Tyrone_Swift / Comments

  • DJ Double Tap! He makes me happy...even if I agree with Bob and think that his music selection is not the best. Not that Bob would approve of it either...nor Jessie xD
    Yay! New friend! I like friends. Specially friends who can appreciate the Mexican hat dance and like fruit roll ups...damn, I havn't had one of those in...7 or 8 years. Ashley/Jessie a Mibba friend or rl friend? Just curious.
    Rambling is good. You get more...insight form a ramble than you do a regular conversation. You can pick up on a persons personality and quirks better I think.
    October 2nd, 2010 at 07:45am
  • hahaha, please dont drive of the road! If you do I will cry cuz then you cant finish 89.4 Zombie Radio. I know that is the most selfish reason ever but I dont know you. So...wanna be my friend so I can threaten you with tears and make you feel guilty if you drive of the road and break my heart?
    And yes, English is my first language, Japanese is my second but it has faded over the years and now I really only remember very very basic stuff, only enough to insult my sister and and where the nearest bookstore is. My third is Spanish, and I am beast! My Spanish is just as good as my English, if not better. And now...I am learning some Chinese. I can say "hello", "panda", "where is daddy?", "vengeance" and "You are crazy". And none of that is useful at all but my memory only seems to work for stupid stuff.
    Awesome update by the way. I am still team Bob though and wondering if the radio guy is still alive.
    Sorry if this comment is kinda long. I tend to ramble.
    October 1st, 2010 at 05:17pm
  • Haha, yeah! I am awesome! You are awesome too! We are awesome! Awesomeness galore!
    I am sorry my comment is not very smart but this is what sleep deprivation? depravation? (spelling? Automatioc spell check has killed my spelling...) any who, that is what not sleeping does to you.
    September 30th, 2010 at 05:45am
  • Haha, yes, me and my father bond over weird things.
    I forgot that detail about the zombies...a "silenciador" is what I need and I am set. I spaced on what it is called in english. The thing you add to the gun so that the shot is not so loud. :P
    And... I forgot what else I was going to say. The girls started singing about pushing the airlog and I lost my concentration...
    September 29th, 2010 at 10:21am
  • Yeah, last I heard was that Gj might get back together. I haven't heard anything about a new album or record label issues. Well, now I'm super excited! Ummm...I'm actually not familiar with those two things u mentioned. Are those projects of his? In all honestly, the only Gj music I own is EYEWTKAS, so...

    The projects of his I know of are: Gj, Head Automatica, Sports, House of Blow, United Nations, Shoot Frank, and I know he's a member of the Cardboard City crew...I became familiar with Daryl through his friend, Cage, so I'm kind of new.
    September 29th, 2010 at 04:23am
  • I <3 his work, too! I actually need to put him on my heroes list myself. His voice is the bomb (bom?) Diggity!
    September 28th, 2010 at 10:43pm
  • Thanks 4 the comment! You guys are really pumping out chapters of that story. Its hard for me to catch up! And the fact that you like Gj makes you totally EPIC!!!! :) do you like Head Automatica, too?
    September 28th, 2010 at 08:50am
  • I love 89.4 Zombie Radio so far! It's really good. My name's Heather. What's up?
    August 17th, 2010 at 12:23am
  • your poems are pretty good =]
    November 29th, 2009 at 04:02pm