i feel like rantin

well since i was last on i was jobless lol. Well i got a job at McDonalds... and i liked it at first but now since the managers shifted i hate it. The head manager is the sh*t!! but the shidt manager is a complete dick. I wasnt able to make into work this weekend cause my aunt passed away on 420. :( well i called in and they still called me saying i wasnt there and i was late.Soo i called in today...
April 26th, 2011 at 12:11am

Is this the real life or is it just fantasy?

Wow, slot of people can be stuck up and snobby. But my aunt takes the bone. She recently passed away, god bless her soul and that sheet, but I did somethings in my past that I regret. Only one thing happened in her home. But anyways she didn't want me to step into her house ever again. Fair enough I said, but in her will she cut me from it except to one thing. She didn't want me to go the...
November 2nd, 2010 at 03:43pm

I am tired of being used and used

Well i huess you could cal, this Journal entrie kind of whiny but, i have this one friend who i like, well you kind of do have to like your friends if they are your freiends. But anyways she uses me. I buy her lunch and when she gets something to eat and take like maybe 2 fries i get yelled at saying its my lunch. I guess it is kind of my fault for spoiling her but i offer because my friends mean...
October 27th, 2010 at 06:58pm


I hate my family. I know some of you may say hate is a strong word. It isn't to me, it doesn't even begin to describe what I feel toasted them. I hate them with a strong passion. If I had time and a gun I would have killed them all by now. With out any emotions. It all started a couple of moths ago. When my aunt and uncle went on a long vacation for 3 months. My cousin had to move a bunch of dirt...
October 17th, 2010 at 11:51pm


Oh yeah...... i am in summer school. Usually kids are forced but here in bellerose er getto choose to or not. But, if you do choose then you can get an extra option, for each class you are taking in school, si i get two more options, and i am picking Industrial Arts, and Guitar 10. So yeah but for summer school i am taking calm ( carrer and life managment), and then phys ed. SUmmer school is...
July 12th, 2010 at 05:06pm

A retarded, a stupid life, and worthless parents

Richard S Fowler, what can I say it's white, it has some good teachers, and oh yeah, ITS CATHOLIC!!!!!! I am not catholic I am satanic I worship the devil and want to go to hell. This stupid school has already threatened to kick me out because of my religeon. What's the matter I'd you are not catholic or Christian. As long as you have something to believe in what's the point. I am so close to...
June 1st, 2010 at 05:06pm

Attack of the little white invaders

I woke up in the middle of the night two nights in a row, the only reason why that happens is because of the little white invader which you call "snow". I only wake up to the little white invaders when they attack. People walk over it which people , and i do not know why, they walk in the snow, in the middle of the night. ike wow, peope should get a life. So when i woke up i stare out the window...
March 23rd, 2010 at 06:17pm

Torture of the carrissa type.....lol

I am in L.a. and we are working on a n olympic writing folder thing. But i am not going to get into that. So one of my friends aren't here to day so her best friend is sitting by her friend, and anyone who is Alex's friend is a friend of Alex's other friends so in other words our group is all friends. So i am sitting here and me and my other two friends have cut our wrists. The two are looking for...
March 4th, 2010 at 05:15pm

Things i have to do!!!!!!!

1, Social essay2, L.a. project typed parts3, start working on ch.1 of joint story with Saul hudson4, start o n paying my friend back the $400 i owe him5, clean the bedroom6, clean the basement7, make a cat house for the cats8. get the kittens nails cut9. get kittens fixed10, take kittens in for check up.all have to be done for friday.............. ugheveryone in the school, keep bothering for my...
March 1st, 2010 at 05:08pm

There is an emo side to everybody

In math class i sit there, wondering what i could do. so i look around and then hid in my text book. Trying to cut myself with a pencil, then my friend says just draw some lines with the red sharpie and that will make it look, and feel real. I replied okay, she gave me a sheet of paper and then I started to draw a knife, and then a hand, an arm, then it became a human. But its other arm was more...
February 26th, 2010 at 04:56pm

Friends are not worth it!!!!!

you might think you know someone well enough to leave you alone so you would think right?Nope wrong!!!!! XDnot my friends, they will mess with your account on the school server, pretty much say that everything you say is bull shit. well i got some more bull shit for you....... fuck you!!! i am tired of listening to you and putting up with all of the bull shit that comes out of your mouth........
February 23rd, 2010 at 05:20pm


I always knew that school sucked, but not to this extent!!! today i thought I would have a good day because I got to stay home and rest. But it turns out we are reading a book in L.A.,, and the teachers are mean and rude. some times a daydream about pulling a magical shotgun out of the air, and blowing the heads off of everyone in the school just for revenge!! Except I would let my friends live....
December 3rd, 2009 at 07:41pm