I'm Back?

Hello. It's been about 3-5 months. Crazy.So much has been happening lately. I can't even begin to describe my stress levels. Anyway, I've gotten a comment or two lately, asking about my stories. I've been writing, not a whole lot, but still. I'm finishing up JMIC. It will end on chapter 37? Hopefully.Thank goodness. I hate that story. Seriously.Clumsy is far from being over.I've been writing a...
March 28th, 2011 at 06:34am


So I really hate to do this but ALL of my stories are going on hiatus. I just can't seem to write. It's been over a month since I've updated anything. I can't even write at all. I can't even bring myself to open Word.I hate to do this because I really love writing. I do. And I have so many good ideas. I could write until I die. But I just can't get it out of my head and down on paper. It's quite...
December 29th, 2010 at 07:09am


Hello. I know I haven't been writing and updating like I should. I hate that. Sorry.But JMIC is almost over and Clumsy isn't far behind. TT is on hiatus because I really don't want to write it. I know what I want to happen I just can't write it out.Anyway. I've been super busy.Friday I went shopping with Tesla.I spent a lot of money and now I'm broke.Yesterday I took the ACT. Failed. mos def.But I...
December 12th, 2010 at 09:25pm

Static Waves.

Ok, so I'm completely obsessed with this song. Static Waves by Andrew Belle.Anyway, I'm starting to get back into writing. For a while there, I really didn't want to write anything. But I'm back now, not as much as before, but still.JMIC is almost over. 5 chapters left, hopefully. I've been dragging it out. And I really want it to be over soon.Clumsy is coming along faster than I thought. So, I...
November 26th, 2010 at 08:34pm

What Am I Doing?

So, things have been really busy lately. I'm looking at doing my ACTs and applying to colleges, so that's why I haven't written much.Also, I really just don't feel like it. I have no inspiration.So, I'm really sorry. I got a good idea for another good story, but like I said, I don't feel like writing. AKA the reason why you aren't getting any updates.And again, I'm really sorry.BUT!!!!Tomorrow is...
October 7th, 2010 at 03:17pm

My "Witch".

Hey!Ok, right now, me and Tess are in choir on the computer wreaking havoc!! Muahahaha!!!!!Anyway, she doesn't write slash, but you need to read her stories anyway! Tezzy LoLzThat's my woman. Mhmm.Anyway, I don't really know. She's making fun of me.So...Note from Tezzy:hello there! I loves my girl, kristen! she is sexy and silly nilly. if you haven't read her stories yet, read them now. if you...
September 10th, 2010 at 05:13pm

Ahh! Stuff.

Ok Hello.SOA is over. I'm going to miss my little Dae.ATR got all the comments it needs. I'll start posting the chapters with a request of only 1 comment per chapter. This is my main focus right now, because I'm trying to get it finished.JMIC will be my next focus. I need to get that one finished too. I know I haven't been writing much of anything but SOA and ATR, but like I said, I wanted to get...
September 2nd, 2010 at 07:25am

Update info

Hello Everyone. This is my first journal. Not very exciting. Anyway, I wanted to start this because I have a habit of filling my author's notes with stupid little stories or things that are going on in my life. I decided to stop doing that and start a journal. So if you want to know what's going on with the stories or stupid things going on in my life, this would be the place to find it.It's...
August 11th, 2010 at 07:52am