love of mine.


whoever you are, your beautiful--- don't let anyone tell you differently=] .

You can ask me 1 question (TO MY INBOX) about anything, no matter how crazy, dirty, publicly indecent, embarrassing or wrong it is. No catch, I will answer(the best i can) , but I dare you to post this on your profile and see what people ask you

someday you will die.

04 November 2011
born on 25 Jan...

Mood: inspired xD
Doing: sonnets/poetry
Music: youtube, ipod, radio

but i'll be close behind.

"Something unknown is doing we don't know what"

----///-----Put this
---|||--|||---On Your
---|||--|||---Account If
---|||--|||---You Know
-----/----Who is dying
-----/----Or has died
----/ ----Of Cancer

to follow you into the dark.

Layout made by NoLoveWithoutPain @ Sweet Dreams/Sour Nightmares Layouts.