
March 3, 2010 2:02 pmFml. That explains my life so well right now.The future I had in mind is no more, so much has changed in so little time... I wanted to move in with my boyfriend, whom i love very much, to be rid of my family, to live back where he and I grew up. Do you have any idea how it feels to fall asleep in the arms of the man you love, the man of your dreams? Well neither do I, nor will...
March 3rd, 2010 at 10:46pm

Just another day with him on my mind.

He is always on my mind. Always, whether I’m doing schoolwork, watching television, hanging out with friends, I’m thinking of him. Even while I'm sleeping, I still dream of him. I love him completely. I am so glad to call him mine once again, and not have the awkwardness of loving him while he’s withher. But I miss the openness we once had. Even while we weren’t together, we told each...
February 17th, 2010 at 01:57am

Problems- Funny how things can change so fast.

February 14, 2010 11:40 pmAwkward. That is the best word to describe my night last night. I went to the movies with two of my best friends, Shyla and Dale, along with my ex-boyfriend Kyle.I havn't seen or actually talked to him or seen him since October when he broke up with me. And then last night I'm fucking stuck with him (and Shyla and Dale) for four hours. It was hard, and awkward (Once again...
February 15th, 2010 at 11:21am

The Last Night. - Skillet

I am so messed up these days. So many problems. I love him soo much yet I continue to hurt myself, pushing him away while I do so. I don't mean to. I really don't. It was so hard when he left me for her, it nearly killed me, but now I know he wants me. Its what I want more than anything else but the distance....Its hard. And I continue to push him farther away, hurting myself and him. I want him...
February 13th, 2010 at 08:47pm


The people around me are all different. They all have a different look to them, all of them, if you are a believer in things such as auras unlike my self for i don't believe, have their own colours. But even though these things may be different, are our emotions and motives sometimes similar. Don't we all become angry or frustrated with the world or ourselves. Don't we all feel lust and wanting,...
February 10th, 2010 at 06:36am