{blackbird singing in the dead of night}

katy. 16.jesus freakpassionate
taylorswift.movies.nicholassparks.reading.beinganerd. HARRYPOTTER.

blackbird fly, blackbird fly, into the light of the dark black night

{take these broken wings and learn to fly}

date: august 25, 2011.
time: 8:04PM.
mood:not stressed.
doing: watching brothers&sisters.tumbling it up!
thoughts: i'm so glad it's almost friday.
music: jj heller.
updates: I Promise I Won't Keep It In Mine

{all your life}

Tell Me You Love Me Too.
characters: Nick Jonas & Amelia Webley.
chapter: Chapter 1

I Promise I Won't Keep It in Mine.
characters:Nick Jonas & Carissa Dillon.
chapter: Chapter 1

story title.
characters: boy & girl.
chapter: #1; chapter title.
status: indefinite hiatus.

story title.
characters: boy & girl.
chapter: #1; chapter title.
status: very active.

story title.
characters: boy & girl.
chapter: #1; chapter title.
status: completed.

story title.
characters: boy & girl.
chapter: #1; chapter title.
status: indefinite hiatus.

{you were only waiting for this moment to arise}

layout by allyssa@lieslikelullabies. | photo credit: lauryn holmquist. | lyrics: blackbird - the beatles.