
Okay, you know the thing under your picture that says 'Posts' when you comment on a story? Well, I really didn't pay it any attention until just a few days ago, and I know that I have posted way more than 16 comments. It's not that important, but I'd still like to know why it is staying the same. Does anyone have any theories?Well, now I have to make more words to enter this.There is this really...
April 27th, 2008 at 09:55pm


I AM GOING TO A BEATLES TRIBUTE CONCERT!!!!! OMG!!!!!! I cannot contain my excitement!! It's gonna be awesome!!! My mom, my sister, and my best friend (selene_moon_stone. she has some awesome stories. go read them!). We are going to see The Fab Four on Saturday May 24, 2008. I bought the tickets, and they were selling really really fast. We were going to get, like, row U, but we took too long so...
April 15th, 2008 at 02:45am

Note to Self

note to self: Hi self.note from self: Hi.note to self from self: Hi guys. I'm just a note, but i heard you were sending me so I thought I'd say hi.note to self in response to note from note to self: Wait, you're the note itself sending a note? I'm confused.response note from note to self: Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm the note, just saying hey. I didn't mean to make it weird.(awkward silence)self: um, I...
March 20th, 2008 at 01:52am

Being A Short Version on the Dubious Origins of the Beatles

I got this word for word from a book called "The Beatles Diary", and they got it from a magazine called "Mersey Beat", and they got it from John Lennon and George Harrison. This story was told before Ringo Starr was a member and Pete Best was the drummer. Its currently my favorite story, even though there is slight grammical errors in some parts:"Once upon a time there were three little boys John,...
March 10th, 2008 at 01:47am