Yeah, So I Forgot Mibba Existed For A While

Then again, I haven't really been writing for a while. Not too proud of that fact, but I've recently gotten back into writing. Mostly just working on little "side projects" while getting all my ideas finalized for my "magnum opus."I really, really hope to get back to working on some of my older stories. I recently cleaned out all the stories I don't want to try and pick back up so I'm actually...
February 19th, 2014 at 02:59am

New-New Mibba?

So apparently "new mibba" got a makeover? I mean, it apparently still works like it did but there's a new look now I guess. I had just gotten used to the other one!I don't know, the whole thing is kind of weird. I mean, there was talk of updating mibba for a long time, longer than I was ever on it I'm sure, but then it just got updated one day and it took a while for me to learn to navigate it....
July 19th, 2012 at 06:12pm

Sailor Moon 2013

Sailor Moon is being remade into an anime.When I first saw this I literally stopped breathing for a few seconds out of pure excitement. I have been a die-hard Sailor Moon fan/Moonie since I was a little girl and the dub came on Cartoon Network. In fact, this was my first anime and because of that I hold it near and dear to my heart for that. I'm not sure if that's something all otakus do with...
July 7th, 2012 at 06:12pm

Really Bad Day, I Doubt It Will Get Better

Everything in my room is a complete and utter piece of crap: my laptop is crap because it has no battery and refuses to stay plugged in, my carpet is crap because the vacuum cleaner stopped working,my not-even-a-year-old iHom eis crap because it barely works for God knows what reason, and my overhead light is crap because it won't stay on even though I recently changed the bulb. Entire room is...
June 7th, 2012 at 08:49pm

I'm WAY too Excited...

...about fixing my profile layout.Please don't judge me. Under normal circumstances I'm a complete tard when it comes to the computer so I view this as a major accomplishment. I didn't even make the layout and I'm beside myself, seriously.On a completely unrelated note: This must be shared.Me and my mom finally went through our old VHS tapes and boxed some up to be thrown away. Well, not five...
May 28th, 2012 at 02:14am

New Mibba Related Things

This new mibba is going to take some getting used to. I had gotten so used to navigating the old one, and I'm almost innept with computery things, that I'm having a few issues working this one. I'm hoping that it won't take me very long probably won't. The "blog layout" thing is fun though, I'm liking that! I'm not too fond of the no swearing rule though, that cut out almost half of my...
May 26th, 2012 at 04:28am

This Sucks

My computer's been broken for way too long now. I really want to work on my stories, but their all on my laptop and nothing else so I can't. It's had this stupid virus for so long that I'm starting to forget some of my ideas!I mean serisously, I'm getting tired of having the only thing I can do on mibba be to respond to profile comments. I want to update some of my stories for crying out loud! And...
January 21st, 2012 at 08:59pm

Sailor Moon & Comment Swap

So a couple of days ago I went to the bookstore, and some other stores, and finally got the re-released manga volumes of Sailor Moon! Even though I've read a big chunk of the manga online I still like to own the actual books for the re-read value (because to me it's much easier to re-read something if you've got the actual book). And well, I've actually been on a pretty big Sailor Moon kick for a...
December 4th, 2011 at 10:44pm

Contest And Comment Swap + College Crap

So I survived my first week of college with success. I feel accomplished! Also, my history teacher is made out of awesome. I already can't stand one of my teachers though, she f*cking sucks! I just, ugh I can't even explain it.And so now that I've gotten that out of the way I need to advertise my contest. I only have one entrant and I need 9 more(well I'll settle for 2 more actually). But please,...
September 3rd, 2011 at 03:18am

Contest And Questions

What time is it? CONTEST TIME! I'd really appreicate if you guys would check it out.That's really all I wanted to say, so now I'm just gonna ramble.Apparently I live under a bridge and eat goats now. Yeah, I got called a troll. Why? Because I corrected someone, that's why. All I did was point out they misspelled something and I got called an "ungrate troll". True story. I can't believe that...
September 1st, 2011 at 11:20pm

Bipolar Much?

Oh mah cheese my parents are so f*cking bipolar it isn't even funny!First my dad's all like "I saw this thing where you get paid to review books online. Now that you've got a laptop you can look into it if you want to. *insert more of his weird babbling here*"So I get the dumb idea that I have a choice in the matter. Ha! Oh how dumb I am...This morning my mom nags me(through TEXT MESSAGE) to look...
August 26th, 2011 at 05:43pm

Insert Interesting Title Here. Now with 50% More Comment Swapping!

Point One: This morning sucked. I woke up feeling nautious and I think it was my past week of not sleeping enough catching up to me. I took an hour long nap and felt fine afterward! Well...its sorta back now...but I think that's just because I'm hot now. *sig* I just can't be satisfied today.Point Two: Ideas/theories and "in practice" are completely different for me. Even if they're things that...
August 21st, 2011 at 11:50pm

Project Runway, Sh*tty Wi-Fi, Cencorship, Superheroes, Comments, & Questions

OH MY CHEESE! I'm so f*cking excited for the new season of Project Runway! I've been hooked on it for about 3 or 4 years now and this new season excites me so. ^_^ Especially since the season with Seth Aaronwho looks oddly like Billie Joe Armstrong. I'm only hoping for someone I can attach myself to from a very early episode and spill all of my hopes and dreams onto them for a hopefully long time....
July 28th, 2011 at 08:01pm

Rants of Boredom & Comment Swaps

Point One: Its nearly impossible to check out a new band without breaking down and buying a CD. Granted, its easier when its a widely popular band, but its nearly impossible to look up a lesser known band's music on youtube. Maybe I just don't look hard enough? I don't know! Whatever it is, i'ts kinda annoying when all you can find is the live version of a song (which I don't like live versions...
July 25th, 2011 at 11:18pm

Comment Swap

So I am, incredibly bored and I feel too lazy to work on a story update right now (probably cuz I just updated one of them). I'm also considerring getting rid of a couple stories, but I don't know. I mean, I like the stories and all...but I'm just not sure if I wanna keep them. Its one of those deals where you feel a bit overwhelmed with the shear ammount of stories you actually have and start to...
May 31st, 2011 at 12:31am

Super Special Comment Swap!

What makes this comment swap so d*mn special you may ask? Well, that's because you get two comments for the price of one! That's right! You get two comments for only reading one story!So my buddy, baka-no-saru, and I are writing a story that's...very underapreciated. The only way we know to get reads and comments is a comment swap, so we're having one. To make it fair we for you, the participant,...
April 27th, 2011 at 10:38pm

I Hate Being Sick, Plus Questions & Comment Swaps

I seriously hate being sick. It sucks...and not even with digni- I'm not going off on that rant again. I already went off on my perverted rabbit trail on deviantArt. Make your own speculations as to what a perverted rabbit trail looks like.But I still hate being sick. I've missed every day this week but Monday because of a sore throat, a horrible cough/coughing things up, an inabliity to breath...
April 8th, 2011 at 09:05pm

Comment Swap

So I don't really have much to say...I just kinda wanna do a comment swap.So if you could please read & comment on Star Squad (which is about Sailor Moon type stuff). Or The Next Generation if you don't like Sailor Moon.In return I'll comment on whatever you want so long as its not rated NC-17 or slash/fem-slash. I also prefer original fiction, but I'll read fan-fics if I have to. Also, you...
April 4th, 2011 at 12:55am

Story Titles

I've been seeing allot of this recently, not all at once, but just enough to get me pissed off.I find it fucking annoying how some people put the whole damn plot of their story in the title.Why do they do it? Why?????? You take all the fun out of making titles out of it by doing that. I mean, I get wanting to have your title have something to do with the story, but really? Really now? Is the...
March 7th, 2011 at 10:06pm

Remind Me What This Holiday's For Again. Now With 50% Less Annoyance & Some Questions!

So Valentines Day...not my thing. I mean, I'm not completely 'anti' but I'm just not too into it. Ya know where I'm coming from? I just don't really get the point. I scramble to make my friends cards with my mediocre drawing skills, and then I give up out of sheer lazyness or run out of time half way (or less) through the list.And then the school gets into it. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing...
February 14th, 2011 at 11:20pm