Tyrone_Swift / Comments

  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    It's nice that she is protective and honest...sorta...
    That is kinda sad though. What happens when you confess your undieing love to the one and wisk her away to a church wedding and kinky honeymoon? Will your sister still hate her? Cuz that could throw all sorts of wrenchs into the works.
    No! Not a meteor! What if it like causes a tidle wave and distroys the entire north-east?
    And why would you wish for a meteor?
    And suddenly I am thinking of Donny Darko...only in his case it was a airplane engine and it juts destroyed his house..why would I even be thinking of that? Have you seen that movie? In the movie there is this awesom cover by Gary Jules of the song "Mad world" from Tears for fears...I think that was their name. I hate the original anyway. The cover, however, is the shit.
    Um...you cant fool me! you would just posses one of us to know what it is like to have boobs! And I can tell you right now...they are overrated. jk jk
    Ok...but if you posses Eric, how is she gonna write her part of the story and give you awesome ideas?
    I know right? Cows are legit.
    Ok...now I am thinking of pandas...
    cuz cows and pandas are the same color.
    But pandas are awesomer cuz they are multicultural!
    Yes! Its true! Cuz pandas are black, white and asian!! My stevie twin said it so it must be true...
    Dude! Guess how you say panda in chinese!
    熊猫!(xiong mao)
    You know what that is in english?
    (and yes, I know what you are thinking..."didnt she just say that was panda?")
    xiong = bear mao = cat
    bear-cat = panda!
    The chinese are wierd...
    Just though I would share that with you today...I need more coffee...and McDonald's french fries. Cuz I love salty fries...
    October 26th, 2010 at 06:03am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    My questions shall be answered!...eventually
    And yeah...drama to the max. Ages 12 to 18 almost 19 were totally fucked up. The whole love thing is only a small part. You have no idea, but trust me when I say...you do NOT envy the drama. At all. Ever.
    Ha, I am kinda jealous of your sister, I wish someone had been protective of me. Maybe I could have avoided some of the mistakes again. Though I was never the one to listen to what people had to say...
    I like being alone but at the same time...I do want to get married at some point. Or at least know what it is lo love and be loved. Dumb or cliche as it sounds...I do. Though it has been long since I gave those dreams up...
    Oh god.
    I am whining...
    For shame Alex.
    Man the fuck up and get over it...
    Imma stop talking about this now...and ever
    um....look! A cow!
    October 25th, 2010 at 03:16pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Oh!!! Ok, that makes more sense...a lot more sense. I would not be able to work at a fast food place...I'd be twice my current weight within the month.
    And ok. that is a lot less creepy way to het ideas. I have not had time to think about my story as of late. Between stress and work and trying not to jump out the window...my mind os other wise engaged. The only times I can chill and distract my thoughts is when I am reading. The rest of the time...i'm a mess.
    As for waiting for the right one...sigh. It took me a while to figure that out. My problem being that I want to just have fun right now but I end up atracting...the long term commitment type. Which would be tottaly fine...if i was over 24 and actually looking to get married. But no, between the ages of 15 to 21 I have recieved 3 marriage proposals and two who just asked me to be their baby-mama... You can see why I am not to happy with my love life. Mainly because I felt like a bitch for not loving them when they aparently loved me... Does that even make sense. God the drama... I hate it. Why cant I just find some douche bag to have fun with? Sigh.
    And yes, I realize how bad all that sounds.
    Men are assholes! Eve confirmed it! The truth is out...well fuck, that doesnt make me feel better...
    Ok... I am done ranting...smack me next time or something. I say stupid things when I remeber my "love" life. Ugh...
    Bad Alex! 不可哟!
    October 25th, 2010 at 06:12am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    About the drinking...no need to tell me twice, trust me.
    I am so pumped to read today's update! No joke! I can't wait for work to be over!
    And yeah, about 2 weeks, unless i reach more that 10 comments from different people. Then i will follow through with my promise and post mid week.
    Eric is a bigger person that me. Only one of my exes is actually a friend. The other is just annoying and i cant get rid of him xD. He is a weird one...not in the good way. The rest...ugh.
    I think imma try your method and just stay away from relationships. They dont seem to work out for me. Though not in the way you would probably think.
    Just stick to my friends.
    Ideas at work? Dont you run a hotel or motel or something? That is...creepy...suddenly "The shining" comes to mind.
    October 25th, 2010 at 04:49am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Brain of my love!
    Thank you for your comment!
    And yes in one or two chapters you will get the story behind the whole kissing and rifle incident. I had fun writting that chapter...
    Sleeping patterns must be fixed! Its not healthy! Its...fuck it, who am I kidding. My sleep is fucked up too. xD
    And well, I have never had an ex-girlfriend so it levels out. And believe me, you dont want an x boyfriend. I am on speaking terms with 3. One of them tried to contact me for the first time in...5 years...I may or may not have totally ripped his heart to shreds. Took him a wee bit to get over that... And then there is that one guy I still want to murder...
    As for drowning my sorrows...I just say I will. I never actually do it. I drink every now and then but keep it below my limit. And I NEVER drink when I feel like I need to. It just has "bad idea" written all over it. The last thik I need is to become dependant on another self destruvtive form of release. So I complain about it and pretend I am satisfied.
    I saw your update! Zombies! But I refuse to read it until I get home where I can bask in its glory.
    All hail Eve! Brain queen of the zombies!
    October 25th, 2010 at 03:57am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    That was the most rambling rant I have ever heard (read) you say (write).
    I think the sleep deprivation is starting to show...jk
    Nooo, mini writers block! I curse you! By the light of the moon...be gone!
    Is it gone now?
    If not we can always try purging or bleeding with leeches.
    Yeah, I figured Eric would do that too.
    Aww! bad friends! I would never cancel, unless I had like an emergency and needed to go to the ER or if zombies started popping up. But even if the zombies came around I would still meet up with you, it would just take a bit longer, you know, getting through the crowd of decaying corpses trying to snack on my fat ass and such.
    Ok, so 2 of my ex boyfriends are speaking to me right now. It is hella weird. One is an idiot and I am trying to figure out why I ever dated him. And the other is a really good friend now and it makes me wonder how we went from friends to a couple and back to friends without ever being awkward. Which makes me wonder about the future and such. It is slightly depressing and I think imma go spend the rest of my food money on beer and drown my sorrows.
    aww, bad nightmares! Nightmares dont make me cry, even the really bad ones. I havnt cried over a nightmare since I was 5. Probably because I handle my emotions differently, I dont know.
    I lost track of what else I was going to say...
    October 24th, 2010 at 10:52am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Yes, McDonald's suckiness is universal, that is why it reminds me of home...:P
    Dreams! Dreams will be the death of me. Last night was hockey, but no zombies this time...I did however get smacked into the boards by Patrick Sharp's woman and now my left shoulder hurts...
    The gozaimasu is just added for formality. But yeah :p. Japanese people. You know what I wish I was? A lolita in harayuku.
    New chapter!
    Yes yes yes!
    Does that mean update soon?
    Decisions decisions! Arent you popular today?
    The extent of my decision is whether to stay home and starve or go out and try to buy noodles or something. I am leaning more towards starving cuz I am too lazy to move.
    Eric answered me. And she gave me pretty mucg the answer I was expecting. Which means...you still dont get my theories or ranking. :P
    October 24th, 2010 at 06:00am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Ahh I wrote this long ass message and it got deleted.
    I am pissed! I dont wanna write it all again...sigh.
    Let me see if I remember...
    McDonald's sucked but I loved it anyway.
    Hurray for old friends! Go and make merry, have fun and be evil.
    I have my theories as to why Eric does not want to read the chapter but I shall keep them to myself buahahaha
    You dog takes up a lot of the picture but I can say for sure that you are not in the negatives when it comes to ranking. I will however keep my actual ranking to myself until hear what Eric has to say, if she says anything at all. I have my reasons. I know all.
    Sleep is good! I slept 12 hours last night and it was awesome like Spose. But feel free to write until you pass out. You will not hear me complain about that Teehee.
    And yes, that did sound slightly gay. But Eve feels like a name that goes both ways to me. Kind of like if you were shortening a guys name or something. You are right though, Eve goes well with your female brain. Sexy name for a brain.
    Sweet! Merch girl. I get to tour and flirt with all your fans. All I need in life :P haha
    Pi love from China!
    Ohio sound like Ohaiyo. Ohaiyo gozaimasu! Good Morning! I think McDonald's gave me brain damage...probably the chicken nuggets.
    I dreamed about hockey and zombies last night. It was weird...
    October 23rd, 2010 at 11:50am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    hahaha! Of course it was worth it!
    Dude, when you and Eric become rock stars/famous author's I want to be your groupie/merch girl. It is now my goal in life.
    But why wont she read it? What is her reason behind it all? really..the curiosity is driving me insane!
    And I was half asleep when I wrote my last comment so I forgot to say something. About the whole -3. Really? I doubt that! And you dont get to argue on me with that because You said so yourself! You do not argue with a woman about that! So now I must go message Eric and see what you really are in that scale. I'd ask for a pic but it makes me feel like a creeper so no. Besides, if anyone can give me a good girls opinion on your rating it will be Alice. She knows you best.
    I'm hungry!
    I want american pizza. And a ranch burger from Winger's. And a chocolate milkshake. And a stake. And mashed potatoes. And gravy. And french toast. And hash brown. And a Dairy Queen chocolate fudge sundae with the works.
    But this is China...so imma drag my fat ass to the corner and eat McDonald's cuz that is the closest I am getting to anything American.
    Do me a favor...go pig out and tell me how awesome it was.
    And dont you ever underestimate the power of a hot shower!
    I love taking showers...sigh
    So...when is the next update coming around?
    I hope y'all are catching up on your sleep now!
    Braining and skittles from china!
    October 23rd, 2010 at 08:43am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Awww I want Eric to read the chapter!
    psh! My nicknames for y'all are bad ass.
    The chapter was all sorts of epic.
    I loved how they just kept making out with the random zombie in the back ground. I'd go into detail but you wrote it so you know what I am talking about.
    Sleep deprived! Naughty naughty boy!
    Random songs...no comment :p
    I finally have hot water again!
    I took a shower.
    A hot shower.
    It was fucking orgasmic.
    After 4 days of cold ass showers, it was better than sex.
    Just wanted to share that. :p
    October 22nd, 2010 at 04:21pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    First order of business! I do argue you on that! I know what I am and what I am not. I am no Winter (I just wish I was xD). I am however like a 5 on a 1-10 scale. And that is on a good day. If it is a really really good day then I can pass for a 6. :P I should know. I have a full body mirror that laughs at me when I walk into my apartment.
    Second order of business! Your phone is a meanie! But I still love it cuz my phone cant do that...seriously, it is hella old and like a brick. But iz all good. Cuz I got your comment at work and it made me not want to kill the babies anymore.
    Hell yeah! Roomies in the Gutter! Let the perverted times begin!...right after I take a nap cuz I am too tired right now to be kinky.
    It feels me with sweet sugary goodness to think of you writing! Those long fingers moving swiftly, hitting all the right keys...ok so maybe I am not to tired to be kinky. I am however too tired to make it any worst than that.
    I know what you mean. So much to do...and not enough people to do it for me... :P
    October 22nd, 2010 at 06:20am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Thank you for the comment on the short story. Its a true story. My father's parents...
    She died a few days before memorial day this year.
    October 22nd, 2010 at 05:50am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    I wrote a short stroy thingy thing and I want your opinion. Alice wont whip you for taking a break cuz its really short. Is you like it then share it with Alice. I like your opinion!
    October 21st, 2010 at 07:10pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Umm...I am afraid to look that up...I might have to wait until I am state side anyway cuz a lot of web pages that play videos are censored or banned her in china.
    As for Sascha. Dude. You are the first person in all of my 20 years to spell it right the first time form memory! But you are wrong. Sascha is a male name. It is Russina and used as an endearing nickname for boys called Alexander. That is how I got the nicknmae Alexandra. It is kind of a reversal of the whole thing. So there! xD
    As for being physically like Winter...not even close. I am her personality wise. BUt physically we are opposites. She is barely 5 foot. I am 5'6 or something. She is pasty white I am brown. She has green eys and I have light brown ones. She has straight long black hari. My hair is hort and hella curly and like a weird dark brown. I am so brown you could cionfuse me with a paper bag... As for the boobage. winter probably has me beat there too...sigh. If anything I look more like Kayla in the strory.
    Oh yeah! I forgot you are int S&M :p
    Yay for cheap Condos in the gutter! Wanna just be my roomie?
    October 21st, 2010 at 06:32am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Psh! It aint no explanation! It is a vision! I am psychic! I see all that will come to pass!...maybe not all...just have a few hunches now and then...sorta.
    210 pages? Damn boy! That is about...110 pages more than me...and I know have writer's block and feel like I have gone insane so...you are now my hero cuz you are still going strong. I wanna be like you when I grow up! Or at least be like your mistress or assistant so I can mooch off of you when you are a Best Selling Author.
    As for getting better...sorta. I am over the whole pumpkin thing...I am however developing a cold because of the cold showers I have been taking for the past 3 days...This shit sucks.
    Oh...there are fetishes that make the walrus suit look normal (walrus? were did you even come up with that. I am the walrus! Chukuchuku!)
    Yeah! The brain wants me. Dude...Let the brain braining begine and my mind went right back into the gutter...I am seriously considering on just buying a condo or something down there. Might as well enjoy my stay, I mean. It was the 69 imagery all over again. The fact that I was listening to the song "Gloria" by The Doors, so did not help. Have you heard it? if you haven't...well, go listen to it! I command you too!
    Hahaha yeah! Groupie signing! Dude, how do you know it would be worth it? For all you know I am like flat chested, or secretly a guy. I mean, my name [i]is[/i] Alex...
    October 21st, 2010 at 06:09am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    You are all about ass kickin women? you know that can be twisted into sounding like you like to kick women in the ass right? Just sayin....
    My twin is Team Jessie, but she just isnt as into commenting as I am. Besides that fact that she actually has a life and cant spend as much time on Mibba as I do.
    I shall read the update soon!
    I was gonna wait and see if I caught your lunch break but the migraine was just killing me so I went to bed an died. and then I woke up hella hungry only to discover that I have no more gas to cook or make the water heater work so...I am starving and trying to talk myself into taking a cols ass shower.
    Dirtier that a Chinese hospital...Have I ever told you how much I brain the way your mind works? Like really. I want to marry your brain.
    That dialogue actually happened, no joke. I was so pissed at my dad that day (Vicky). I missed all my classes cuz I spent the rest of the day under his office desk feeling like I was dieing and cussing at him whenever he "accidentally" kicked me.
    October 20th, 2010 at 09:09am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Ya! you are on Mibba...how sad is it that you being online on a page where we cant really chat from half way across the world is the highlight of my day...Psh...your just that awesome...
    Pumpkin! I like the color. And I like jacl-o-lanterns. I just cant eat it. And the juice stuff gives me like hives and shit. My dad tried to poison me once. This is pretty much how it went.
    Vicky-Oh, the students are baking again! It smelled like pumpkin pie!
    Alex- Ew pumpkin pie! Gross!
    Vicky- gasp! What kind of American does not like pumpkin pie? What [b]are[/b] you?
    Alex- Dude, the kind that is allergic to that shit! It makes me hella sick!
    Vicky- No it doesnt! I've known you for almost 20 years. You can eat anything! You used to suck on my toes when you were a baby.
    Alex- Dude that is so gross!
    Vicky- You know you loved it!
    -[i] about an hour later [/i]-
    Vicky- here, I raided the kitchen and brought you a cookie, Fresh out of the !
    Alex- Dude, What type of cookie is this?
    Vicky- Chocolate chip...
    Alex- Then why is it flippin orange...it has pumpkin in it doesnt it?
    Vicky- No it doesnt, just eat the damn thing and stop whining!
    Alex- Fine! (munch munch) ...this shit tastes funny
    -[i]ten minutes later[/i]-
    Vicky- You look kind of pale...and gree...are you ok?
    Alex- That shit had pumpkin in it, didnt it? (clutching stomach painfully before running to the nearest trash can and tossing cookies...literallly)
    Vicky- Opps heehee maybe it did, I didnt think you would really get sick
    Alex- You are such an Asshole!
    Vicky- But at least I have a nice ass...want another cookie?

    yay! I poured my heart into that description of the hospital. I wanted you to see what I saw...shiver

    Fun Stuff!
    Hurray for fixed car!
    October 19th, 2010 at 04:07pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Dude! Me and that girl that posted you have the same name!
    We are both Danielle!
    We lovey ze zombies!
    She is asian...sigh...I am so jealous!
    I wanna be asian!
    Ok...I'm done
    Its the migraine talking...
    October 19th, 2010 at 06:53am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Alice will never let you win...teehee
    So I know I should be writing an awesome post since yours cracked me up so much but I am hella sick today. I was at work an Lora told me to have a taste of her lunch. So I tasted it. Turns put it had pumpkin. The strange orange color should have been a dead give-away but apparently I'm stupid. The point is! Pumpkins are evil and want me to die. So I ended up super sick and being sent home. The wanted to send me to the hospital, but I'd rather let the pumpkins get me... Hospitals in China are no bueno. Last time I went they stabbed my finger, poked and prodded at me in weird ways and they had babies being carried around with IV's connected to their foreheads. It was so freaky and sad! And dude...the bathrooms...the bathrooms, the whole place was just so dirty! Like it was the most unsanitary place I have been in the whole of China...and it was the HOSPITAL!
    At one point me and Ann are looking for the doctors office and we are walking down this long hall way...Dirty windows, paint flecks falling form the ceiling, poor lighting that flickers as you walk by...windows with carelessly shut curtain that let you see the insects climbing up the walls inside the offices...doors seem to barely be hanging on to their frames, never fully shut because time and decay has bent them out of shape...and not a soul. You can hear the faint tapping of water dripping onto the floor somewhere with in the maze of halls and rooms...and when it is quite enough you can hear the pained moans of the patients who were not lucky enough to be sent home. But even if you could not hear those poor souls, the stench would be enough to know they are there. The stench of corrupted bodies to weak to even care to wash...a stench that is only magnified by the sweltering heat that seeps in through every crack in the walls, the air conditioning having lost the battle at least a decade ago. Our footsteps echoing through out the halls is all that seems to break the eerie feeling of foreboding climbing up my spine...
    I swear, that place was so fucked up. I kept expecting zombies to pop out of no where and fucking eat me. It was like a really bad replay of resident evil, you know, when Alice wakes up in the abandoned hospital. I was so fucking terrified. I had not found your story when this happened I think, if not I would have turned on my heels and run as far and as fast as I could have away form that place. Just because I would have been freaking myself out by replaying all the zombie scenes in my mind.
    God, just remembering that place sends shivers down my spine...and not the good kind.
    So here I am. Massive head ache, My stomach trying to escape from my body and just really pissed that I have no more updates to read for the rest of the day.
    Oh well.
    October 19th, 2010 at 06:46am
  • love only knows

    love only knows (100)

    United States
    That's so awesome :) I've never met anyone who I can seriously talk about a zombie apocalypse with. I'm glad though that I know I'm not alone in the world when it comes to zombies!
    What i especially like about your idea of it, is how it started. Usually, the most cliche ideas are nuclear plants and things like that. But a parasite in chicken is definitely original! Kudo's to you guys :)
    October 19th, 2010 at 01:16am