EscapeTheFall / Comments

  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    my stupid ass computer doesnt have word :( its so fuckin annoying when i have to write a paper or something for school. cause then i have to type it up on my schools email, then copy it paragraph by paragraph to word when i get to school. so annoying >.<
    when i come up with a new idea, or get into an old one, i try to write as much as possible cause i know at some point im gunna stop and forget about it
    July 2nd, 2010 at 06:40pm
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    i still have some stories on there that i havent got anywhere else....haha, i should probably get them on to mibba or at least a usb, yeah?
    yeah, its so frustrating
    but i also hate it when im reading a really good story and they only update once every month. its like, i really wunna unsubscribe cause i always forget what its about, but i dont cause its so good.
    July 2nd, 2010 at 06:19pm
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    i know! its so fucking annoying!
    its funny, when i came here i thought it had absolutely no problems, cause i came from quizilla. but nope, it does
    thats really smart. i want to do that, but sometimes i get so excited about them that i start posting it anyway. hopefully on this one i can hold back...
    it has escape the fate in it. cause i fuckin love them. maybe some asking alexandria and maybe even we came as romans. and yeah, i have the first chapter written and hopefully i dont lose inspiration like i do with a lot of other stories :/
    July 2nd, 2010 at 08:43am
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    dude, its happened so many times. and for my stories, it says how many readers there are for the story all together, but not how many for each individual chapter. its annoying, cause i wunna fuckin know! haha xD
    and guess what?? i started a fan fic today, haha. havent posted it yet, cause i want to write a bunch before i do so it doesnt take me years to frickin update :/
    July 2nd, 2010 at 08:28am
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    really?? for some reason my subscription was inactive.... whatevs *shrugs*
    dude, i hate the people that talk about you behind your back, but cant say shit to your face. and the people that pretend to be your friend. its just like, talk about me to me, stop being so chicken. and if you dont like me, tell me. and if you dont have the guts to do either of those things, then shut the fuck up >.< god, i could go on such a long rant, but il spare you haha xD
    July 2nd, 2010 at 08:18am
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    before i went to private school, i thought it would be full of a bunch of goody two shoes that can do no wrong and id be an outcast or some shit, but no. a bunch of bitches in disguise that talk about you behind your back cause theyre to chicken to say anything to your face *rolls eyes*
    yay!!!! :D now i iz excited, haha
    July 1st, 2010 at 06:06pm
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    haha, yeah. but i see enough at school. fuckin preppy ass private school :/
    thats the one! speaking of, you better update that soon missy! *shakes finger*
    July 1st, 2010 at 06:49am
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    haha, yeah. id prob throw a hissy fit in the middle of the mall xD
    the only famous person ive met was danny worsnop from asking alexandria *drools*
    haha, its the one with etf again and all the shitty things are happening on memory sucks and im too lazy to look it up :P
    July 1st, 2010 at 06:16am
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    i know! id just be staring - and quite possibly drooling - until they were out of sight, then i would chase after them, hoping to get an autograph or something, haha xD and if i lost them, i wouldve flipped a shit and freaked out for two weeks XP
    cause i remem when i was at a concert and i met the singer for like five seconds and then i had an inner fan girl moment so i freaked out and left. im still beating the shit outta myself for that, haha
    yeah, cause im like...he sounds really is goin on? so that explains a lot
    holy shit i just realized you are the author of another story im reading. wow. im so fuckin smart, eh?
    June 30th, 2010 at 09:08pm
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    aww :( well i hope you get better soon
    yeah, me too xD i cant wait
    i know! i always hear stories and stuff about that happening to other people, and its just like...why not me? haha :P
    omg, i just watched part of an interview w/ ronnie, and thank god, he said listen up is no where near what the band will sound like. apparently he wrote it when he was sixteen, and recorded it when he was eighteen. theyre only using it cause they got nothing else to use.
    June 29th, 2010 at 06:30pm
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    ohmygosh, youre okay right? and if not i hope you get better soon :)
    i hope so. or else i will die, just die i tell you!!! *dramatic wrist over forehead motion thingy*
    i know! i heard that hes out already, and then that he has a trial in september. although i dont think he got out already, cause if he had i think wed be hearing band news
    doesnt he live in las vegas? along with all the other guys from etf? haha, my friend and i always joke about the day we go to the mall or something and run into them. you know how fuckin awesome thatd be?
    June 29th, 2010 at 08:22am
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    really? now im even more jealous. dont you have a job/ arent you getting a job or something? sorry if that sounded totally creeper
    i know, but its nice to dream sometimes
    ive heard there song listen up, and all im sayin is that hopefully they get A LOT better, cause i really didnt like it. im trying not to compare them to etf and them, but its like..i have a bunch of expectations from them, haha. i really do hope he does well. do you know when hes being released?
    June 29th, 2010 at 07:53am
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    *pouts* lucky bitch. i iz jealous
    i know! its really sad, too, if the drummer or someone who is kinda excluded from interviews and stuff is my favorite person from the band.
    yeah, but still. its like no one even knew of his existence
    i know! its like, hello?! it happened years ago, get over it. like, at first i was like "fuck you, craig. go die alone in a whole" haha, but then i was all, theyre both amazing singers. and while i still agree that theyre both fantastic, i do like ronnie better. i still love craig, but i kinda miss ronnie.
    it would have been perfect if ronnie was still in etf, beau (or however the heck you spell his name) stayed in btf, and craig was still in twa. because the new singer for twa sucks
    and another thing, i cant find a poster of ronnie ANYWHERE. i have one of craig, but i cant find one single poster with ronnie and omar. its getting on my nerves :/
    June 29th, 2010 at 06:57am
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    yeah, i like going to bed later, but it sucks cause i always wake up really early. and once i wake up, i cant go back to bed again.
    exactly. its like, this is an interview with the band. not an interview with the vocalist and bassist of the band.
    which also reminds me, how come whenever someone is talking about how much they miss ronnie and want him back, how come they never say anything about omar? he was part of the band, too. sure, no one really replaced him, but still
    June 28th, 2010 at 07:56pm
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    haha, i try to avoid that as much as possible xD
    exactly. i feel odd just looking up interviews with my favorite bands when im bored, but a full on bio? creeper... o.O
    well right now its 9:30, but when you posted that it was 4:40, haha.
    okay, no offense to any etf/max green fans (i mean, obviously, i love them) but do you think max is an attention whore? like on all the interviews and stuff it just seems as if he just wants the spotlight all to himself.
    June 28th, 2010 at 06:34pm
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    yeah, the only people i really babysit for outside of the family are my moms work friends kids
    oh i hate thinking of names and titles and locations and time of the year and crap like that. and i usually dont say where they are and stuff like that cause then id have to match the weather with it and everything.
    so you just use the characters names? you dont really worry about all the other facts about them?
    kewl. just curious, what time is it over there? its almost 11 at night here, i should probably go to bed...i have an appointment tomorrow :/ yay...
    June 28th, 2010 at 07:57am
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    dude, i do that with my cousins sons. and theyre just absolute angels :) theyre so sweet, haha, nothing like the kids i babysit
    ohmygod, thank god, haha. i didnt want to offend you or anything cause you do write fanfics. it absolutely sucks
    and im kinda thinkin about writing an etf fanfic...but im always afraid to write a fanfic cause im not really the type of fan to look up all there is to know about a band, and i dont want to get any facts wrong. plus they probably are really freaked out that they know people are writing about them, haha xD
    im jealous, haha. ive just lived in las vegas my whole life :/ which people always think thats so amazing, but its like..hello. im not 21 yet so the strip holds nothing for me
    that reminds me, is las vegas like...known? idk how to put it...but does everyone know about it? like everybody knows about the eiffle tower and shit like that....
    June 28th, 2010 at 07:25am
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    yes O.O yes, they can be
    well, they CAN be. but they arent. sometimes
    of course, make it so good and cute and cuddly it makes me sick :D gah! i cant wait xD haha
    do you know how much the story rating system sucks?if it aint slash or a7x or etf or some other famous band fanfic, it doesnt get a lot of readers. so it doesnt get rated sucks. that was really random, yet true
    okay, i just read your about thingy, but the only thing i remember is that you're australian. are you fo serious? thats so of my friends came to america from australia two years ago, and we always make him say things so we can hear his accent ^.^ iz awesome
    June 28th, 2010 at 06:41am
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    yeah *cough* which is why we're gunna keep hush hush about it, right? ;)
    anyways, the kids were demons i tell you! demons!
    yeah, but seriously?! that many people? ridiculous
    awww. but you already have 8 chapters written! cant make it to a oneshot!
    ok, jk. im just selfish, and i want more than that xD but its really whatever you want to do, cuz its your story. and im sure other readers will understand if you dont have any motivation left and just leave it to a oneshot
    June 27th, 2010 at 07:57pm
  • xSnakebiteHeartx

    xSnakebiteHeartx (100)

    United States
    Thnx. Me too :D
    June 27th, 2010 at 03:27am