dev0n / Comments

  • Devon D: I can't believe you left and you didn't even say goodbye!

    I miss ya buddy :l

    Lol you don't have an e-mail or anything? :o
    July 29th, 2010 at 09:27pm
    cant help buuut update you
    i guessss its just a habit
    ugh its so piss-ifying that you left!
    well i got back from Las Vegas
    its was sooooooo hot!
    i got a sunburn on by whole back
    so now im stuck walking around in a backlass bra and bootie shorts :)
    miiiiisssss you,kiddo!
    i remeber you told me you made a hole in your wall with your alarm clock
    i wonder if you ever fixed it or if its still being covered with your backpack :)
    July 18th, 2010 at 01:39am
  • AHH, you probably sneak on meebz every now and then just to see what's going on, i know you do, ;);) so when you see this, I RECCOMEND YOU JOIN GAIA. juuuuuuuuuuusayin.
    July 14th, 2010 at 05:13pm
  • Devon, im going to fucking miss you..
    why'd you leave?
    i love you! ♥
    and we never had our taco date!
    July 9th, 2010 at 10:23pm
  • so mad @ u 4 leevin meebah.
    July 9th, 2010 at 07:27am
  • Hey Devon
    Thanks for the Mibba Welcome:)
    That's cool:D
    I love that quote too.
    July 2nd, 2010 at 05:56pm
  • Actually, he was the nicest guy I've ever dated. The biggest douchebag I've ever dated would have to be my most recent ex. For the first month, everything was great. Then, he left me for some girl. Came back to me the next day. But he thought she was pregnant. It was a false alarm. He cheated on me with some Kelsey girl. I let [i]stupidly[/i] let it go. He went back to Kaitlin.(the 'pregnant' one) Because at the time, he still thought she was pregnant. He dumped me. Came back to me, broke up with her. Cheated on me with this Dacia girl. And now we're done. And when I broke up with him he said, "Well, you don't need me anyway. I cheated on you like three times." And he also said that he'd been cheating on me since, like, day three. And we had been dating off and on for about 3 months. And during the first month, he'd always come over to my house and we'd hang and stuff, or he'd invite me over to his house. Then, he'd say he'd be coming over to my house, so I'd wait for him, but he'd never show up. And he'd promise and never show up. And he stopped inviting me to his house. And then I'd see him at the ball field. So I'd try to talk to him. But he'd just ditch me to talk to these girls. -.-

    And he is the most [i]manipulative[/i] asshole ever. (sorry about my language) Like, he tried to get me to have sex with him, and he was going to purposely get me pregnant because he wanted a child. -.- I was actually going to have sex with him, even after he told me he was going to purposely pop the condom. But then that's when he broke up with me for Kaitlin. Anyway, the only reason I was going to was because he said he loved me and all this. And I believed him. There are just so many stories...

    Jesus Christ, that's a long ass comment. Sorry about this. I've held it in for, like, ever. :/
    July 1st, 2010 at 02:09pm
  • hahahahahaha ruuude, you always have to come see me first.

    i love you. thank you for being such a good friend through this crap and for listening to me blubber over the phone over the dipshit. he's not worth a second of my time.
    July 1st, 2010 at 06:12am
  • yes, father!
    i'll try to talk in a more posotive attitude!
    new with me
    well i went back to Arizona for two days i just got back
    i visited my parents grave
    i spent the entire time trying not to cry
    i managed not to let one tear fall :)
    uh the apartament is great
    its real comfortable :)
    the man next door..
    my chances with him are one in a billion
    we've become real close
    im sick right now and he's taking care of me
    he's sleeping on the floor next to me right now
    thats pretty much it
    how are you, Devon?
    how's the love life?
    how's the family?
    June 29th, 2010 at 06:12am
  • I have a horrible metabolism. I'm always gaining or losing but staying in the same average range, though I could be eating super healthy and still gain. It's abnormal! Nah, if you keep dancing I bet you'll stay thing. And meat is healthy, protein.

    Lol. I find a lot of my music on youtube or through friends. What are some of your favorite bands? I can deal with some screamo just because there's barely any in it, maybe 2 lines, but I can't deal with hardcore. It's just not my thing, but I'll listen to anything at lease once.

    Lol, I've traveled with a student ambassadorial program, amazing college credits. I'd love to learn French, but world language is my worst subject. I take Italian and I have an A in the class, but I don't know how I have it. I know what to say at the proper time, but I don't know what it would mean. I think it would be like awesome to have a French boyfriend or something. Hell, they could only know like one line of French and I'd still love it because it's totally adorable. rofl (Don't judge me).

    Lmao, I haven't. I'm Jewish, eggnog is a christmas thing. Although, I do celebrate Christmas because I'm not a very religious person, but I've never had eggnog, I'll stick with gelt which is amazing. It's basically milk chocolate in the shape of a coin with gold wrapping lmao.

    Lol that would be awesome! We are in the summer, after all. xD I just know I want to do something in the writing industry and I want to go to a good school. You should go to college in the US. You could say you traveled outside of Canada! :]
    June 29th, 2010 at 05:34am
  • No your dick wont pop off...i think? is that even possible STOP making me think!
    lmao and no u cant sneeze with your eyes opened but did you try it? (((:

    was that your favorite girlfriend? bet it was! wait i shouldnt bet im broke v_v

    I cant even afford weed. It's all your fault ! stop making me want it
    June 29th, 2010 at 05:32am
  • You should try clenching your butt and sneezing with your eyes opened !
    DO IT NOW.

    like maryjane after oral yess ofcourrrrse !

    && yeah it's because i'm cool like that me and marijuana go way back
    she's always cheating on me thought.
    June 29th, 2010 at 05:25am
  • i totally just LMAO <<< foreal.

    You get the mary jane ill get the bong ;D

    yes you def look bigger try sticking your pelvis out a bit more.
    June 29th, 2010 at 05:13am
  • I want to go, but I'm so busy lol.

    I don't know if I told you that I'm a vegetarian or not. It's not something I say to everyone because there are those assholes who would be like: how could you not like meat?! It's so delicious! etc. I don't care if you eat meat or not, just don't try to make me eat it and I won't try to make you stop eating it, you know? Lol. I admire you for eating so much and staying so thing! :o

    Lol, they are both beautiful. I love to travel, yet I've never been to Canada lol. Outside of the U.S. I've been to Jamaica twice, the bahamas, england, ireland, scotland, whales, malta, italy, and greece.

    I'm not a drinker. Lol. I don't need to like wake up hung over and not realize that something I'd probably regret went down that night. No alcohol except for the holidays!

    I want to go to Canada lol, never been. You're the one with the license though! I won't even have my PERMIT until my birthday in February. Plus, you're in college in a year. Visit me! xD

    Yeah. I don't really care. What's done is done and believe me, it won't happen again. My dad had a little talk with her.
    June 29th, 2010 at 05:11am
  • Lmao okay in the beginning i totally took that in a dirty way then i was like Ohhh,

    && yeah i know what you mean i might be in the bed dying next to you D;
    June 29th, 2010 at 04:55am
  • hmm like what mr.badass?
    June 29th, 2010 at 04:44am
  • No, you have to tell me! I'm too busy to see it! D:

    Lol, it's all cool. xD

    Fiji is an island... rofl. I don't really want to go to Asia, the food there wouldn't work out with me because I'm a vegetarian. I've been a bunch of places. Europe is undoubtedly my favorite place to travel. Would you count Jamaica and the Bahamas as a tropical place?

    Lol, I guess I'm sort of straight edge. Like... I'd never go near drugs, I'd never take a full beer, but I don't try to change people who do do those things, just as long as they don't try to make me do it with them. Yeah xD I agree with the sober party thing, although I don't do much partying lately because they throw horrible parties in my tiny town.

    :D I feel special. xD

    No, she started cussing at us while we were cussing at her then she sped away before we could call the cops. It's whatever, no TRUE damage was done, and I hate hospitals with a passion.
    June 29th, 2010 at 12:14am
  • Yeah, he was in the beginning. Then at the end he sorta distanced himself a nd that's where we went back, ha.

    And nothing much. Editing a story.
    June 28th, 2010 at 11:56pm
  • Lmao woah you called me a cunt? how did you not get it >.<

    100 that's so wack, wouldn't you want like something like 102 you don't see that number often. you're cake should say "Oh woah u made it, so can u die now?"
    June 28th, 2010 at 11:00pm
  • it's fine, nothing to get worked up over.
    June 28th, 2010 at 11:00pm