Blind Angel

The day ended as night followed. He was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Who's the girl that made him go psychotic? There's something about her reels him in. It was morning, and he didn't get a drop of sleep. His mind was too occupied to ever think about sleep. He got ready for school; instead of driving to school, he walked. He turned back, and saw 'THE' girl. She was yelling something,...
February 27th, 2010 at 09:59pm


Was there anybody to see through his hardened act? Has anyone tried? It's a great difficulty to communicate with a mask. No one can see eye to eye. His icy blue eyes was never once melt from its long stage. One female tried and succeeded. Her delicate slim fingers grazed at the bottom of the mask. His breath got caught in his throat. She pushed her fingers under of the mask lightly. His ice eyes...
February 26th, 2010 at 03:31am