Writer's Block attack

I am really sorry guys. This is just killing me. I know what I want to write, but I can't get the words out. My home life is really rough right now, which I think has a lot to do with it. I am so sorry, and I will update as soon as I can. I hope you aren't mad at me. Please no death threats this time, okay? Apparently journal entries have to be 100 words, so here is a poem I wrote.Gentle dust...
May 20th, 2010 at 09:29pm

Heyllo my readers

Hello lovelies. I regret to inform you, but I will not be updating PBOH or BH for a while. I was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa, it's an eye condition, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retinitis_pigmentosa if you're curious) and I have been stuck going to hundreds of millions of doctors appointments, so by the time I get home my eyes and head and just everything is tired, so I am putting the...
May 6th, 2010 at 09:27am


Hey, sorry to all my readers. I know I said I would update both stories tonight, but to be honest, i went to a party and now i am really tired and a little drunk. i will update tomorrow evening at the latest. it's sunday "family day" tomorrow, so i can't update til evening. Heading to bed now. Love you all!So, seeing as this journal entry has to be 100 words long, and i don't have one hundred...
May 2nd, 2010 at 07:39am

Slight Alteration

I doubt any of you will notice, but I gave all the chapters a name. Just because I wanted to. I decided that having the half-chapter was throwing off the count, and I did not want to give it its own chapter, so I named them all. I will fight with myself and give each chapter a name from now on. I suck at naming chapters, though, so they will probably all suck. But anywho, I am just typing because...
February 22nd, 2010 at 05:25am

Guess who's back....back again?

Izzy's back. TELL EVERYONE! I am unbelievably excited to have my computer back and have my readers back. I love you all. I am really sorry about being gone for so long, but the good news is I have been writing (with an actual PEN even!) and have a bunch of chapters built up and ready to post. BUT.... I am not going to just throw them all at you at once! That would be anti-climactic. No, I am going...
February 4th, 2010 at 08:37am

Computer Trouble...AGAIN!

More computer problems. this time i am going to be out til the 27th. i will post when i can but it definitely wont be regularly. i will try to have a new chapter for both stories tomorrow. Like I said before, I have all of PBOH planned out, and Guitar Case is a true story, so just have to get the wording right there. If you have any ideas for a new story, please message me and let me know, I would...
January 11th, 2010 at 11:42pm

Is there a way to...+ NEWS UPDATE!

view my subscribers? I am just curious. I know that i have subscribers, but I would like to know who is subscribed to get more in depth opinions on my story. I think if I actually messaged someone and asked i have a better chance of getting a response. Also, anyone that reads my journal, if you have a minute to read my story, it would definitely be appreciated. Anyway, I think I will just fiddle...
January 8th, 2010 at 08:08am

Computer Trouble

Hey all. I have received a few messages asking me why I have not been writing. I sincerely apologize, but the day after I posted chapter 6.5 my computer died. A funeral procession was held the day after Christmas, and he had asked to be cremated and dumped into the vat for the plastic of Toshiba laptops. Anyway, I am at my friend's house, who has graciously allowed me to use his computer to post...
January 4th, 2010 at 02:30am

Sorry to my readers

Sorry I have not been updating as often as I am sure you would like. I have been terribly sick for almost a month. I have a new chapter in the works, but i have been in the hospital all day and now i need sleep. i should have the new chapter up by tomorrow night. I am sorry i have been slack on updates. i will try and do so more often, but don't hold me to that. The holiday season is obviously...
December 19th, 2009 at 10:44am

Gotta clear something up

Hey, I been getting alot of messages in the last few weeks asking me why i have not been updating. I sincerely apologize, I have been busy with life this week. I got a bad cold, then with the holiday, I been out of town, and I am sorry.Also, just so everyone knows, my REAL last name is Cullen. My name is Isabella Cullen. I know it sounds like a line of shit, but it is my real name. I never liked...
November 27th, 2009 at 08:11am

My Obsessions this week

I have taken quite a liking to the Twilight book series. I just started writing an edward fan-fiction if anyone is interested in reading it. in all honesty, though, i did not like Twilight as a movie. i thought it was way off the book and that kristen stewart was trying too hard. but i did love the books. i am greatly looking forward to the new moon movie, because new moon was my favourite book...
November 6th, 2009 at 08:59am