HappyDaiz / Comments

  • Haha. I didn't know you smoked. I used to, back when I was 15 and thought that it was trendy and cool and awesome. And I felt like a complete badass for breaking the law. But now I only really do it when I drink. It's really no fair- all the fun things in life are only good (or at least tolerable) in small doses. Except sex. That's fun in large doses. :D

    Haha, I dunno about endearing. I think it makes me come off as really obnoxious. Which I am and I won't deny that. But ehh, I don't care. I have friends and I like me, obnoxious asshole-y-ness and all, haha. :)

    It's no problem- I know how much of an ego boost these things can be. And it is a simple plot, you're right. But it's written well and it's written in such a way that keeps you wanting more. So the fact that it's so simple doesn't even enter your mind. I'm probably not even making sense, but it's a really, really good thing.

    Yep. I agree. Love is pretty shitty. I'm sure we'll both be saying completely different things once we actually do meet someone worthwhile, but for now I will maintain that I am perfectly content being single. And crazy, haha.

    Doesn't it suck?! Wanting to see someone absolutely wrecked over you leaving and then it turns out that they're completely fine and you're like DAMMIT. You're supposed to be DEVASTATED. Life is stupid like that. As corny as that joke was, I laughed. So what does that say about our humor?

    I'm writing the next chapter now and hoping to post tonight before I go to bed. I can't decide if it's too dramatic and whiny though, but I like it. Soo... it'll probably be up in a few. And as for the sequel-- originally, I was going to have everything happen in one story. But I move so slowly that if I did end up keeping things going at the rate they are, the story'll be well over 100 chapters. So I think WIMHA'll be over in a few chapters and then I'll start the sequel.

    Totally loled at your smiting comment. I'm totally picturing the ceiling in my bedroom opening and, like, bloody Zeus peering through and then chucking thunderbolts at my head. Awesome! :D
    August 26th, 2010 at 06:19am
  • I feel a hundred times better, thanks. I think my only real problem is I hadn't eaten because I was so hot and uncomfortable. Which is why my head was throbbing and my stomach hurt and so on and so forth. Mum finally turned the air back on, but it was only after I passed out in our upstairs hallway. She was so freaked out- I nearly went down the stairs when I fainted. But yes, I'm fine now, thanks for asking! :)

    Oh no! That's horrible. Have you gotten tested? (I feel like we're talking about chlamydia or something, haha) I mean, are you feeling poorly at all?

    I don't have a filter either. The majority of the time I just say what's popped into my head and I often offend people unintentionally. Or I say something that I think's hilarious and no one else does. And so then I try to save it by elaborating and I make it worse. Yep, that's me. Socially awkward. :D

    Yeah, this girl wants to do a joint story with me and I don't think our styles match up at all. And like you, I like being in control too much. And then I don't want to offend her and she's really headstrong, so I can just see things ending in disaster. Honestly I couldn't imagine asking someone to co-write with me unless I knew them/their writing really, really well and I knew they'd say no if they didn't want to and not just feel obligated, y'know?

    I'm a traitor than. I love both series, haha. Though I think I like Star Wars better personally. BAHAHAHA. I totally just loled at the mental image of you getting measured for Spock's outfit. Hysterical! That is actually amazing, I'm getting giggly just thinking about it again. Oh man, to have been there with you!

    I understand what you mean. And I'm glad that you're proud of your work- you have every right to be. It's such an amazing story and so well-written, which is a rare find these days. This past chapter just really shows how much your characters are growing and evolving and I think that it shows just how much you're growing as a writer. I can see the positive changes that you've made since you started writing. It's all really, really good.

    Haha, awh. Again, it just shows that you're an amazing writer! Good writers can draw off of anything and make it into something... if that makes any sense. I've only been in one semi-serious relationship in my entire life. He was one of my old friend's older brother and he goes to school out of town. So he came back every three weeks and we were inseparable and everything. We said we were dating and whatnot, but he broke it off at a little under a year because apparently I'd changed. Which is shit and I was really upset when it happened. I said that I loved him, but looking back at it, it wasn't. So I've not been in proper love either. Totally in the same boat with you, man! :)
    August 24th, 2010 at 06:31am
  • yeah dude I was blown away.
    August 21st, 2010 at 04:44am
  • I am so sorry for not getting back to you sooner! I've been sick these past few days- throbbing headache, upset stomach etc, etc. It's been a chore for me to get up off of the sofa/my bed. It also doesn't help that my mum isn't turning on the air conditioner and it's currently 90 degrees in my house. :|

    Yay for not sounding absolutely ridiculous. I couldn't think of the words that I wanted to use and I was worried that I was coming off like a complete prat. But I'm glad that you know what I was talking about, haha.

    Love the Tolkien reference, btw. I just ... I don't know. It doesn't seem weird for me to note these things and then people comment on it all the time and it's just like what!? I have a feeling that my writing can get really wordy and awkward in places. But thank you for dumbing it down for the blonde. ;)

    I've only co-written a story once with a girl and our styles clashed horridly. I was too descriptive and I used big words and her writing was really simple and direct and choppy. It was absolutely horrendous. I did read a story awhile ago, about Tre actually, that was co-written and the two girls styles were so similar, I couldn't tell when one started and the other ended. It was really cool.

    I actually loved the film! I used to watch Star Trek with my dad when I was little, but I haven't done it in years. So I sat down and I was like I've no idea what's going on and who all these people are. But then it all started to come back the more that I watched. I'm in love with Spock- this only amplifies my nerd status, haha.

    I faaaaaaaail at updating. I'm finishing it up now; hopefully I've not irritated too many people.

    And now I'm off to devour your update:D
    August 21st, 2010 at 02:49am
  • It was amazing. I was in New York to see American Idiot and I was sitting in my seat and my mom goes, "is that adrienne?" and I looked up and she was standing in the back of the theater with Joey.
    So my friend and I went back to say Hi and maybe get a picture with her and I feel this hand on my shoulder and hear "scuse me" and then his laugh. I turned around and we were face to face, so I stepped out of the way and after he went over to joey, I asked for a picture. But he apologized a thousand times saying he had to go to his seat, and this big spotlight came on and he walked down the aisle.

    It was amazing to look him in the eye :P
    August 20th, 2010 at 09:27pm
  • Sugar tits just made me bust out laughing. We're very mature, serious people. :)

    I think your pace is fine. If you're worried about going too quickly, than maybe throw in another plot. Not like completely random, but something that spaces things out and makes your character seem more involved. I'm probably not making any sense whatsoever, but like... my side-plot is having Rilla adjust to college/miss her family etc while Billie's is his high-school degree/Abigail. ...I'm probably not making any sense, am I?

    Okay, so it may seem like I'm fishing for compliments and I'm totally not, I swear. I'm just... my brain's not working apparently. Everyone always says my writing's really detail-oriented and I'm like detailed how. I just- I'm not catching on when they say it. I don't think my writing's too wordy and maybe I go on about really simple things, but... I dunno. Maybe my blonde-ness is catching up to me, haha.

    I really like laying out two peoples' writing styles and seeing the differences. That's why it's super difficult to find another author who has a writing style that's cohesive with your own. Which is why I think a lot of co-written stories fail- because the styles are so completely different. I've never found anyone who's writing meshes well with my own.

    Dude, totally beat you last night. Major geek reveal coming up. Watched the Star Trek movie with my dad last night and I was in bed by quarter to midnight and completely dead to the world by twelve. I fail at being a night owl lately apparently, haha.

    It all plays out soon, no worries! I'm writing it now, but either this chapter or the next. I want to get back into the groove of updating frequently again. I've missed this story. Thanks for the comment. :)
    August 18th, 2010 at 10:52pm
  • Don't worry! You're doing lovely. And I'm not the only one who thinks so, so you're doing something right. :)

    Haha, I have a playlist called 'Sleepy Time Mix'. No lie. I'm mature, I promise. It's all soft songs that I like to listen to as I fall asleep. Though I'm normally out so quickly that I don't get much past the third song, haha.

    Thank you. That's such a relief to hear. And the same goes for you! If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always come to me. I'm really crap at giving advice, but I'm good at listening. :)

    Haha! I HAVE to see your dance now. That sounds amazing.

    Tracy just seems like one of those believable characters, like your girl-next-door, best friend. Kindof nosy and overbearing, but means well in the end. You know what I mean? It's a really, really good thing.

    Yes, I get it now. I like your writing style though! Sometimes I feel like I go into too much detail, like I ramble on and on and it gets irritating for my readers to have to trudge through it. So I dunno. :S

    I'm so lame. It's only two in the morning and I'm nodding off in front of the computer yet again. I got distracted by a movie and then just as I feel myself falling asleep, I realize that I've not yet finished editing the chapter. So I was all propped up in my bed and squinting blearily at my computer screen. There's probably loads of typos, but I'll have to double check in the morning. :)
    August 17th, 2010 at 07:52am
  • Totes just got your comment on WIMHA-- evidently, I fail at responding back in a timely manner. :S

    For some reason, I just really love the idea of Louisa and Faye being super overprotective of Rils. Maybe it's because I'M super overprotective of Rilla, which is a bit creepy to admit because she's clearly fictional, haha.

    If you're an old woman, I'm... old too. We're the same age, haha. But I get what you mean. You've no idea how badly I wanted to make Billie walk back in there and just sit there and patiently take their shit until they let him see Rilla. But Billie's much too prideful to have walked back in there.

    I'm confused- not that I don't appreciate the compliments though! How does my story seem fuller? Like.. detail wise? Sorry, I'm a bit slow at the moment. But danke for the lovely comment- I so love hearing your thoughts on each chapter because they actually contain something pertaining to my writing and aren't just asking me to update again. :)
    August 17th, 2010 at 04:54am
  • Haha, apparently I leave excellent comments when I'm just about passed out at my keyboard. Awesome. :)

    I think the personalities stray a bit from chapter to chapter, but it's to be expected and it's completely normal. No one is exactly the same day in and day out, you know? It depends on your mood. Things would be so boring if they were the exact same. So they do a bit, but it's a good thing. It only serves to make your characters more believable.

    Haha, that's the best. I was home alone today too, for a couple of hours. So I blasted Shakira and danced around my room for a bit... and then ate ice cream straight from the tub. I am the epitome of cliche. :P

    No, no, don't apologize. I really appreciate and value your input. It's a relief to know that you went through the same thing. I'm terrified of Morgan ending up hating me and I don't want to lose her. It scares me beyond belief that me putting distance between us will break us. I want to believe that our relationship is strong enough to endure this, but ever since she's been with this guy, it's hard to tell.

    We used to have a third girl with us, like we were the three musketeers. But in high school, the same exact thing happened. She started going out with this loser and we told her that he was a loser and she told us to get lost. But three months ago or so, she randomly wrote me this letter, apologizing and explaining things. And we're really, really good friends again. So I get that some friendships need breaks in order to strengthen. :)

    Fucking aye! That's badass, dude. I love jam sessions. Hopefully I'll make your night again, I'm editing the next chapter. But shh, you didn't hear it from meeee;)
    August 17th, 2010 at 04:25am
  • Now I'm just picturing a security guard rocking out to your tapes on the drive home after, like, a really shitty concert. Think of how he'll appreciate you and your excellent taste in music!

    Ooh cats. I'm more of a dog person personally, but cats are cool. Is this teacher single? Like.. typical single cat woman? This amuses me more than it probably should, but that might be because I'm absolutely exhausted.

    I know. I know. But when he's not there, she's this amazing, awesome friend and we're exactly alike. We're so close, we can finish each other's sentences and we know what the other's thinking and I don't want to throw away someone like that. I mean she was with me through my depression and the suicide attempt and then rehab. It'd be like killing off a part of me, if that makes any sense. I'm trying to give her space now, to let her work all of this out on her own. Hopefully I'm doing the right thing here. I just don't know.

    But thank you so much for your advice. It's a relief to know that you understand and I'm not coming off as a deluded, insane person. :)

    And now, now I'm off to read your update and then I'm going to pass out. I'm so sodding tired that I'm nodding off into my keyboard as I type this to you, haha.
    August 15th, 2010 at 07:56am
  • Yeah, we're on like week three of straight severe heat alert. It's 85 and the sun went down ages ago and in the day it gets over 100. So I just park myself either in the pool or in my basement where it's ridiculously cold. :)

    Haha, a part of me would ask just to be sure, because if I put the effort into making the tapes, you want to be sure that the boys got them-- but I understand what you mean. So I'd just leave it be. Hey, worst case scenario, some security guard is rocking out to your mixtape. So at least someone's enjoying it. ;D

    Ooh, I see. What're you doing there?

    It just makes me furious because she's only just twenty and she's already been engaged twice before to two different guys and they always fuck her and then leave her and I'm sick and tired of always picking up the pieces. I know it's my job as best friend, but it's getting to be a little ridiculously.

    Especially since (okay, major venting time... you can skip this if you want) a couple of months ago I had a pregnancy scare with my ex. I took a pregnancy test on my own and it came out positive, so obviously I freaked the fuck out. I texted her, completely melting down and she first told me "Ouch" and that's it. Then I was like 'that's all you have to say!?' and she told me to "Shut the fuck up." And she's had four different pregnancy scares herself and I've been by her side each time. But when my test comes out positive, she just completely blows me off.

    Right so, things have been tense ever since then. But then she meets this guy at school. He's a high school drop out and he's seventeen. Unemployed and without a driver's license and he's sofa surfing because his parents disowned him. He's been engaged to a girl before and they ran away from Ohio to South Carolina to be """"together forever"""". We see how well that worked out. Oh yeah, he got her pregnant and then when she asked him to pay child support, he said he was going to punch her in the stomach until the baby aborted itself. Sounds like a winner, huh? He gets better. He's a drug dealer and he's apparently shot three people and killed two in a drug deal gone wrong. I'm not sure how much I believe that story, but still. He's just this fat, fucking ugly, hairy idiot. He's got "Man Whore" tattooed across his chest. :|

    AND he blatantly hits on me. Like the last time we hung out, I was wearing a tunic top and it cut kinda low and he kept trying to squeeze my boobs. With her standing right there and then she gets pissed at ME because I was "inviting" him by showing some cleavage. This is coming from the girl who wears strapless shirts so low that they frequently fall down and she flashes everyone because her chest is so big.

    Oh yes, and she doesn't even have a ring. She's wearing one of her old rings, just switched it over to her ring finger so that it's official. I know that doesn't really make a big difference, but it just pisses me off. I've been her best friend since we were 13 and I'm a fairly good judge of character. Every single guy I've said is weird or creepy has ended up fucking her over. You'd think that since I'm right about it all the time, she'd learn to trust me over these sorts of things.

    But no. She still doesn't. I love her to death, but it's like she's fucking stupid. I already refused to be the maid of honor when she asked me to be and she started crying because I'm a horrid friend apparently for not supporting her and the love of her life. I said she can fuck him all she wants, but I'm not dealing with her while she's still with him. And then she told me to go fuck myself because she's apparently always going to chose him. Whatever.

    A huge part of me understands that they won't make it to the aisle but it still makes me furious and it drives me up a wall. I mean she's done this twice before, so her track record isn't the most spectacular. But still. It's just exhausting.

    And I'm sorry I just completely got off track like that, haha. I needed to vent to someone. I talked to Mum about it, but it's not like I can sit there and talk about Morgan fucking this kid and how they're not using protection so they can have a baby. :|

    But ah, back on topic. Russia! That's really exciting. Does she know if she's getting a boy or a girl? You've got the house to yourself, excellent. Jealous, haha.
    August 14th, 2010 at 03:51am
  • Haha, awh. So it's that hot down there, huh? No fun. But I'm glad you had a good time and that you got a pick from Mike. Hopefully they get your tapes; that'd be devastating if they didn't. But I'm sure they did- I've heard that their security is really cool like that. :)

    Bahaha! What's Harris Teeter? It sounds funny. But at least you're gainfully employed. You can make mucho deniero.

    Awh yay. That's exciting, I can't wait to listen to it. Who're you house sitting for?

    My life's been alright. My best friend just got engaged to an absolute loser. She's just turned 20 and he's 17. And when I say loser, I mean an absolute waste of semen. Like he just needs to curl up and die. Which is a harsh thing to say, I know. But it's the truth. :|

    How've you been lately?
    August 13th, 2010 at 10:38pm
  • Ooh, so you're at your camp job thing now. Excellent. How's it going!?

    Thanks! I had a really good day; I'm going out tomorrow again. I should probably take a day off.... but I'm not, haha. I'll probably be preaching another story Sunday after two more days of partying. :)

    I really hope you get your tapes to the boys. That would be amazing.
    August 6th, 2010 at 06:07am
  • Looking back at some of the things I said/did, I'm surprised she didn't disown me. I was horrid. Like, had I been my own kid, I'd have punched me in the head repeatedly. Okay, maybe not that drastic, haha. But still. I'm so glad that we actually get along now. :)

    Awh that sounds like so much fun. My birthday's on Wednesday- I'm leaving my teenage years behind. Booyah! So I work the graveyard shift for the first half of the week, but then I'm off for the last half and I have something to do with my friends every day. I intend to not be sober at all this weekend; I have such high aspirations in life, haha.

    So you got a job! Where is it slash what do you do? You said you were going out of town, where is it? If you don't mind me asking.

    Oh man, no worries. I know exactly what you mean. It drives me up a wall when I go from getting nine or ten comments a chapter to getting, like, two. I'm like AM I THAT SUCKY!? So I totally understand. But I'll always comment on it and I'm very important, so you should just update for me. ;D

    ... I'm just going to stop promising to update because apparently, every time I do, I don't. I genuinely meant to but like I said, I'm on the graveyard shift all week, so I ended up going straight to sleep when I got home from lunch. I'm actually getting ready to leave now- so not looking forward to this shift. The only good thing is that I get off at six in the morning so I get to listen to my favorite DJs on the radio as I drive home. :)

    Awh yay, I'm excited. I can't wait to listen to it! And that's really sweet of you to make a mix tape for the guys. I'm sure they would really appreciate it. You should totally find Adie or Jake or Joey at the show, or even Bill S., and ask them to give it to the boys, if you can't meet the guys, y'know? I think you should totally do it.
    August 2nd, 2010 at 02:48am
  • Yeah it was more mortifying than anything else, especially as I was the only girl at home and I had three brothers living with me at the time. My mom and I butt heads a lot over everything- our personalities clash so much. She's this prim, proper little English woman and I'm this loud, obnoxious kid who'd rather drop out of school and just chill out. We used to get into this massive arguments when I was younger, like 14-16, and my brothers would call them WWIII, haha. I've grown up and matured a lot and so now we very rarely get into fights. So that's awesome.

    I get the music thing, I really do. I was depressed when it happened and I tried to kill myself and she was at her wit's end trying to help me. I think taking away my music, as devastating as it seemed at the time, really did help me in the end. I mean I was listening to some horrid, crazy shit that just made me feel worse. But my best friend lent me her iPod and I would stay up 'til like 2 in the morning just listening to Green Day in my bed because they made me feel better. :) I just got all heavy on you, oh snap, dude. My apologies.

    Ooooh. That's well exciting about the Green Day show! I'm jealous; have fun and be sure to tell me all about it when you come back! And I hope you find your stride again. It's hard to balance everything and then when something as big in your life as school gets taken away, everything's just off-kilter. I get it, I understand.

    I think it was lovely, but if you want to go back and rework it, it's your decision. I'm always doing that, rereading random chapters and constantly finding little typos and fixing them, haha.

    No dude. I think every story needs more than one plot woven together. i detest when the story is just about the romantic relationship. It needs to be balanced out to keep it fresh and interesting. I think you're doing wonderfully so far.

    So my interwebs is out at my house, atm because of a really bad storm. I'm on my mobile right now and it's a bitch and a half typing all of this out, haha. But I'm going over to my brother's house tomorrow so I'll bring the chapter on a flashdrive and update. I swear this time! I truly did mean to update the other day like I promised and then Mother Nature decided to pwn me. :(
    August 1st, 2010 at 05:04am
  • Yeah. The lyrics are really relatable which I think is what makes it so awesome. I think basically every person out there is able to relate to it at one point or another in their lives.

    Ooh, I'll have to check that out too then. My dad's going to be mighty annoyed when I've checked out like eleven million books on his card. :)

    Bahaha. Awh. She sounds adorable.

    Oh my god. I can't believe your friend got kicked out for using mustard. That's a bit ridiculous. I once got my bedroom door taken off its hinged because I mouthed off to my mom. And then I got music taken away-- fucking music. Because apparently, both privacy and music are privileges, not rights; therefore, my parents could take them away. I was beyond furious.

    No, no, no. It's okay. It wasn't depressing at all, don't worry. I've been super busy these past few days and tomorrow is my first off day in ages. So I understand. I'm just going to veg and write. :)

    I rewrote it, but I hate it. Billie's part, that is. So I'm going to do major work on it tomorrow and then post then. I promise this time, haha.
    July 29th, 2010 at 04:10am
  • Oh my god. I actually really, really like that song. The start kindof threw me and I wasn't sure if I'd end up liking it, but I totally did. The lyrics are so heartbreaking! And I looked up the synopsizes (Did I even make that plural properly?) online and I'm going to bother my dad until he orders them to the library for me-- I'm really excited to read the Too Much, Too Late; it sounds phenomenal.

    Bahaha. I still have to get a chance to sit down and watch Doctor Who. I turned it on actually the other day. I got off work and I was going to sit down and rest for a few moments before I started on dinner. I only watched, like, two minutes before I passed out, haha. I was super tired. But yes, how did she like the show?

    I've read it twice now. And I think I get something new out of it every time I read through it. I just really like Brian's voice and the way he views the world. It's relatable and humorous.

    Mate, I am beyond furious. I had Rilla's part all written out and I had the majority of Billie's POV done. But then my computer decided to crap out and deleted all of Billie's part while it was sleeping. So I have to rewrite Billie's bit before I can post. I am most disgruntled. Because I genuinely feel like things are never better the second time around when I write them. Blaah.

    So I guess that's what the rest of my evening is going to be until I pass out. >:(
    July 27th, 2010 at 02:01am
  • Oh, I will! :)
    July 26th, 2010 at 07:13pm
  • I can't wait! :)
    July 26th, 2010 at 08:31am
  • Well maybe she'll chill out and loosen up a bit when she's older? I can't even imagine living life always being stressed out and rigid about everything. It just sounds horrid.

    YES. I literally just whooped in excitement. I'm so stoked, I'll be anxiously checking the mail now. I'll message you my address. :D And I actually wasn't, though that is a good read. I was reading Hairstyles of the Damned.

    Yeah man, can't even begin to tell you the amount of people I've offended unintentionally with my sarcasm or my humor. And then I wonder why people all think I'm a massive bitch, baha. It's honestly not my intention [the majority of the time]. I guess I just take a little bit of time to get used to-- or at least that's what I like to tell myself. ;)

    Dudeee, I'm posting tomorrow after I get home from work. I figured out my whole splitting up the chapter dilemma and I've been diligently writing for nearly two hours now. And I actually really, really like what I've come up with. :)

    I also use a lot of smiley faces in my comments, but that is another story entirely.
    July 26th, 2010 at 06:15am