Pseudo & Nym Orwell
Sept. 28, 2010
Mood: Alive
Music: NaNaNaNaNa
Updates: Begin Transmission.
Pseudo & Nym Orwell here to bring you the bulletproof truth straight from the zones. We're your fly on the wall for all things 'Killjoy'. You want books, we got books. You want black-listed tales of miscreants, we're your go to gals. We're your literature pirates, providing you with the words the pigs try to hide. Two 'sisters' on a mission. We educate to decapitate and raise all kinds of hell. This Dangerverse is our playground, our kingdom, our wasteland and we rule it all from our Cherry Red T-Top Camaro. Dr. Death Defying is our messiah and his voice our hymns. We do it loud and do it proud; we make some fucking noise. The Dracs will never take us alive, we can promise you that. If you send it, we will ghost it as a wise man once broadcasted. So stay safe, fellow Killjoys and keep your ears to the ground. If we can last this long out here in the zones, so can you. Look Alive, Sunshines.
Layout by Lina @ YTM Layouts
banner made by Lina/images found here
do not steal or change
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Give Me All Your Poison
chapters: oo1/??
status:Look active, Sunshine