

Bold. Italics. Strikethrough. Underline.

Date:: 2014
Doing:: Shit
Mood:: Lazy
Music:: Green Day, Emilie Autumn, 2ne1, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, Nirvana, The Black Keys, The Beatles, Flyleaf
Updates:: Sporadic at best

"Imagination is is the preview of life's comming attractions." -Albert Einstein
Pronunciation for user name: She-car-uh. You can call me that, Marisa, or any one of my nicknames: Ris, Risa, Misa, or Mikey.
I beleive that a man can eat 50 eggs if he seriously puts his mind to it! Take that Mr. Tre Cool!
10 Random Facts About Me: 1)I'm a Christian, but I am not perfect. 2)My blood type is coffee. 3)I FUCKING LOVE GODDAM PROFANITY, MOTHER FUCKERS! 4)I suffer from Obsessive Green Day Disorder. 5)I like anime and manga. 6)GLASSES FETISH, FTW! 7)I love duct tape. I love the way it tapes, I love the sound it makes, I even love saying it! 8)I am addicted to superheores. 9)My favorite book is The Catcher In The Rye. 10)I WANT A UNICORN DAMMIT!
"There's less violence in the world when people are using hula hoops." -Mikey Way

Star Squad
Characters:: Assorted original Sailor Senshi/Scouts
Rating:: PG-13

Blood Lust
Characters:: Cyril Capadocian, Cicilia Capadocian, Selphius Filioque
Rating:: R

Fractured Fairy Tales
Characters:: Angela
Rating:: PG-13


Made by Amber @ A True Liar.