AS.I.LAY.DYING / Comments

  • Sankies for the comment on my story! Part of the reason I haven't been updating is that I didn't think anyone liked it. The other reason I haven't added to that, while writing it for another website I belong to, I forgot a maaaaaajor plot necessity. I have quite a few more scenes written, including the end. Only problem is, they don't connect. Gah. I'll get there. :/

    I'm in the middle of a full novel, right now, and this mini-story was me being rebellious and putting it off. ^.^ I'll try to keep writing. Promise!

    Thanks again!

    November 12th, 2009 at 06:46pm
  • thank you for the poem comment (:
    November 12th, 2009 at 12:51am
  • -SQUEEE!!-

    You are my new hero. Not even joking. :D I came on to Mibba, clicked on my poems, saw my "comments" count, and my eyes went all froggy.

    Thank you! Thank you sooo much for everything!! I really hope nothing bored you...and I hope you found something you liked!

    November 11th, 2009 at 02:39am
  • Thank you for the poem comments! :] They mean so much to me.

    It's almost sorta annoying to me though, as a writer, that those four-ish poems get all the readers...and none of the poems towards the bottom of my list (ones that I am especially proud of...) ever get clicked on. :( If you have time, sometime...maybe...could you look at them? Pweeettttty pwease? I hate to beg, but...I'm gonna do it anyway. -gets on knees and offers a virtual basket of cookies-


    November 10th, 2009 at 02:43am