Lover of Polka Dots / Comments

  • ahh, fuck! i just saw your comment.

    i got my laptop fixed a while ago, seeing as it's been broken since august. the hard-drive was erased, so no book marks were saved & i became so consumed with swapping ideas about a joint story and making layouts for contest entries i never quite get to and whatnot, i've forgotten about your stories! i mean, i'm subscribed, but facebook blows up my email so i never check it.

    i'm stoked to go look at your updates now. (:
    April 16th, 2011 at 11:18pm
  • Just wanted to let you know that you had entered this {} and that the new deadline is April 30th. Hope to read your entry when you get it in.
    April 12th, 2011 at 12:26am
  • A real tattoo? Where?

    I love looking at Harley's, I bet their bikes were wicked cool.

    If you think about it in a perverted way, then it's weird. Otherwise, not so much haha.

    Lol, thanks mate. I'm judging a contest and working a lot more hours now that the other hostess is just about on maternity leave. So I'll try to soon.

    Well, I finished the entire Hana Yori Dango series then rewatched it and I'm not sure if I want to start a new one or rewatch it again. I might watch it again because it's so good. haha.

    What's netflix? Haha.
    April 4th, 2011 at 09:24pm
  • Well done mate! How big is the tattoo? How cute were the guys? What's bike week?
    It sounds like you had loads of fun.

    I haven't seen that movie yet, was it well good?

    Rotten luck, sorry mate.

    Sorry! haha. We use Celsius over here. And I tip my mat off to you, there is no way I'd ever
    lift weights haha. I'm lazy that.
    March 28th, 2011 at 12:23am
  • I don't use social networking sites. The people I'd add, I see everyday and text.

    What'd you do there?

    Should I wait to watch it then?

    Suicide doors? Sounds like a really nice car!

    I'm completely sold. Update it soon!

    It's been good. 15 C right now so I was able to jog.
    March 23rd, 2011 at 07:29pm
  • your comments always make me smile!
    lol I started giggling when you mentioned that Evan was suspicious, you'll just have to wait and see if he's gay or just pretending :)
    March 21st, 2011 at 04:13am
  • You should add them to either the watching list or your favorites. Every time I finish a drama I scroll through the list.

    I finished Peach Girl! It was so amazing to see the live action! I like how they kept a lot of the original stuff. I wasn't thrilled about the ending, it was good but just different. The nurse pregnant and Ah Li saying he'd be the father and Ah Li not drowning in the ocean. It was still good. Thank you SO much for telling me about it. I've finally started watching Hana Yori Dango again, I haven't seen it since Nov. After that I'm thinking of what your watching, A Love to Kill.

    It's so funny. The cast is amazing. It gets corny in places but that's what makes it funny.

    I like your cars name. Mine is 'Piece O Crap.' cause it keeps breaking down on me. I'm using my nana's car and it smells like death. I love the names you pick out! They're so funny! Why change it so often?

    What about Show Luo? He's from Hi My Sweetheart.

    Aw, I'm sorry. But still, I bet you look just as good with that headband!

    I'll try and update it soon. Oh, what's the new one about?

    It means that my cornea, the transparent dome-shaped anterior portion of the outer covering of the eye; it covers the iris and pupil and is continuous with the sclera, is pretty much irregularly shaped. It's usually found in people with nearsightedness. I wear contacts. I like glasses but I hate having to push them up my nose and they get in the way when I want to wear sunglasses and jog. haha.
    March 4th, 2011 at 03:56pm
  • LOL! I love how you ended that last comment. xD

    Actually I was working when I heard about from some American tourists. They were the museum goers, all about history and were talking about it. It sounded interesting to me so I just watched the special on youtube. I’m getting ready to write a movie review soon. It’s movie I think you’d like. It’s not Asian, but the romance in it made even my boyfriend cry. He’s also in denial about the ending haha.
    Thanks for reading it!

    Let me go count how many drama’s I’ve save on my favorites list. That’s how I bookmark them, if one sounds interesting I’ll fave it and save it for later. Alright, I just counted and I have about 72. Two of them are variety shows for Kat Tun and UKiss and then a few of them are a serious. Like Hana Yori Dango and then the second season and then the final so I guess it’s in the 60s. What about you?
    It doesn’t help that I’ve discovered and they have Sailor Moon.

    Even though Atashinchi no Danshi was short it was very funny.

    LOL, you named your laptop? Why’d you pick that name?

    I agree. Who’s your favorite Tiawanese boy? Mine has to be Van Ness. OMG, he’s so damn sexy in Peach Girl, and I love his voice when he speaks English.

    I googled sew-in’s and they look nice! I was about to say all the guys must want you and then I read the next sentence when you tell me how much you’ve been hit on! I’m jealous haha, you must be absolutely gorgeous! Well, I don’t party anymore so it’s fun to hear other peoples stories.

    I’ve been pretty good. Went to the eye doctor to day and found out I need a stronger prescription because I’ve got a bit of astigmatism. Audrey says she likes my story Persona so I’ve been writing updates like crazy because I’m so inspired right now that I’m neglecting my other stories lol. It’s weird that she likes it considering it’s a weird story. It’s based off of Persona 4.
    That’s about it for me lol. Talk about a monster of a comment!.
    February 26th, 2011 at 08:23pm
  • Awe shucks! Thanks for the comment it really made my day :) I try my best so that people like my writing so it means a lot :D
    February 22nd, 2011 at 04:59pm
  • I had my response typed out and I went to hit submit and clicked out of the box and lost everything. Twice.

    You don’t have to read it. I just remember you mentioning NY.

    I tried to watch the super serious ones like face maker and liar game. They just sat on my favorites list, waiting for me to watch them and I couldn’t even bring myself to even click on the first episode. Is it like that with you?

    The only J Drama that I’ve seen where I haven’t had to get used to the guys was Hana Kimi, I watched it for the male lead haha and Atashinchi no Danshi . What type of Asians do you like best? I think I prefer Koreans. :)

    I just started it, not that far in. But I suggested it to DC. Hopefully they add it.

    How have you been?
    February 21st, 2011 at 05:14pm
  • I can't remember if it was you or someone else who said they live in New York. I juts posted an article about the Statue of Liberty and the truth behind what she means if you're interested. It's rather long, but it'll shock you.

    Wicked, let me know how it goes.

    You picked a good one then! You should know I'm jealous of you haha. Bask in it.

    The same thing happens with me, well I don't stretch shows out. But my boyfriend and pops can't understand what's so great about them. I believe it's because they, including your boy and his friend, aren't girls and therefore do not see the same romantic appeal we do.

    I only watched the K version for Kim Hyun Joong, same for Playful Kiss. I think the J boy's aren't very cute. The guy from Arashi is alright, I had to get used to him so I'm interested to see the boys in the T version. They're hot right?

    IT IS BASED OFF THE MANGA! It's my favorite Anime and Manga
    I hate watching stuff on youtube, but if the have it I think I will. I bet Korea could make a good show out of it too.

    Thanks for the link!
    February 18th, 2011 at 07:00pm
  • How are you and your boyfriend?

    I totally agree with you. I'm totally committed to my boyfriend but if Kim Jyun Joong from SS501 or Show Luo ever walk my way. . . .

    We call it college, but it's formally called sixth form. It's the final two years of high school.
    Wiki explains it all, it's hard for me to summarize it.

    Daytona is a nice place. I went there once when I lived in FL. It's better than that other beach whose name reminds me of chocolate. I can't remember. . . Have fun and don't drive please. I'd really hate to never be able to talk to you.

    I've got those two bookmarked. I've seen the Korean adaption and I've watched the first season of the Japanese. When I don't want something to end I stop watching it and I haven't been in the mood to start again haha. It's the Thai version good?

    Peach Girl?! You mean like the anime and manga? Can you link me to it? I can't find it on DC same with that Soulmate one you mentioned.

    After you finish a really good drama do you ever feel sad that it's over?
    February 17th, 2011 at 06:45pm
  • We say we're consistent but we've broken up twice. The first time we weren't apart for even 24 hours and the second we got into this REALLY huge fight and broke up, that didn't last a week. That also happened more than a year ago.

    That's a good song! I like Lucifer
    watch that
    It's C.N Blue. I mentioned earlier that the guy who played Shin Woo is in that group so when I watch that video I think of that "over pass fight scene" from You're Beautiful xD

    Haha, thanks!
    I was going for just serendipity with no punctuation, but that was taken haha

    I'm out of school so it's always Spring Break for me lol.
    What are you guys going to do?

    I finished You're Beautiful. Mi Nyu was pissing me off because she kept saying goodbye. I did like how Tae Kyung sang her dads song and then told her he loves her. I squealed haha.

    But now i have to search for something new to watch
    What are you watching?
    February 15th, 2011 at 08:08pm
  • I can be lovely, it's not the best to live in. Bulgary can be common. We just really want to get out. It might not even be Liverpool, we're still talking.

    Nice! Once you get over the year mark things start feeling natural. Our three years is the 28th. :)

    I don't really care for the way it's written. But it's an Asian fanfiction about hot guys so I have to read it haha. They're awesome. C.N Blue is really good. The guy that plays Shin Woo from You're Beautiful is in that group.

    And your last comment made me laugh!
    February 13th, 2011 at 04:53am
  • I haven't haha. I'm in the middle of episode eight.

    I do? Well I guess I'll watch it soon. I really hate him though. At first he seemed like another Chris with the whole drinking and not caring. But I just despise him haha. I fancy Freddie <3

    Try not to do it in a way that'll get ya sacked though. I'd hate for that too happen.

    My boyfriend and I are thinking of getting an apartment out of Nottinghamshire. We're not sure on location, probably Liverpool. I wish I had school to occupy me instead of work haha.

    Oh, and I found someone like us. Meaning they love Asian drama's. She's knew here and I found her because she is writing a SHINee love story
    February 11th, 2011 at 05:18am
  • When I watch something I like I get real into it. Hi My Sweetheart has to be one of my favorites and I'm heart broken it's over. Well, to be honest, I fancy Show Luo so I'm more heartbroken about him haha.
    So I feel so bad for Shin Woo that I had to stop watching it. The last episode I saw was 6 I believe when he followed her around the city and she almost found out that he knew. :(

    I already know some stuff that happens. I know someone tries/succeeds suicide. Not sure who though so don't tell me. Just little spoiler stuff I've seen accidentally thanks to tumblr or weheartit.
    Is Cook still a wanker?

    At least your better looking than them. I don't like the way they dress but I'd rather work at a place where men admire me than a bunch of tourists that are pissy.
    Good luck! I hope everything goes well.

    How have you been lately?
    February 9th, 2011 at 07:05pm
  • My heart is breaking while I watch You're Beautiful. She should be with Shin Woo, who is SO much hotter than the lead, whose name I don't remember. If I ever remember, I'll have to look up that drama.

    Season 5 started last month. I just finished season three. Effy's making me mad. Why would she shag Cook, who is suck a wanker it kills me, while she loves Freddie. God, the actor for Freddie is so good looking.

    Florida has one, but I have no idea what it is.
    February 5th, 2011 at 10:48pm
  • A Love To Kill?
    What's that about?
    I'm still heart broken about finishing Hi My Sweetheart because the main actor, Show Lo, is SO damn sexy, turns 32 this year
    So I've started on You're Beautiful and I'm laughing my ass off.

    -takes a bow-
    Thank you Thank you
    You light up mine too. Who else would I talk about Asian drama's and Skins with?
    Speaking of which, I'm trying to start season three since 5 just started airing. But Asian men keep stealing my heart xD
    February 3rd, 2011 at 05:58pm
    February 2nd, 2011 at 08:47pm
    February 2nd, 2011 at 08:47pm