Mijumaru / Comments

  • Looking through my friends list and saw you on here, so I just thought I'd drop in and say hi. So...hi
    November 13th, 2010 at 04:42am
  • What a coincedence!! Weird... O_o Ahhh you lucky lucky lucky lucky person!! And it's kind of autumny over here... or rainy. It's its own season because we don't get summer over here anymore; it died. and now it just rains. Srs, the most disappointing summer I've had in my wholeeee life. :L
    Nooo I would not do that..... *evil laugh* but I dont even have a lollie... *sniff* I want a lollie... *cries*
    Cough cough cough anyway.
    August 30th, 2010 at 05:31pm
  • So. Hi. been about... er... 2 months? completely my fault :L well sort of... my mum's been really sick recently and i just havent been ANYWHERE online, so for that I use my wise old man face for some reason and apologise -.-
    I go back to school next friday. WHICH IS RATHER POINTLESS. we even finish the day early - it is pointless even going back!! Frackin heamaster just wait until monday!! DX
    And lmao the first thing i read in that sentance was "I ATE THE KID" which scared me. But yes, they are. Although over the pond here they are called "lollies" and people who are sick-minded and immature tend to suck them and pretend they're pinises. *sigh* i dont do that. Im far too mature for that *shifty eyes*
    anyways. hows life your end? :)
    August 27th, 2010 at 11:14pm
  • Hey =) what's up?
    June 22nd, 2010 at 08:06pm
  • I know, right?? I have no idea how I made it... :'D Buttt hopefully it won't happen again... ¬¬
    I HAYTE YEWW!! Literally, END OF JULY! WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS?? But muahahha now I expect you to be able to talk to me in my hours!! >:D (..Does that makes sense?) Btw, this is a slow reply becus I am eating an ice cream :)
    June 16th, 2010 at 09:30pm
  • Again, life sucks. After finally returning from my laptop ban my internet fucks up. :L It probably sounds like I'm making excuses, but I'm actually not... T_T I hate my life. Anyway.
    I WANT A SUMMER HOLIDAY. I don't get off until the end of July..... it really sucks!! Even once my exams are done we just start next years work and it is entirely pointless! >_< Iwantaholidayiwantaholidayiwantaholidayiwantaholiday. Dammnit!!
    Lmao, I always get done for drawing on tables... it's a thing I have about doodling and shiz xD And all my teacher's actually speak like that XD Even the english ones... O_o
    June 16th, 2010 at 08:50pm
  • Do you watch Soul Eater? o.o
    June 7th, 2010 at 11:15pm
  • WOW. JE SUIS TRES... sorry? I've been a bit out of touch with my laptop, so in turn a bit out of touch with mibba T_T Not to mention I have exams so that just kinda sucks balls :/
    Anyways, hows it going?
    Actual lol - I wanna see that picture!! :D And haha for your lucky escape with the tidying room thing... mine is just a massive sea of decay and my mum cant make me do anything about it >:D
    I wan a brownie... P: nom nom nom.
    June 7th, 2010 at 06:38pm
  • Lol, I know how you feel Dx I've had my new laptop only for a couple of weeks, but before that I had this really slow PC that was soo bad. It turned off whenever it felt like it, when you turned it off it turned on again and the monitor was so busted that you had to turn it on and off about 10 times before it stayed on.
    Yeah, my friend's been bugging me to get it for ages, but I still haven't actually told her that I'm here yet XD
    Wretched humor? Yeah, pff, you're humour is so wretched. *sense of humour is the same. shifty eyes.* Lol, talking to you eez funnn :D
    For a second there I was just like WTF IS SHE DOING? and then I realised I gave you the brownie so s'all good! XD
    June 2nd, 2010 at 06:56pm
  • LMFAO, cracks me up EVERYtime XD XD XD
    I've only been on here two days, but it is still freakin awesome! :D
    OAI NOOS. WHUT DID AH DO WID DA ANTIZEPTIX CREEM? Yo hafta ztay with big holez til i get mor from za shop, kay??
    Naww I'm sure I'm not the only one - you're awesome xD how could you NOT have like loads of friends? :) You're worth having conversations with... they pwn!
    YAY INTERNET COOKIE! You can have one of these virtual brownies my friend gave me. Enjoy! ;D
    Mwoapppp. P:
    June 1st, 2010 at 11:37pm
  • Ahha I have the feeling that mibba's gonna be keeping me up late frequently from now on x) But hey, you guys are awesome! (Y)
    Wooot? Now juu haz liek massive hole in jour tumz! :O When did zeez appen?... Oh, haii :D
    And lol yeah, yesterdays convos actually crack me up so much I'm gonna have to put some stuff from them in there! ;D Once I work out how to do stuff on here... xD MY NAME IS JAMES AND I HAVE BROWN HAIR. DO YOU HAVE A PET? :|
    June 1st, 2010 at 10:47pm
  • Newww!! It woulda been so funny if she let you write back xD But I suppose teachers a spoil sports like that.. T_T
    Lol. Sorry for the delay in reply but I went to sleep :P
    Lmao, your version is much better! Ma nahm eez Codddd... I eez from le french sea, ya? Bet'chu did not think of zat when you eated meh D:
    June 1st, 2010 at 11:35am
  • LMFAOO really?!! That's brilliant! I literally rofl'd at that! That must've been amazing :'D Did you write back to her? xDDD When the teacher was reading them ou (you got to choose your penfriend P: aint that sweet? :L) there was this guy called Lorris who said "he liked spitfires and hated nazis" the whole class was just like... oh-kayyy.
    Maybe down there, tradition is you dip fish in tea and then eat it, and then the fish eats you from the inside O_o... or maybe my brain is just really shleepy now and all the cogs have stopped whirring properly... *click* *whirr*
    June 1st, 2010 at 12:28am
  • Lol, when you get a reply back from penfriends it's hilarious xD when i was in year 8 (3 years ago, before I gave up french) we had french ones - their english was so bad: I honestly quote "I am tall and of medium build. I am long and dark haired and brown eyed. do you have a pet?"
    yeah, they were probably the most popular days of his life. "SPEAK SOME FRENCH!!!!!" he was like those deers in the headlights that hr just sort of stood there and stared at us whilst thinking "omgf who the heck iz theze people - why did i agree to this?!"
    When I was a wee lad we used to swear at the teaches in Star Warsian.
    Now THAT is sad.
    Lol, I bet the devil has it served on a silver platter "Would you like some earl grey with your squid?" "Yes, why thank you." :P
    June 1st, 2010 at 12:02am
  • That's exactly the kind of shiz I'm talking about! We sound like we're max, 8 or nine years old? Because there is no way you can word a foreign language without sounding like a try-hard idiot XD My friend thinks it's because we can't swear in spanish... although he DOES still try...
    He did give us loads of weird looks, and his english buddy was trying to keep us away. Remember the whole english accent thing? "OMG YOU'RE FRENCH? SAY SOMETHING! JE MAH PELL ******* JAY DOOZE ANS. ETT WA?"
    And so on.
    I love fish :D And tea :D But not together...
    May 31st, 2010 at 10:57pm
  • Lol, this is actually hilarious XD 21:30 is nothing, man. Must be something like... 4:30 where you are? I dunno... P: This is way more fun xD
    Nah, we didn't hate the poor kid. Just bombarded him with poorly accented french and grammar that was so bad he thought we were speaking spanish :P
    Lol, I thought it would taste more like fish and chips. Damn.
    LMAO, poor guy! Cabbaged seems to be the perfect word to describe that xD I had to submit mine today... "Hi penfriend! My name's James and I live in England (Nuh shit). I have brown hair and brown eyes and I like to wear sunglasses! Do you like to wear sunglasses?" Whoa, shiz, I'm ashamed of myself.. XD
    May 31st, 2010 at 10:38pm
  • LMAO, "at least the illegal ones" XD Lol, we had a french exchange student once - it was kinda funny 'cause he didn't really say much(although he had obvious reasons .. :P) *hits with sound of country* Hope it didn't hurt! ;P We have to get these pen friends in our spanish lessons... you have to talk about yourself and there is no way to do it without sounding gay/trying to hard/looking for a girl friend. :L
    May 31st, 2010 at 10:06pm
  • Actual lol! Poor guy XD Although people from Oxford tend to be EXTRA posh if you know what I mean. Top university in England xD Hahaaa, there's hardly any spanish/mexican over here; so it's considered pretty cool to learn that - whereas theres so many french that we really hate them XD
    May 31st, 2010 at 09:48pm
  • XD lol, THAT is why I did not take french. I do a bit of spanish myself actually, but thats about all I do for foreign stuff. I'm english; I'm lazy. And posh is not good D: Lol, whenever you meet someone from America they tend to always want you to say stuff (no offence xD)
    May 31st, 2010 at 09:38pm
  • Hahha xD I laughed so much at your french! I'd laugh so much if you actually said that to a Frenchman :P And... well... at least you don't sound posh against a bunch of Americans xD It's incredibly demoralising...
    May 31st, 2010 at 09:20pm