Tyrone_Swift / Comments

  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Ha! I knew that sounded oddly familiar! But I couldnt place it. I used to watch invader Zim in Spanish so sometimes the references escapes me unless it is an episode I saw again in English.
    Random facts make me happy.
    Yay! When you survive the apocalypse...come pick me up in China, I think imma need a rescue. I live in the 17th floor and It doesnt sound smart to trust the lift after the world as we know it has come to an end...and neither does braving the stairs with nothing but an umbrella.
    Cultural diversity. Some called me the rainbow the other day...fun stuff xD
    October 8th, 2010 at 04:37pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Ahhh! Do not be fooled. i know nothing about comics. They were not exactly available where I grew up, if not I would have been totally hooked on a few. What I do have is an odd compilation of completely useless and random facts. And that happens to be one of them. xD Sorry to disappoint.
    Zombie plan. that works too. Just wear leg protection, zombies might go for a chunk of your leg while you are hopping the fences. haha
    Gir and Tacos. Oh yes. I am all about that little robot that dresses up as a green dog... And I love both Gir's tacos and real tacos. In the top three best December day gifts I have ever gotten there is this hoodie my sister gave me. It has a giant gir. It is green. And it says: I love taquitos. My three favorite things :P I like biscuits just like Gir...with butter...yum.
    Haha, it is weird not belonging. I love the fact that there is no one out there that can say they have my cultural...diversity. But it makes me wonder about the future. How I will end up. Its is just strange. But crazy is most definitely a plus!
    October 8th, 2010 at 04:14pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Days off...my favorite kind of days...:p
    Yes, Justin Hammer, is form Marvel. Iron man to be specific. He is the guy with the money behind Iron man's enemies. Was just curios.
    Ahhh So desu nee! Anata ga Alice-chan wa onii-san desu yo. (I always did confuse ga and ka so that may not be proper grammar) nice. I have four sister haha, but I always did get along better with boys so I can usually tell when they are jerks or not. :P That is awesome that you have a friendship like that with her.
    I have seen dawn of the dead, I think I have seen them both. I should brush up on it though. I have seen quite a few zombie movies and I am terrible at separating story lines. I will be looking up that movie, sounds awesome!
    As for Utah...it is. It as a cultural anomaly. It is its own little world heavily influenced by the LDS faith. As a Mormon, Utah can make or break your faith. As a non-member...you have to be batshit crazy, stubborn or a masochist to move there. I am not Mormon and I was forced there... It is...uncomfortable. The city is beautiful but about as fun as watching grass grow in winter. The one friend I have is non-Mormon and she is psycho. I have not made any other friends there because I feel like I have to be constantly looking over my shoulder, living up to standards that are not mine and just censuring even my own thoughts. I may not be Mormon but my family is so there is still pressure not to...embarrass them or make them look bad.
    I will not rant anymore on that subject because its...bitter.
    I have traveled a lot over the years. It has been fun, it has been educational but its bitter-sweet. I have been and seen but left nothing behind and at the end of the day there is no where I actually belong.
    October 8th, 2010 at 03:13pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Last question!
    Is you real name Justin Hamm?
    You know who Justin Hammer is?
    October 8th, 2010 at 02:11pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    I just remembered!
    I was gonna ask!
    Why arnt you dating Alice? Just not...interested that way?
    You dont have to answer that if you dont want to. Just being nosy.
    October 8th, 2010 at 02:07pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Lol. I read pretty fast, it depends on the writing style though and how complex the story is. A book with the same number of pages can take me anywhere between a few hours up to a week to read. Just depends on the book. The longest I have ever taken in reading a whole book (800pg aprox) was a week. It had all this philosophy in it and I was in school so it took me a while. The least I have taken for the same number of pages...around 6-8 hours. My mom stopped buying me books in junior high cuz she felt she wasnt getting her moneys worth...
    It helps that when I read, I completely zone out. My body goes into auto pilot. I can sit there for hours on end. I dont feel tired, I dont feel hungry, I cant hear anything, changes in temperature don really affect me unless they are really extreme. I just read. I will, however, rip your father flipping head off if you interrupt me.
    Lol, I dont talk to friends on the phone. Well, I dont have real friends in China and in America I just have the one and she know that I hate talking on the phone. I'd rather drive all the way to her house then have my phone stuck to my head for mor than 5 minutes. I am however, addicted to texting.
    I heart Zombieland. Me my twin and my fasha reference it all the time. Its kind of sad actually xD Ohio, dont know much about it. I do however have crazy family in Pennsylvania. Yeah, I dont visit much. My parents live in Mormon infested Utah...which is where my sorry ass will be returning to in December.
    Its all good about the crowd. Now that you know my prediction you can gear up ahead of time. A few grenades, guns, some strategically placed C4 with a remote, and a planned escape route should do the trick. :P
    What the flip are you doing answering so early?
    October 8th, 2010 at 02:02pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Sorryļ¼Œapologyzing is just a habit of mine. xD
    I heart typing! Well...to people I do.
    And that reason right there is the same reason I rant in my comments too. That and the fact that you dont seem to mind. Its a dangerous thing you know.
    Alice is your Muse! Alice is pro. Alice makes me think of green brownies.
    November 2nd. The day of the Dead. It is a sign! And omen! You (Alice included) and the zombies shall become one through the power of music on that day and you will rule the world! Buahahah, please dont kill me when that happens...
    OHIO! Columbus OHIO, like that one kid in Zombieland. Where the flip is Ohio? Google maps for the win!
    Teehee. In my family we dont say idiot. We say Turkey. But its ok. Turkey/idiots are the best friends. They say that the best friends are not the ones who bail you out of jail but the one who is right next to on the hard as bench saying "Man, that was fun!". And only a Turkey would be stupid enough to be on that bench with you instead of talking you out of the idea in the first place. Proof of the truth of my words!
    Ha, Yay for your sister reading it. I pimped it out to my sister too. I hope she likes it, cuz if she doesnt I will have to disown her.
    The concert I wanted to go to was Avenged Sevelfold. Sigh. My goal in life is to go up to M. Shadows and be like "You make me think of dark corners and lollipops" then run away.
    Teehee. Thank for the comment on my story! (BTW) I am glad my english quirks dont mess up the story. Chapter 6...you really are a slow reader... :P
    But its okay, I brain you anyway. Specially cuz you keep updateing :P
    I think I am done...
    October 8th, 2010 at 08:36am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Of all the comments I get on my profile, I like yours the best. They are long and I get to actually use my brain. They make me happy. I always save them for last, like dessert. Yummy. I want apple pie and vanilla ice cream now... Anywho, just wanted to tell ya. On towards the matters at hand!
    Hurray for yet another thing learned. American etiquette...which is kind of an oxi-moron now that I think about it...
    Fast food. I worked in a restaurant for a bit in Junior high. But it was a new place so I would end up as hostess, waitress, cook, translator or running the register thingy. Yeah, one summer and I was like...I dont get payed enough for this.
    Technically I am in school now though. I am doing a six month internship in china for a Child Development Program type thing even though my mayor is supposed to be Asian Studies and Japanese. I am this close to jumping out a window and will not be returning to school when I get back. I really hate school...One year of college and I feel like I lost 10 years of my life. Dramatic...yes. Do I care...no. I really admire Alice. School and work is no piece of cake. I tip my hat to her.
    Concert! Roar. The one concert I wanted to go to I missed cuz I was here. My Twin went. I love and hate her for it. I may or may not go crazy and fly to Australia in February just to see them... Depends on my bank statement...
    Zombie trilogy! Yay! I am all giddy and excited now. well, I already was, but my giddyness has tripled! Double update! I love those. Its like...Halloween! My favorite holiday! Well, Technically it is The day of the Dead but America doesnt celebrate that.
    Free reign on a sadistic chapter...that fills me with sweet sugary goodness and evil smirks. huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh (Evil japanese laugh, shift eye and evil grin included)
    Once again I ranted. But it is your fault for making me all excited!
    October 7th, 2010 at 09:06am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Katana, makes me happy. Always wanted one. I remember begging my mom for one when we lived in japan. But apparently she feels that sharp pointy things are not suitable toys for 6 year olds...
    Work? Do you do school also? And what is the proper way to ask someone what it is they do for a living? Can you say it like that? Even if it is a part time job? The question always sounded weird to me in english... I dont know why.
    Goggleness! and tell me the answer :P
    I think your story is the only zombie story I have given a chance, they dont usually call to me. I go for dumb romantic fan-fics and disgustingly cheesy slash stories or really good original fictions about love. I dont know why. I just kinda stick to the same thing. It is enough to spend time and it usually keeps me in a good mood. Which is something I need help with lately...
    As for suggestions, depends on what you like reading.
    October 6th, 2010 at 03:54pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Awwww shucks! (I dont actually say that is real life...) But I did get the warm fuzzies cuz you said I'm your favorite reader teehee :P You cant see me but I am doing my happy clap dance.
    And oh yes, Imma be looking seven different shades of sexy in my Team Bob Shirt. I might even add to the look a katana in Bob's honor.
    Ohhh! I learned something new!!! Thank you!
    Wow, about the zombie metaphor. I dont know when zombies first started popping up in human folklore though. I wonder... But I do feel the metaphor fits the zombies of old.
    I like your zombies though. Well...you cant really like zombies, you know what I mean. I like the parasite and Queen based colony type thing going on. Reminds me of "The host" and "Ender's Game" and "Resident Evil" and even frikin "Zombieland" and my sister. Though I am thinking of very specific aspects form these books, movies and person.
    Hmm...Do you read on Mibba also?...Stupid question, I just remembered you are reading Violet. But besides that one cruddy story, what do you usually read on Mibba?
    October 6th, 2010 at 08:52am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Um...Imma have a dumb moment and ask...what is a simile? I cant place the word in Spanish so I don't recognize the term.
    And of course you can steal and use it. Mi metaphor (maybe simile) es tu metaphor!
    Hahaha. Go for it, read your little heart out. Feel free to point out mistakes or, you know, stuff like that :P
    I am glad you like my comments haha. If you laughed then my work was done. The way I see it, if the author took the time to make an awesome chapter then the least I can do is take the time and attempt to make the author smile at my comment.
    October 5th, 2010 at 09:33pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Wrestling, I will never understand the attraction to it. Fake fighting by men that have juiced up one too many times while wearing mind scarring costumes...
    Thank you for reading the story and for your comment. It makes me smile when people comment. Its is kind of fluffy and cliche but I figured I'd start simple with my writing. I think your story is much better.
    As for the music, it really isn't that weird if you think about it. What is catchy and we like instantly gets old fast because we get bored of it, the thrill you first felt when you heard it gets old, like going on the same ride over and over at the fair. Eventually you need a bigger faster ride to get the same thrill. Eventually you need a new catchy song to fill the pump of a new song. Sort of. But things that take time for you to love stick with you, because you invested so much time in listening, understanding. Defining the different aspects, seeing what made it good or bad, what you love about it or don't. It stays with you because you actually learned to appreciate and there is something permanent that you love a bout it, not just the thrill of it being new. Does that make sense? It does in my head...
    Hahaha, yeah, we always seem to do that, not that I mind. I like hearing peoples opinions, thoughts and just rambles in general. I like sharing mine. But I think I cant out-ramble you any day :P
    October 5th, 2010 at 03:32pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    You were into wrestling?...wow
    I dated a guy that did some wrestling, he was a douche. Yeah, that ended after he forgot to keep his moves in the ring.
    My story? oh shit...now I am embarrassed. Its my first attempt at writing and I do a lot better in Spanish then I do in English... Oh Goddess I am nervous.
    And music is not necessarily a hit and miss. It took me a whole year to actually like Avenged sevenfold. No kidding, I couldnt even sit through 30 seconds of a song cuz the singer's voice made me want to punch an infant. But now I am disgustingly addicted to them...
    :P I like hard ocre sisters. My sister is one weird fish. She is my best friend. My stevie twin. And totally cucu for cocopufffs
    October 4th, 2010 at 04:00pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    OK. Hurray for bass players. Interesting combination, sound like something I would listen too. Well it is a cute dog!
    Now, the good stuff. The red boots and eyebrow.
    In 1995 there was a movie that came out with John Travolta and Rene Russo and several other big names. It was called "Get Shorty". About a mobster that goes to Hollywood to make it in the movie industry as a director or something. It was really funny.
    Now, in 2005 they made a sequel. Still John Travolta being the mobster (by the way, the mobster's name was Chilli Palmer) but this time the girl was Uma Thurman. And he wants to switch over to the music industry.
    Aerosmith did a cameo in the movie, which was funny cuz Steven Tyler made a crack in it about how he had made it big without ever having to appear in movies...anywho. The point is...
    In the sequel (Titled "Be cool") there is this guy that is in the music industry that has the contract to the girl that John Travolta wants to sign. But this guy runs a shady business so he has two idiot hench-men. This one white guy, Raji, that thinks he is black and tries to be all gangsta and has an obsession with spelling. The second guy, Elliot, is the "muscle" who is played by Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson. You know, that pro wrestler tuned movie star. But even though Elliot is the guy beating everyone up he really is a big softy with dreams of being an actor. Oh, and he is gay, gayer than Christmas.
    So there is this one scene where he goes shopping, he is wearing this powder blue suit, like really tight and he is admiring himself in the mirror. Like hooting at himself and admiring his own ass and he decides that to complete the look he needs boots. Bright red, cow boy boots... He looks ridiculous but he thinks he is all that. Hella funny.That is part one.
    Part two. Elliot has this thing, his only talent is this eyebrow thing he does. You know how people will raise their eyebrow in a kind of "really?" sarcastic way. Like when you say something stupid and people just lift the one eyebrow? Well Elliot can do that, only his eyebrow goes like really really high, and when he does it he has this whole scowl, pout and stance thing going on. It is deliciously funny.
    Now, combining these elements to actually give you an answer:
    Me and my sister love that movie and the whole eyebrow thing. So now when one of us does something stupid and the other one is giving her the "eyebrow" the proper comeback that wins the argument is: "Girl! You best be having the red boots to back that eyebrow up or else (Insert hand on hip, pout 2.0, finger snap and head roll) mmmmhhhmmmm"
    So, that is why the picture makes me want to give you the red boots and eyebrow, but in a good way which is why there is chuckling involved.
    The end.
    This is really long...
    October 4th, 2010 at 02:55pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Just as a side note...that picture makes eye wanna put on my red boots and pull up an eyebrow. And chuckle, there is some chuckling after the eyebrow. Cute dog :P
    October 4th, 2010 at 09:44am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    You dont have to consider yourself sexy, its just that bass players in general, as a rule, are sexy. The End. My logic is undeniable.
    Band! Nice! Roar, I have no patience for drunks...
    My friend in Mexico wanted me to sing for his band but I was grounded at the time so I never did, but it is something I would like to try if the opportunity arose.
    Is it selfish of me that I like that you are spending your time writing zombie stories? Cuz if it is...I feel a little bad. Like 1% bad, cuz this story is too awesome and I am shamelessly addicted.
    what kind of music did your band play though?
    Read the chapter, loved the chapter, became the chapter, freaked out about the chapter...its was like warm sex on toast. Except for the centipede...gag.
    October 4th, 2010 at 09:42am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Bass!?!?! You play!?!?! That is sexy! Always did have a soft spot for bass players. I have a theory about music, instruments and sex.
    Video games? I suck at those, I am really really bad. Anything of that sort...except tetris. And for a while I played computer games...well I was addicted to WoW. But that is the extent of my ability anything even remotely video, computer, game-ish
    Uuuu zombie movies, I wish I could do that. I would have mad nightmares but it would be so worth it.
    Chapter! Hurray! I just updated my one story like 5 minutes ago.
    October 3rd, 2010 at 06:59pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    I suck at music trivia. haha But I am always either listening to music or just singing my little heart out. It makes me happy. That or reading. I swear, a library, my ipod and a garden and I am set for life.
    Hmmm got my back...:D that works both ways, I got yours as well.
    October 3rd, 2010 at 09:49am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Yay for friends haha
    I find it weird that people argue music.
    I juts go with whatever I am in the mood with, though I love music that makes me laugh. xD
    October 2nd, 2010 at 07:18pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Oops, I left out a whole sentence down there. What I meant was that Bob and Jessie would not approve of my music selection. Roar...
    October 2nd, 2010 at 07:46am