/ Comments

  • GETTT TO WORRKKK!!!!! I never liked History of any sort. Too many dates to remember!

    YOU DO SOOO MANY SPORTS! Ahhhh!!! I have to run the mile on Friday for gym, and we ran practice yesterday and I got 9:51... I feel like it's really bad because you need 8:30 to get an A! :( But we played gym today, I got hit in the face with a soccerball, and body checked by some girl on the other team. It was insane how many injuries I got! lol

    I'm trying to remember what your comment said lol.

    I don't think she was mad necessarily but upset, b/c lots of people are being asked out and she's not. :( I totally think she should though, shes like sooo pretty, and super nice! lol YEah so the Jake kid asked me to Homecoming yesterday, but I said no cause he creeps me out... And I swear today in lunch he was pointing me out to his friend, cause they were walking passed my table slowly and being creeps... Whatever, I think I might just go alone to Homecoming (with friends I mean) lol... Today in the hallway, I saw Alex (this senior from my Music Theory class) and I was holding my thick ass Bio book and i just slammed it on his ack, and he jumped soooooo bad! So I told him whenever I saw him I was gonna hit him on the back in the hallways lol... Yeahhhh...

    OH MY GOD, I found out that Allison has done dirty with some guy she went out with for like a week! I WOULD HAVE NEVER SUSPECTED HER ON MY LIFE! OOIHGvubhruhb

    Aww that sucks for your friend... Did she have a good time with you guys though? Players are ass holes.

    You asked if I liked any of the guys who asked me out:
    -Player dude- kinda, before I found out he was a player
    -Niko- I liked him end of last year and over summer, but it was a small crush that I never really even thought about,
    -Jake- Nope.

    nbvurgaghariuhaer Okayyy I hoope this is shorter than that huggee thing! lol and sorry if I didn't answer some things in your comment.. I forgoot! :(

    September 22nd, 2011 at 02:36am
  • THAT'S TOO MUCH AP!!!!!! Oh my god, I would seriously die. I barely have the attention span to do my homework as is... Shit. lol Yup AP is good, but I figure it'd be a shit load of work, so I don't know. My parents expect it out of me, but I JUST DON'T FUCKING KNOW.!@IHrfiuhiuv

    I wish I've had friends I've been with since kindergarten. If I hadn't moved I probably would have, but no. My best friend is my longest friend, and I've known her since 2nd grade. It's usually the people I expect, that do things like that. Like I knew the girl was kind've a whore (not saying if you have sex that you're a whore but she is.) but I guess I've tried to pretend like that shit doesn't happen to people I know. lol.

    What's sports do you do? AND AHH! That's one of the things I'm worried about in high school are the SAT/PSAT's but I don't think we're doing those. I think we only get ACT, but it's still the same thing. aghiruhga I've always been a basketball player, but never in school sports, and I don't want to try out and not make it, or make it and suck.

    DUDE I have a dilemma. Well, it's not really a dilemma, but like my best best friend (that I've known since 5th grade, not the other one) is always telling me it isn't a dilemma, and I can tell she's jealous and mad at me when I talk about it but whatever. So last week, and the week before, this kid Alex (kinda popular, football player, good looking-ish) kept talking about homecoming and asking me about it, and he asked me to homecoming but I said no, because he's a player, and was trying to get two other girls to go with him, when he was trying to get me, but whatever I woulda said no anyway cause he's seriously a dumbass.. He didn't know what Caucasian (or however you spell it) means. And then last friday one of my closest friends from 7th grade, asked my to Homecoming, but I said no, and felt terrible for rejecting him, and ugh. It made me really upset cause I hate rejection. And then I also found out on Friday that this guy Jake who's friends with my old best friend Allison (who's still my friend, just not best friend) thinks I'm cute. And I'm like okay, so today I was trying to be nice by sitting next to him for some stupid thing we had to do in Study Hall, cause Allison told me he thinks I ignore him, but whatever. And then the bell rang, and he started walking with me, and then he was all like "So I heard Niko asked you to Homecoming." Cause Allison had to fucking tell him, and I'm like what the fuck? no jk I was like "Yup." and then he kept talking about shit relating to that and he said something about me going with Niko, and I was like "No! I said no to him." and yeah... And he was like "Are you gonna go to Homecoming?" And I was like "Hell yes.." And he was like "Yeah, I don't know if I am or not" and I was like "Cool" but by then we were down in a different hallway and I saw TJ, a sophomore from my Music Theory class, so I literally ran to go talk to him about an assignment so I could get away from Jake, and then I went to Bio. And Niko, andJake are both in my Bio which is incredibly awkward for me, though it shouldnt be... And then after Bio, I was walking out of the classroom and Jake caught up to me, and started talking about classes (but if you arent my friend and you keep making a huge effort to talk to me I'm gonna get uncomfortable) and anyway, and then he was like "So why'd you say no to Niko again?" And I'm like WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! LEAVE ME ALONE! No I didn't say that, I was like "Um cause he's like a good friend, and I don't think of him like that." and he wlike "oh, I see what you're saying now." LIKE the fuck is wrong with the kid? I didnt even fucking tell you before. And then I walked to gym cause I was like fuck this shit. Ugh. Like I've never gotten this much attention from guys and it's creeping me out, and hsufgvhaeriug. I want to talk to Crystal about it so bad, but she always gets jealous and upset at me, but whatever. And hugahurhg I don't know life's confusing. Sorry for dumping this on you. lol I know it's an essay. I apologize.
    September 20th, 2011 at 12:35am
  • I'm in all the honors classes I can be in... Including Geometry Honors, because I'm ahead a level in math (I took Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 Honors in middle school) so it's basically all sophomores and only four freshman... But I know a lot of people in the class! What grade are you in again?

    Dude how many AP classes are you taking? I don't really want to take AP classes at all, because of all the work! lol

    Awww I hope you're friends are good ones though! I made another new friend today, and shes.... experienced, for lack of a better word, and we're only in ninth grade... So I was kinda like wtf? because I knew that shit happened, but I wouldn't expect her. lol

    You're homework will lighten up! maybe! haha, but i not, just figured out good time management I guess!
    September 16th, 2011 at 02:50am
  • Oh well.... I guess it IS school, so I shouldn't have been trying anyway, but still... lol.

    Awww hope you spent your last day well! My was spent cleaning :(

    But I actually am doing wayyyy more stuff now that school has started, and I've made loads more friends, so that's always a good thing.

    And my weekends are way more eventful than my whole summer, so I'm happy about that! lol.

    I hope your first day goes well! :)
    September 12th, 2011 at 02:03am
  • All I can say is thank god for study hall... I would die without it.

    I usually get all my Geometry Honors done then.. haha.

    I was gonna attempt to listen to some music today, but the teachers are fucking hawks.. so it didn't work out. :(
    September 6th, 2011 at 11:43pm
  • Ugh. School stated two weeks ago for me. I seem to be updating my story wayyy more now then in the summer.. I don't really know why. Maybe to occupy all this foreign free time. haha.

    I think rain at night is the best. But not when you're driving.. That sucks.
    September 6th, 2011 at 04:37am
  • I LOVE THE RAIN! But where I am, it's nighttime, 60, and I'm sitting by a window... Happiness.

    And yeah whatever works for sure... Just update soon! lol
    September 6th, 2011 at 04:17am
  • Never been to Pennsylvania, but I want to go there! I want to go to every state though, so yup.

    Haha, okay I know my idea's awesome.
    Anyway, it honestly doesn't matter if you don't use my idea. I mean IT IS your story, so I'm not like telling you you gotta use it.

    Just a suggestion!

    (I just didn't want you to feel like I was telling you you had to do it, you're idea's probably better than mine anyway!)
    September 6th, 2011 at 02:01am
  • I hate car rides! I get sooo sick! haha sucks for me. :(

    Oh well... Yeah, but it'd still be cool!!!!!!

    Where are you right now??
    September 6th, 2011 at 12:52am
  • you're welcome c:
    I can't wait till you update!
    September 5th, 2011 at 11:44pm
  • Please update Love Is Hell. I'm in love and I really need more! aha, thank you for writing it! <3
    September 2nd, 2011 at 08:25pm
  • no problem!(-:
    I'll be looking forward to it!
    August 26th, 2011 at 11:01pm
  • omg thats actually what happened to me! like i honestly should have been sent to someone..i was sooo obessed. it was crazy. thank god im over that phase lmao
    August 10th, 2011 at 11:01pm
  • hahah yea i know. i used to be like in love with him but now i just love him, im not in love with him lmao
    August 7th, 2011 at 03:12am
  • hey so i saw your a the maine fan and i figured id say hi! btw you used some of my fav quoets, john is amazing <3 lol
    August 6th, 2011 at 07:14am
    March 24th, 2011 at 11:47pm
  • You're Welcome :D i'll be waiting for it x
    January 24th, 2011 at 03:45pm
  • no problem! hahaha(:
    I CAN'T WAIT! :D
    January 24th, 2011 at 05:29am
  • Of course. :)
    October 22nd, 2010 at 02:50am
  • You're Welcome. (:
    October 22nd, 2010 at 01:16am