The smell of your skin lingers on me now.

I can't recall a time in my life that it's ever physically hurt to breathe.Until last night.As if I hadn't already had enough reminders of him over the past few weeks, last night really topped it all off. Made every other reminder seem stupid.I was at the movies, the lights had finally dimmed and everyone settled into a seat when it hit me. Faint at first, then grew stronger.The scent of cologne....
October 20th, 2012 at 06:50pm

V-Card? What's that?

'That night, I felt like I'd become something treasured...different.'Or, at least, that was what I wanted to happen.Different? Absolutely.Treasured? Not so much.I'd always thought losing my virginity would be, I don't know, special. Beautiful.Call me an idealist, but I wanted it to mean something.If nothing else, I wanted to be in love.But when he said “I'll go slow, I promise.”, and then did...
July 30th, 2012 at 03:58am

J.M.R. [RIP]

She lives in a fairytale, somewhere too far for us to find. Forgotten the taste and smell of a world that she's left behind.Her auburn bangs fell over her eyes that were locked onto the ground. Each step she took was accompanied by the crushing of orange, gold, and some still green leaves beneath her black boots. Her headphones covered her ears, blocking out every other sound in the world. The...
December 21st, 2011 at 04:50am


How could someone so strong suddenly become so vulnerable?How could a person so young and full of life, become so sad and afraid?A heartbeat.A pulse.The dull pounding that underlies the living.How can something so strong, be so utterly fragile?As she laid her head against her mothers chest, she closed her eyes and listened.The heartbeat. From the heart that nearly stopped.As she hugged him, she...
December 21st, 2011 at 04:40am

Addict for dramatics.

"It's like an addiction or something, from what I hear." she said with a laugh and a small shrug, as she averted her eyes from her friend's."they're addicts, all right. For drama. That whole emo kid thing is bullshit. If you want to kill yourself, cut the right way and get the job done the first time. Remember: down the road, not across the street." he said, as his lips curled into a cruel smile....
December 16th, 2011 at 07:50am


Students filtered through the hallsAmongst the cliques andGlares that read “Keepaway, we bite.”I find theones whoOnlyGlance reassuringly“I’m always here.” AndI made my way down.A shout in mydirectionSays“Damn, she’s ugly.”I look back to findThe speakerWith eyes looking back at me,In lieu of pointing.Initially and genericallyI think as anyone wouldOf appearancesAnd...
December 16th, 2011 at 07:06am