Revelations - so much has changed

All i want, is to know that I am going to be accepted for who I am, and not what I'm supposed to be. I am sick to death of trying to find ways to justify myself, my actions. Every step I take is a cautious calculation. I'm morphing into a person who thinks twice about her every action, and the worst thing is I am the perpetrator of my own troubled mind.I hate taking rejection and I hate thinking...
April 18th, 2007 at 02:27am

OMFG YAY!!! (And i need your help)

i might be the new art temp at my old school!...mmm'kay. I know that was pretty anticlimatic but hey. It's exciting shit for me. ^_^So anyways, my old secondary school's in need of an art temp, cuz one of their older birds will be retiring. Plus, the new art head's pretty funky, more interested in stuff like contemporary art, conceptual art, and art appreciation. She told me that she wanted to...
January 20th, 2007 at 06:49am

the second from the dreamer/poet (with a day job)

Sigh. Today was the same old same old. Work was good cuz the people at work are really awesome. They don't judge you by how you look/ what you wear. They really respect your opinion and everyone's like a big family.God i love Stephen (Mr UNCLE, I want more sweets!), Andrew (hey my email's not It's *wink*) and Melvin (urgh i'm getting FAAATTTT). Maybe i should tell Melv...
January 15th, 2007 at 03:13pm

JOURNAL ENTRY NO 1 - the dreamer/poet with a day job.

I know I'm kinda inactive here. It's just that I've been working my butt off these couple of days. Ok. Lame ass excuse. But i get really tired after work. That's why i love long bus rides. Cuz1) I get to completely shut down and people-watch2) i get to listen to mcr.3) I get to catch a short nap. But most of the time i'm listening to music.And.... basically that's about it. I just like long bus...
January 14th, 2007 at 03:47pm