
Joined date
November 16th, 2009


The man behind the words: Cameron Royal Morgason. Scottish, and proud of it. Firm believer in the Greek Pantheon. Comment and talk to me. I don't bite. Hard. Unless you beg for it.

Listening to: Bo Burnham. That man is a genius. Seriously. Look him up.

Hobbies: Hockey makes my life. I also enjoy fighting. And reading. I'm also starting to write stories instead of just fanatisizing about them. So I'll try and get thoughts onto paper and onto here.

Loves: Jennjenn. She's fantastically amazing and she's my world. I love her so. 'Nuff said.

Nickname? Captain Dr. Sir Dino the Magnificent Time Travelling Dinosaur, PhD in awesomeness, asskickery, and awesome asskickery, knight of the triangular footstool, and Captain of the SS Epic.

Writing: I've Got Thirteen with Jennjenn, which is good and you should go read right now. It's about a warrior, a witch, a demon and has fighting, potentially sex and an actual storyline! I try and update often and Jenn does too, so you should go subscribe. And comment.

I'm also thinking of a huge storyline concerning a main character of mine. Hopefully that'll be up soon.