Do you ever get that feeling?

Where no matter what you do… you won’t get anywhere.I feel like I am going nowhere.I’m on full speedbut on a hamsterwheel.Pausing once in awhile to munch on something.Maybe have one or two un-invited guests barge in on my world.But that’s it.I’m just … forever stuck.Maybe forever is too long… It just seems like forever… Or what I perceive forever to be whilst I’m being extremely...
March 9th, 2010 at 06:13am

I look like a chicken running around with its head cut off when I walk in heels

Today I found out I cannot walk in heels…well I already knew this but it was just proven once againIf this a turn off to some guys…well too bad…I guess I won’t be going out with those guys anytime soon :/Honestly my feet hurt like a motherfuckerMy thighs already hurt from skiing and the heels didn’t help in the leastI’m pretty sure I bruised my foot…If that’s possibleI’m so...
January 13th, 2010 at 12:25am

Needy people

I'm not one to rant and moan about relationshipsI'm not someone who is dependent on othersI really couldn't care less.I have my friendsI don't need to scope out guysI'm lazyToo lazy for a relationshipI've never really been a real relationship...In my book elementary and middle school don't countMy longest relationship was like...2 weeksand I got boredI wasn't really interested.I'm scared of having...
January 5th, 2010 at 03:45am

devil spawns

I really should be doing my homework right now.As much as I love reading, I hate having to read and dissect everything during class… The majority of things we are reading in class this year are written in a plain manner…not meant to be dissected, torn apart piece by piece! I want to enjoy what I’m reading. I don’t like having to stop in the midst of a paragraph to have to scribbel down...
December 8th, 2009 at 08:26pm