*** Reproduction.

I hate children and the prospect of ripping a little person out of my uterus.Let's look past the wonder of naming your little demon baby, buying cutesy-baby clothes, and having people tell you that you're "glowing" like a freaking Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center.a) As a woman, I am the one subjected to hormonal instability, puking my guts out in the morning, gaining weight, getting stretch...
January 2nd, 2010 at 01:53am

Dear Snow White, From Bashful

We found the ditzy girl in the forest. Is anyone really stupid enough to leave a young, virginal girl in a forest, full of carnivorous animals and potential rapists? I mean, shit, those dumb asses that left her there could’ve just killed her themselves. But no. Apparently, Mr. Disney discourages sadism and violence. Ironic, no?Anyway, the other dwarves were ecstatic that they found some hot...
December 13th, 2009 at 08:49pm

And I thought I knew satire...

Feel like questioning yourself? Society? The world? People?Want a cynical voice with intermissions of smoke exhalations that debunk things that are generally overlooked and unnoticed?Well, look no further. I present to you; my soul mate.MannixThePirate.http://www.youtube.com/user/MannixThePirate#p/search/0/nu97trWFFh0Seriously. This man has a way with weaving words into stories that will...
December 1st, 2009 at 05:33am

The Essence of A Writer

Writers are a lot of satirists with chronically bloodshot eyes, whimsical smiles, a way with words and wicked tastes in music.Did I forget to mention that our skin is constantly bleached from the glow of the computer screen?This particular writer can only write with Alex Gaskarth’s voice emptying into her ears, has a dirty mind and a knack for medical/forensic dramas. Nostalgia and realism...
November 27th, 2009 at 04:30am