I really don't know what to do anymore

I know its stupid to think anyone will answer me on these stupid things but I really would like atleast someone to. OR i just need to rant a lot about stupid things. I hate having walls up but i know people only do it for their own protection, and there really isn't a reason for them to let it down for someone. That someone could totally reck it like someone has in the past and then what would you...
July 15th, 2009 at 09:47am

Worth it or not

i really don't feel anything at the moment, for the past couple of days i feel nothing, i don't want to feel anything but there are two special people in my life that make me happy no matter what. the only bad thing is that one of them hates the other.they told me why and its all my fault they hate the person. for one whenever i'm sad i blame it on the other person and says its (insert their name...
November 24th, 2007 at 02:17pm

Another Random Entry

okay today idk i guess i'll just be a bitch. apperently i can make a good prep and i think everyone is getting on my case. one thing i got to say to the world...FUCK YOU WORLD! Okay heres my reason. One because like okay everyone is labeled, wtf is up with that? no one cares. why can't there just be one label and it can be called "HUMAN". so then preps can leave emo's and emo's can leave preps...
July 23rd, 2007 at 07:24am

Random Entry!!!!!!

omg haha i just wanted to see if this works. you know i never got what journals are for, are you suppoused to say like stuff in a dairy....then why the fuck are they having on there its not like it helps then you could right "i just got raped by some dude in class" and everyone would be on your case and like what if the guy was a stalker and got one and he's like "damn right i raped cha" what...
July 22nd, 2007 at 09:23am