your stories; I've been reading them on Livejournal too :p
    How're you?
    Gee xo
    December 31st, 2009 at 08:19pm
  • Seems like it's hard to count on anyone this days ;)

    How are you?
    and an early Happy New Year xD
    December 30th, 2009 at 11:27pm
  • Wow! That's so cool ^^

    I don't want to go back either :/ but on the other hand...I sit at home all the time so if there was no exams and tests it would be okay.

    I have some friend drama going on with the New Years Eve -.- seriously. First they didn't get why I didn't want to go to one party because of the guy that will be there and I don't want to leave the other friend. So, we're going to a different party and now it turns out that they go somewhere else too -.- and now they're like 'you don't want to meet up with us.' so why don't they come over and hang out NOW -.- people are frustrating.

    I guess that I'm okay. Just kind of lonely xD and the New Year starts in just two days...it's scary :/
    and I didn't know how I've missed listening to the old Linkin Park o.o

    how are you?
    December 29th, 2009 at 03:12pm
  • Yay! How cool ^^ Little animals are so cute :)

    I play board games with my friends from time to time. It's so fun!

    Yeah, kind of ^^ I expected it to be worse...but then again we didn't meet up with my mom's parents :/ the family drama... --.--
    December 26th, 2009 at 10:09pm
  • That's awesome! Our snow melted when it started raining :/

    A hamster?! That's awesome!
    hm...Reverend Strychnine Twitch? xD

    Board games! xD I love those games ^^

    Viva La Bam! I haven't seen that one in a while! I love that show o.o Bam is funny xD
    December 26th, 2009 at 08:46pm
  • Hey! Merry Christmas (even though it's almost over) xD

    The days were pretty cool, though at some point not the best : /
    we spent them mostly with family and with our family friends, who actually are like a family xD right now we're having a 'party' still hehe xD
    it's quite...international Christmas this year.

    Thanks : ) It's with my 'toy' that I got from my sister. It's called Flopo and describes my personality haha xD

    How are you? How was your Christmas?
    With snow? : )
    December 26th, 2009 at 08:03pm
  • :/
    It didn't work out for me either. Perhaps I'll never finish or write the stories ever again until the end of my life... It's been a couple of months T.T

    wow. that sucks. Our priest is a jerk too. he won't shut up about people not going to church and he whines about the cash to built the church etc. >.>
    he wants to know everything about everyone's lives -.-
    December 23rd, 2009 at 06:26pm
  • The braces, huh?

    I so agree with you about the church and hypocrisy :) Every time I go there I don't even try to listen to the bullshit they say. How the hell a priest who doesn't have a wife and kids can tell me how to live or what to do or not? It's like...they want to have control, but at the same time they don't. It's pissing me off.

    I'm good. Kind of tired. I guess I'll be going sleep now. I have some time finally to write stories ^^ Maybe it'll work out this time.
    December 23rd, 2009 at 12:31am
  • haha I can imagine. I was once singing in church in this group...every Sunday. that's when I was young, stupid, brainless and innocent. and religious. I have nothing against believing.. just the hypocrisy of the church.

    haha xD funny ^^ today it was snowing again and there's supposed to be no snow till Christmas. -2 comparing to -15 is like summer o.O

    And I'm free finally ^^ no university...and I did the presentation!!! :D

    How are you?
    December 22nd, 2009 at 10:48pm
  • Yea, you did ;]
    Hey xP
    December 22nd, 2009 at 07:17pm
  • Umm... hey?
    You added me?
    December 22nd, 2009 at 07:00pm
  • Oh xD actually that's a good idea when you can't sleep ^^

    haha an imagine that decades ago people had to just deal with it and they didn't have so many things as we do know. No warm clothes or warm houses.

    the broken heater :/ how did you survive that?
    I was sitting in my coat for two hours reading a book at the university and I thought I'd die there cause it was so cold. I was shivering on macroeconomics for an hour and then had to wait for my dad in the cold for another 10 >.>

    nope -20 would. well, we can survive up to around -50? I guess...but with difficulties. how the hell did people survive in this world ;p

    Tomorrow I've got the last days. some universities have a break now. some people ignored the classes and went home...and I'd do so too if I didn't have a presentation tomorrow.
    Carol service?
    December 21st, 2009 at 11:55pm
  • Visit me in Poland and I'll teach you for free xD

    Changing to ice? so what temperature you've got there? here's -12 tonight.
    haha lucky you! I went for Business English and had 2 hours of waiting for another class. I've returned home 45 minutes ago. One last day or rather...one last 1h 45 minutes this year! :D

    5 am! o.o the weather is horrible, but that's the price you pay for snow xD
    December 21st, 2009 at 08:40pm
  • yeah o.o snowboarding in the morning wasn't so bad. going out around 4pm for two hours was a huge mistake. I thought I would die out there!

    I'm not driving yet also :D all my friends that got their driving licenses decided to take public transport than the cars when it first snowed this winter.

    we do. but for the couple of years now it's been less and less. I remember when I was younger up to 12-14 there would be so much snow outside! It was awesome!
    We went to the mountains during winter break when I was in my first year of highschool and there I've learned how to snowboard ;) here, in the North of Poland we don't have mountains...just some hills left after the ice age xD
    I guess that snowboarding's easier then skiing... maybe because the guy that taught me had a good method and it also works when I teach people not being a really good snowboarder :D It's really fun!
    December 20th, 2009 at 07:32pm
  • It's okay : )
    :/ He won't be angry at you forever... I hope it will get okay very soon!
    Yay! awesome!!! Here the snow is supposed to melt until Christmas o.O It's around -15

    No : < I'm a kid that loves a snow. 'Adult' seems so...old.
    And we never didn't go to school if it snowed ;) we had to go no matter how much snow was outside so I'm okay with it. It won't cause problems ;) If I were in England then it would be a problem o.O they didn't do anything last February when it snowed and they had problem in Manchester and the cars and buses had to stop... here it looks like that only when no one's expecting the snow :D and everyone has to go to school no matter what xD

    Thanks :) It was quite fun, though we where there not even an hour cause they don't know how to take care of that place or that they should put there more snow >.> Idiots. and they want people to pay for the parking too. With such conditions of that hill they should pay people, give them free hot chocolate and everything should be for free!
    December 20th, 2009 at 02:33pm