Tyrone_Swift / Comments

  • love only knows

    love only knows (100)

    United States
    Oh, i just noticed the other comment you left me. I guess i must've been doodling around with my profile too much to see it earlier!
    So! I have to ask, how'd you come up with the story idea?
    October 19th, 2010 at 12:14am
  • love only knows

    love only knows (100)

    United States
    Hello new zombie friend! :)
    Glad to make your acquaintance!
    October 19th, 2010 at 12:00am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    I know I left you already a comment and shit but dude! I just read the chapter and I am all excited and jittery and...and...ahhhh!
    It was like...I dont even know...I dont have the words!!! All I have is total fan girl rant that you will have to tolerate cuz you have no choice!
    October 18th, 2010 at 02:09pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Movie! I imss the movies...
    Dude! I was all back of the bus this morning and when I was checking the updates and saw my favorite zombyness...it just made my entire day. i am about to read it. You WILL be getting bugged by me as soon as you hit mibba cuz I want them details!
    October 18th, 2010 at 12:39pm
  • sheraba

    sheraba (200)

    No problem =)
    October 17th, 2010 at 06:38pm
  • sheraba

    sheraba (200)

    I thoroughly enjoyed it. My favourite zombie-related things would have to be the Anita Blake books by Laurell K Hamilton. Anita Blake is an animator (someone who has the power to raise zombies) and a necromancer (she can control all types of the undead). Her main paying job is being an animator, but she also works with the police force (Regional Preternatural Investigation Team aka RPIT) to solve supernatural murders and crimes. It's a GREAT series. I've read all the books and would highly recommend them to anyone who likes zombies, vampires, werewolves or magic.
    October 17th, 2010 at 01:57am
  • sheraba

    sheraba (200)

    The original. We were going to watch both of them and compare, but the new one has a lot of profanity and stuff so the teacher couldn't really justify us watching it if the principal walked in. -,-
    October 16th, 2010 at 10:56pm
  • sheraba

    sheraba (200)

    *laughs* We had the zombie theme beginning last week. We watched Dawn of the Dead by George A Romero and then we needed to do an essay on it. And then we did a lot of zombie-themed stuff last week. It was pretty cool.
    October 16th, 2010 at 07:32pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    dude! I just read your post and comment!
    It made me sing!
    like i stood up and started clapping and like sang weirdly cuiz it made me sooo happy!
    I am having a total fan girl monet right now.,..even though I am not the fan
    and i know my spelling is gonna be horrible right now nbut i am typing to fats and I am too happy to care!
    I feel brained!
    and you are right that does sound wring, all sorts of dirty things came to mind, i love it!!!
    I am so happy right now it is ridiculous!
    Go write!
    Is Alice ctressed cuz of school?
    October 16th, 2010 at 07:28pm
  • sheraba

    sheraba (200)

    So obviously, when I posted my Zombie Off story, I didn't make it clear enough that it was a short story by the chapter title [One and Only] or the fact that all the characters die. Yeah, it's a short story. We only got half an hour to write it. I'm not really into the zombie genre of anything. They just don't do it for me. I'm more of a vampire person myself. Vampires and werewolves. Thanks for the promotion of your own story, but I think I'll pass. My fiancé or best friend might start reading it though. Thanks for the comment anyways =)
    October 16th, 2010 at 07:18pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Yay! I just had to whore your story out! It is epic and it would be selfish of me not to share its awesomeness with the world! :P
    A chapter made you tear up? Aww! What was the chapter about?
    Damn...I was hoping that alcohol would help fix my problem. Oh well.
    Dude, I have actually never tried Jagermeister. I go for the simpler things, vodka, rum, beer. I like me a simple glass of wine every now and then too. Dint know why I have never drank anything more hardcore than that.
    And yes, you used the braining correctly. The whole braining thing is kind of like the word fuck. It's use is limited to the users imagination hahaha
    Yay! Tell me what you think. I am so excited! I brain long time when poeple read my story :P
    October 16th, 2010 at 06:29pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Dude! I like your imagery better. Alice in the sexy outfit and you as some weird parody of Jabba chocking with your tongue sticking out. Teehee
    Do worst? What exactly did she want to happen? Or what were her ideas?
    I loved the sexy rainbow thing. Reminded me of better times xD
    Drunk when you posted...you naught boy. Maybe I should do that so I can get out of this writers block. Though I did manage to write a bit today. For the first time in like 2 months.
    Yay for catching up on the reading! I just updated today hehe. I was so excited about all the comments I got this time. Specially Violetriddle, She writes me the weirdest comments...
    October 16th, 2010 at 06:01pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Sooo..I just read the update and asked Alice to force you to write more...so yeah. Lets just hope she takes my bribe.
    So I recommend that if you want to read Violet you do that now before she starts cracking that whip on you. (ha...mental imagery again)
    Dude!!! Ok, ok. Have you seen star wars? If you say no imma have to cry. You know, the three originals. Ok, Lets take a look at Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. You know. When Leia is Jabba the Hutt's pet thing? Ok. Imagine this. Alice is Jabba the Hutt. What I mean is, she is your owner and a total pimp with slaves and creepy monsters that she feeds people to. And you are Leia. Hot metal bikini thing and everything. I dont know why this came to mind...but it doesnt matter cuz it is awesome and makes me laugh do hard. Now I really wanna have a Star Wars Marathon...
    October 16th, 2010 at 09:05am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    I am a nervous smoker. But only when things are really bad. I will start to shake really bad and smoking is the only thing that works. BUt I was asthmatic so I try to avoid smoking. It was bad when I was in junior high and high school, not so much anymore. Kudos to you for being able to quit! Hurray for Alice helping you quit.
    Randomness! The best kind! And of course my super hero imagery kicks ass!
    I dont tweet. And I do have facebook but it is censored by the government in china so...no facebook till i get back to America.
    Im tired...falling asleep but i dont wanna sleep.
    Update! Jessie randomness! SCORE! but i wont be able to read it. Your later today is my wee hours of the morning. And then I am going to my friends mothers house out of town so no happy computer time for me...shit.
    The bright side is...That I will be all the more excited when I get back and it will a nice way to unwind. And excellent way to unwind.
    Dude, I dont want to go to work next week. My weekend just started and I am already dreading monday. That rich boyfriedn is starting to sound betetr and better.
    I just wish I was awesome and pretty enough to snag me one
    October 15th, 2010 at 06:08pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Question, as you sit in the garage and post with me, are you reading or writing?
    I cant find an interesting story to save my life.
    Fuzzy on the inside! yay...sort off. I dont know why that made me think of moldy bread. Moldy=penicillin. Penicillin the good medicine that cure all. There for, you are the good medicine that cure all. Know that I know this, I must become a pimp and sell you.
    And I will not be sharing the imagery. Well I will. One of them at least. Imagine a room full of people just chilling and doing their own thing. Then you, in red spandex with your underwear on the outside. A giant red R on your chest. The Rubanator. Yes yes. Then you scurrying around from person to person feeling them up, rubbing against them. Making the world an awkward place on sexual harassment lawsuit at a time...
    The super power I only use with people I know and trust. Would be bad to do it with someone random, I mean, what if I end up like...out kinkyed. Like that one guy...we would start and it was a matter of seeing who blushed first...usually it was me. Damn he had some crazy fantasies....
    Besides. It has been like 2 years. I am kinda rusty.
    Anime...all of them are weird. I love them though. Frikin Japanese perverts,
    As for God speaking to you...Its not weird but I would like to know what it is you are smoking before he speaks to you and if you will share.
    October 15th, 2010 at 04:51pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Of course it is relevant! The same way that it is relevant to say that I have red "the Simpsons" pajama bottoms on. I love them.
    You rub off on people...that is so awesome! gave me some awesome mental images...:P
    My sister is awesome but not cuz of me. It was like one day she woke up and had grown a personality...an awesome one. Maybe she is possessed or something.
    Lol. I like your sense of humor. I dont think I have needed explaining yet...have I?
    Yesh! It was my job! I loved it. This one time this friend came up to me and asked if he could hear me talk with the sexy voice. He didnt believe that I could make boys so...uncomfortable with just my voice. Anywho, he dared me. So I just sat him down and told him to close his eyes. About 45 seconds later he was strategically holding his book bag in front of him as he excused himself to go to the bathroom. He did not come back for a while. It was so damn funny. Made my entire week, no joke. A few months later he proposed to me.
    But I dont do that anymore. I have no confidence when it comes to american men, or men in general. I kind of lost it when I left mexico.
    October 15th, 2010 at 04:23pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    LOL! In America I am too shy to say things like that but when I lived in Mexico where I had kinky friends...well, we were all about the awkward and kinky sex jokes. Or turning everything into something sexy. The girls and I would do this thing when we were bored...we would just go up to our guy friends and start saying the most normal thing in these really sexy voices. Like the low moan, gasping for air as if we we were...you know, type of voice. It was all about making the boys nervous...Good times, good memories.
    Aww! The love created by the zombie story is universal!
    Oh Oh OH! Riley finally clicked with me. She was the one that was complaining about the gun that one time right? and freaked and caused all this trouble. yes yes, I remember now.
    Yay! You understand the sweetness of the brains! You must use it in your life.
    My mind tends to wander too, and I make the most random connections about thing...I love my mind sometimes.
    And yesh...Julie is kind of really weird. You have no idea. If you ever saw her...or us together. It is what unites us xD
    October 15th, 2010 at 03:48pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Oh yes, dedication. It is more than that. I am the ultimate Mibba groupie of 89.4 Zombie Radio! And don't you forget it!
    Alice may argue...but you and me both know that she is as kinky as sex on Sunday in heaven.
    Oh! Yeah...now I remeber why I needed the rich boyfriend...That or a wining lottery ticket.
    Riley! Dang...of course on of those would survive. Though I do not believe you elaborated on her personality in the story. But feel free to kill her off and pick up a sexy, kick ass, boriqua to give Kwame some loving :P Just kidding.
    Lol, Well, in a zombie stroy it is kind of a requisite to have a harem of characters t kill off. We can't have a shortage of gory deaths, now can we?
    Double update! That is what I live for! You have no idea. I will read every other update and save the best for last. And before I read 89.4 Zombie I will make sure I am in my favorite spot, with my favorite drink in hand and baby blanket in hand. It is a whole ritual. I swear, sometimes it is what gets me through the week when I feel like China, work and life are getting to me...
    Ok. As for the whole "I brain you" thing. Its is sort of a parody of "I heart you" but it mean more. I only say I Love you to really close friends and family. I Brain you is second place to that. I don't know if I can explain whet I mean by it. Basically me and Da Julez were contemplating how saying "I heart you" makes no sense because emotions dont come from the heart, the are chemical reaction in the brain. So, if anything, saying "I brain you" is more accurate and makes more sense. Personally, saying "I brain you" is a bit more genuine. Because I am using something truly me to show you how I feel. Instead of throwing around those three really overused words. I dont know, it makes sense in my head.
    As for the 69 hapening...dude I wish, I have been celibate for too long. And if that was an overshare then just consider it revenge for the shower comment :P. But, really, I had NOT seen it that way. You would turn something sweet into something so naughty...I knew we were friends for a reason :P I am all about the kinky. It makes me happy xD.
    And I know what you mean about waiting all day to say something. It happens very often to me seeing as how the only conversation where I can get away with kinky stuff or true american slang only happen online. The rest of the time I am speaking the beautiful chinglish in the work place. Because I am the Tea egg person and must do like this so we can have the communication with the other instructors...
    October 15th, 2010 at 09:07am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Lol. That sausage thing...damn. The imagery is just wrong. But giving up hotdogs and sausage is a small price to pay for the epicness of your story.
    Um..Alice is kind of kinky...just saying. :P But I can kind of see why. We all have that morbid curiosity about certain things...torturing a character based on yourself gives you the morbid thrill without the actual mental and physical hurt and scarring.
    As for sneaking of...I do that too. Only I spend hours on the comp pretending to be reviewing lesson plans and stuff like that.
    Oh the imagery...still has me laughing too, specially since I didnt tell you what YOU were wearing in said image :p
    Dude! I do need the rich boyfriend! But wait...why do you say I need one now?
    October 14th, 2010 at 03:54pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Bring on the shiny things! My evil plan to distract Alice is being set in motion. Now I just need a plane ticket to Ohio, a pony and a rich boyfriend...
    Snuck off...you naughty, naughty boy! Bit i am glad my post made you smile like a creeper. We all love us a good kinky image in our heads.
    I cant read the third thing I put in my notes.
    Your balck half!...I think it is safe to say that not only they think you are weird...latinos think you are weird too :P But we brain your awesome weirdness!
    And ok. I have a complaint to register with you. Dude! I seriously wanted to beat you to a bloody pulp yesterday!
    So I was at work, and lunch time came rolling in and I was about to go pig out at Micky D's when my coworker gave me a luch box and told me she cooked for me. It was heavely...breaded chicken, garlic cabbage, and delicious white rice cooked with...sausage. But not the nice kosher american sausage. I mean the chinese home made kind. it was dark pink, and knobbly and white soft chunks...
    Sudenly I am staring down at the lunch box with a look of horror and disgust. Lucky's "special" hot dogs coming to mind (no pun intended) and I can feel my stomach contents rising in my throat.
    I had to eat it with a smile. It didnt help that the sausage actually tasted really bad. As I ate I kept imagening myslef murdering you with my chopsticks for ruining sausages for me...
    Someday I will think back on this and laugh...like in 20 years
    But for now at least you can have a good laugh about it :P
    October 14th, 2010 at 06:08am