Tyrone_Swift / Comments

  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    It is official. Alice is my hero and I wanna be like her when I grow up...except I will be cussing a whole lot more... She has awesome hobbies
    As for you laughing when you get hit...you remind me of a boy I used to know in mexico...kinky. That brings to the second image that came to mind after I pictured you gay. Alice dressed as a naughty business woman. The hair in a tight bun, black rimmed glasses, red lips. White blouse. Black pencil skirt hugging her thighs just above the knees and the red kitten heels on the feet. A hard whip in one hand and in the other...a leash, you at the other end :P
    Psh, you are cool. And weird...
    Your black half? I wish I had a black half! I just have me and Stevie...
    Yay for my characters not being boring!
    Dude, I hope you get the time to read more. You are only half way and I want your opinion on the recent posts! :P
    Damn, Imma have to go to OHIO and distract Alice so you can read. Does she like shiny things? I like shiny things...
    October 13th, 2010 at 04:33pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    eh, I dont know anyone cool enough to base a character completely on :P well, i didnt the time and i didnt want to use my twin cuz that would feel weird to me.
    Lol! Revenge is sweet! You have a scrap book like Winter :P
    That is awesome though, why did she want you to come across as a raging homosexual? teehee...sad part is, I can totally picture you with the tight jeans getting yourself all dolled up for a night on the town, searching for a hunky man to seduce.
    But then again I can picture funnier things
    October 12th, 2010 at 04:06pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Psh! You are Justin Hamm! You dont need a break! You are pro! Besides, we all now you have no choice but to be slave to Alice since she is too stubborn to take no for an answer...
    I know what you mean about a netal break through reading though. It is the only time I can focus all my thoughts and keep them away from life and stress.
    As for my charcters, I tried to make them original but there are a few things that remind me of people I know, though no one character is based heavily on any one person.
    Winter, she is who I am in my head though. I am shy and reserved in general. And because of the upbringing and trust issues I will shange a bit depending on the person. Winter is me when I am completly comfortable and have no qualms about the people I am with. So It is VERY rar to actually see me like her. Maybe only with my twin.
    There is hope for Kwame! I really should go for the sweet guy, not the man-whore.
    Incest! I know what you mean there two. i tried reading one and was like...no, I dont have a brother but it was still too twisted for me. I stay away from them now. make me wonder if the authors are only children.
    Why did you jaw hurt?
    There wa something else I was gonna say but I cant figure out what the flip I wrote down...
    October 12th, 2010 at 06:51am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    OK, I am just throwing this out there. But you know how on Mibba there are certain main ideas that you will find stories about, right?
    In the fan fics area:
    You have pretty much AX7, BMTH, All Time Low, MCR and Hollywood Undead, frikin Justin Bieber end the damn Jonas brothers for Music.
    For books you have a lot of Harry Potter and, of course, Twilight.
    And in sports you have a few ones about soccer but an obscene amount of Hockey player ones. Specially about Sidney Crosby. Oh, and a few that do some extreme sport or another.
    And when you see story plots what you see the most is: Slash, regular, Student teacher and/or vampire/human romance.
    As for spicing up the stories you will find a sprinkling of bad boys, emos, princes, arranged marriages, vampires, werewolves, people with fucked up pasts, rape, pregnancy and sex that could make a porn star blush.
    Now taking all the above into account you will find yourself with hundreds of odd stories that combine one two or even eight of those aspects, yet the story lines are pretty much the same.
    Here are a few thing I have not seen stories written about but would totally crack me up if I did:
    - A hockey fan-fic that was a slash. I mean really, with all the slashes going around you would think someone would have made hockey player gay by now.
    - A story with an ugly vampire as the hero. Seriously, why are they always total hotties? Ugly people get bitten to you know!
    - A band fan-fic where they DONT get the girl/boy and they have to suck it up like the rest of the none famous world. (this one just be my bitterness talking cuz I know I will never have a famous singer in my bed)
    -An arranged marriage where the do not end up happy and in love at the end...seriously. Who would really end up like that now-a-days?

    But that is just me...
    If anyone has actually seen something like any of those, please pass me the link. It should be an interesting read :p
    October 11th, 2010 at 05:33pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Oh yes, Roberts are special xD
    Chapter 10! ehh its a so-so chapter. The whole story is so-so but I try :P.
    Aww, Tell Alice to cut me some slack. I barely have readers :P Just curious. What do you like about Violet? The characters? Suggestions? Etc...
    Hurray for another successful comment post on my favorite zombie story! Now do you feel guilty for ruining hot dogs for me? I used to love them! Now I cant even think of it without gagging!
    Lol! That certainly would have been an interesting comic. Say...have you seen a movie called "Undercover brother"? If not...go watch it.
    Ew...Anything that moves? Does that include animals? or worst...zombies? Cuz that is just effed up. Pff. Damn player. Why do I always fall for patanes? xD
    Yes, yes he did. Justin Bieber should fall of his tricycle and kill his girly face on the pavement so that the world can get over their fixation with him. I am in China and I STILL cant escape him.
    October 11th, 2010 at 04:20pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Psh, Kwame like the bodacious babes.I unfortunately dont fit in that category. But I can dream.
    Yeah. Justin is very teen poperish. Ew. reminds of Justin Bieber...I really hate him. he makes me wanna walk into a zombie infested room and just die. And teh last name Hamm is certainly unsual...I actuallly dont like ham that much now that I think about it. Anywho. When I think of you the name Tyrone is what pops into my mind more than Justin. Cuz its the first name I knew.
    I love my last name. Every Migenes in the world is still a single family unit. We are all related. so it is unique and really awesome. The name Danielle isnt bad but it sound too girly and that is most definitely not me. And Sascha sounds like either a boy or a stripper name. Blagh.
    Yes! New chapter! I am so excited! I wrote a long as comment for the last one :P made my entire day that update.
    haha, i need a motivator for Violet. I have had writers block for the past 2 months...everything I am posting now was already written. I am getting antsy cuz I am running out of pre-written chapters.
    As for Roberts. I have dated one, he proposed, I said yes and then i freaked and ended it. Actually I broke up with him early this year, like February. And when I was in Junior high there was this boy. I wanted him. I was so infatuated with him it was not even funny. But he was my best friend and I was too shy to try anything. He moved away. My family then moved to the same city. We found each other a few months before I came to china. Turns out he had like me back then too. xD It took 6 years, a move to another country and a random birthday invitation for it to happen but i finally had him...BUAHAHAHAHHAHAHA And that is the story of my Roberts
    October 11th, 2010 at 09:13am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Bob Meat Attorney at Law...that is hot xD
    Robert huh? interesting...I shall keep my comments to myself. I have history with Roberts...
    Sigh, Kwame will never love me :P
    I just finished the updates...BUAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHA
    I giggle with zombie-ish glee!
    Justin Robert Hamm...nice to know you. Sascha Danielle Migenes at your service. But the people I consider friends call me Alex :)
    October 11th, 2010 at 07:12am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Kwame! That fucker...he was a no-show in my dreams. Broke my heart into a million pieces I tell ya!
    Its not so much that I get on late...its more that i keep reading until odd hours in the morning. That and I have to wait until around that time if I want to talk to my family and friends in America.
    As for naming characters...I hate doing that. Mostly because I find very few names to actually be pretty or interesting. I love the names Caleb, Winter and Jethro, but I hate the names of the rest of my characters. i chose them because the seemed fitting, not because I actually like them...I cringe everyy time I type "Sophia". Too late to change them now haha.
    And what the hell kind of a nickname is Bob for a person named Justin? It makes no sense! When I was in school there was this kid. I cant remember his real name...no one can. But he sat in the back seat of the middle row of the class room. We all chose our seats and even though we had free reign to move around we never moved from the seat we took our first day of high school. Any who, the middle row was the division between the Eastern stuck up rich kids and people with a superiority complex and the Western "Bad ass" kids. The middle row where nerds pretty much. And we kind of spread out on a scale of sorts. The ones closer to the center still fit with the clique but actually cared for their grades. (I was in the back corner of the Western side :P) Andy who. Back to the one kid. About a month away from the end of my first semester in high school I discovered something quite interesting when I was teamed up with a, Easterner for a project. The kid, who the Westerners knew as Sonrics had a different name on the other side. To us he was Sonrics, coming from sonrisa, which means "Smile" because he was ALWAYS smiling. But to the Westerners he was Grapas. Grapas is the Spanish word for staples. So there this kids was. Same classroom, same people but two completely different nicknames. When I asked around it turned out than the 2 sides were unaware of the other side's nickname for the one kid. It was hilarious. Weird how high school social interactions are a whole other world of their own. (Sorry if that was long and boring, you just reminded me of that with the nickname bob)
    As for Alice and adding that awesome scene to the story...I would profess my undying love for her and ask for her hand in marriage of she did. And if it was a movie I would rewind and play that scene over and over again until laughing became physically impossible for me.
    October 11th, 2010 at 03:19am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Ahhhh i wrote this longa s comment and then lost my conection so it is all lost and I dont remember what i wrote!
    screw this!
    I am going to bed. it is 1am and my brain cells arnt funcioning right.
    i notived the update is up but imma read it tomorrow when my mind is crisp and fresh, cuz if not i will just get hella confused.
    When my brain starts working again I willl respond to your previous profile post yes yes.
    now...of to dream land, Hopefully I will dream that I am in the story making out with kwame.
    October 10th, 2010 at 07:14pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    And now my stomach hurts....I havent laughed that hard in foreva!
    I love Kwame. I love Bob being all practical about and and Kwame being all...well Kwame about it...I cant stop laughing!
    Wait a minute! Isnt Riley based on your sister? You just told some guy to imagine he is making out with you sister? Or was it Roxy? I get confused when the names start with the same letter
    Kwame is mine!.
    Dude! Alice is part Japanese! That is it! I want her!
    For sure. No joke, If I ever have the money i am so doing it.
    October 10th, 2010 at 06:32pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    I know what you mean about the chapter...I have been wondering how you were gonna get that done.
    as for Japan...next time i go I will call you up and pay half the plane fair if you and Alice come with. I have no one to travel with who actually appreciates japanese culture so it would be a win win win :P
    Kwame and Bob! hahaha, damand I wish I could hear the conversation in your head!!!
    October 10th, 2010 at 06:04pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    the skin was just a part of the museum, I think it was a history museum, a local one. I went with the girl scouts. but for the life of me I cant remember where it was.
    Ha...bob making out with a guy. Better yet, Bob making out with Kwame...I would laugh so friking hard at that!
    Japan...a month. Dang I wish i could too...sigh
    October 10th, 2010 at 05:40pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    wait a minute! Turn the tables? As in...I have no idea...explain what you mean by that.
    Meat! I have no willpower, well, i do...sorta...just not for food...lets go with that.
    Psh, like i'd need permission to castrate someone. it is what I do best. I have a rusty nail clipper and rubber band special for those you really piss me off.
    japan....I once went to a museum in japan where they had a skin collection. It was people who after they died had donated the skin on the backs to the museum to be preserved. Full ink, japanese style art depicting poems and tales of old. They where all hand made, not with the weird electric needle thing from now a days but by pulse with the needle brush and home made ink...it was beautiful
    October 10th, 2010 at 05:28pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    lol, she would think it is funny. I would think it is hot...specially with Ashley Greene. But I'd kick your ass if it was with someone fugly. I dont judge men by appearance, but if Imma make out with a girl I want her to be effing hot!
    Haha, I would not longer respect Bob if he settled for a crap sword. i woould have to jump into the story then slowly castrate him the the crappy sword to prove its crappiness.
    LOL, I have though of getting a geisha too, but if i do it will be in my back, the entire left side and i'd want her on the ocean, between the waves, also done Japanese style of painting. i havnt made up my mind on that yet. I do want to get sleeves but I want graveyards and nightmares on my arm...I dont know why.
    Food Inc...note to self: never watch. Ignorance is bliss. i love my meet too much. Fish! I am picky about my fish...but I still like it. I once tried to go vegetarian...I told my mom and she made all my favorite meat dishes for a week...so much for that plan.
    I find discussing religion interesting, not debating its validity but learning more about other religions. Getting to understand why people believe what they do. But I only talk about it with people who I know wont take it the wrong way. So...very few people.
    October 10th, 2010 at 04:03pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    haha, yeah. Notes, it is very effective...except when I write so fast that later I have no idea what I wrote...
    Writing Jessie first, no wonder she gets the kick ass scenes! hahaha. Its all good though, I brain double chapters with all my chemicals!
    Someone who agrees with me! Yes! I believe in the Goddess. It is her I turn to when in need :D
    Psh, Japanese steel is a piece of art. And the process of making a katana...is beautiful. the Love, dedication, the pursuit of perfection that goes into the careful handling of the metal to create such a thing...is breathtaking. I left a piece of my heart when I left Japan. i wanted to become a Geisha when I was little haha. I have a tattoo of a cherry blossom tree in honor of my memories, the time lived and the culture I came to love in Japan.
    A vegetarian? I should have guesses. i am all about the meat. My mom doesnt like vegetables so I always grew up eating more meat. But if there is any place where I would not mind being a vegetarian...its China. The variety of vegetables and mushrooms and the styles of cooking is mind boggling and soooo delicious. I find myself choosing vegetables over meat here in China.
    What did Alice think of that scene with the make out?
    October 9th, 2010 at 07:33pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Well, Ashley Green is hot so yeah :P I sense a connection...
    haha, I texted with my tongue once on a dare so I already knew it was possible, but it was a sensitive key board thingy, i would be screwed with my current phone.
    I forgot to write notes so now I cant remember the last thing I was gonna say...
    October 9th, 2010 at 06:33pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    China and japan are epic! I am Asian at heart also. My American friends came to visit me a few days ago and spent the whole time laughing at me cuz they think I am too Chinese xD
    KWAME!!! (insert girly fan girl scream, eye roll and faint)...Enough said.
    And nah...you are not crazy, you are just more in touch with your sadistic side :P
    Awww! i am glad! I love commenting on your story! And on your profile! Cus you and the story and Alice are awesome! I love the word awesome.
    Spawn chapter! It sounds intense...
    And I know what you mean about forgetting things. I will tell you my secret. I actually write down the highlights to what I want to say on a piece of paper before I write my comment cuz if not I would only be answering one thing. there is only so much my brain can handle at any given time hahaha.
    And now, I must go read an answer the second post xD
    October 9th, 2010 at 06:28pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    KWAME!!! I knew how to pronounce it but I kept forgetting the spelling. I heart him. I know that when girls read a book they are supposed to fall for the main character but no. Bob is epic, but bob is big brother. Bob is untouchable great leader. Bob belongs with Layla. And as much as I would so not mind going lesbian for Jessi cuz she is just that awesome...she is more of a JieJie, big sister, like Bob. Besides the fact that she doesnt cuss and she love to argue. I only argue with people who love to argue, and I wont stop until they either give me a damn good foundation for their side that I cant knock, there fore earning my respect...or, i make them admit they are wrong. So she and I would never work.
    But Kwame. I always did have a soft spot for back men. And he cracks me up like nothing other. Plus, he can handle his own against the zombies. sigh. I want him
    October 9th, 2010 at 07:21am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Hahaha. note to self: never tell you my fears...
    China is awesome! If you came under better circumstances I would do the whole chinese thing and spoil you rotten with delicious food, beautiful sites and random gifts. Really, that is what they do here...They are so damn nice.
    I would want the mercy kill...I know what it is too look at the living body of someone close to you but know that the mind is no longer there... I dont want to become that...
    October 9th, 2010 at 07:13am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Yes! I will live!
    Just in case, if you get here and I am a zombie or already dead...sorry. Hope you didnt waste to much ammo xD
    LoL, is disagree with the tshirt also. Zombies are sneaky, being alone might get you by undetected but one mistake and you are so screwed it is not even funny.
    Lol! That chapter is gonna be so awesome! I love how she is giving you ideas!
    Im giggling again...
    October 8th, 2010 at 05:43pm