Vegetables Vs. Dessert (popular kids vs. losers)

The popular conflict of the populars vs. losers we often see in many forms of entertainment can be simply summed up by two groups on the food pyramid.Vegetables:They may possess unappealing shades of green on the outside, but they give you the nutrients you need to grow as a person, as well as fill you with knowledge. They're essential to have for occassions determining the roads you will take in...
April 24th, 2010 at 11:49am


i am different. i know everyone seems to say that, just to have a way to set themselves apart from everyone else. but i really think i am. i also think i have the power to make a difference.i sound really cheesy and corny right now, just like cheesy corn, but hear me out. i think everyone knows that i don’t give a fuck what other people think about me, and that i act how i want, look how i want,...
December 3rd, 2009 at 02:30am

Dear Joseph,

After talking to my friends, Ashley and Agnes, today about love, I've realized I really do need you. 50% of me thinks that you will find me, and we will fall in love, and we will live happily ever after?. Then, there's that other 50% of me that realizes the reality of all this- that you don't even know that I exist, and an amazing guy like you who has dated Taylor Swift and Camilla Belle, would...
December 3rd, 2009 at 02:18am

human rights

So we always learn more about the Holocaust at school, since it’s such an important event in history. I never get bored of it. Discussing and watching videos about the Holocausts always makes me extrememly interested, and never fails to bring me to tears, like the Boy In the Striped Pajamas & Life is Beautiful. Anyways, we watched Paper Clips today in English. I was really moved by actually...
November 25th, 2009 at 08:28am

Jeffree Star

Jeffree Star is my new role model. As strange as that may sound, it’s true. I’m not crazy about his music, but his tweets are really meaningful, and worth the read. That tweet about not having kids just touched me. I mean, how intolerant and cruel this world is. There are probably countless amount of gay couples that feel this way. And to hear it firsthand from someone who feels this way,...
November 25th, 2009 at 08:27am

Jonas Brothers World Tour

On August 7th 2009, I attended a Jonas Brothers World Tour concert at the LA Staples Center. Before the show, I had the chance to sign their tour bus, visit one of their recording studios, and take a green screen picture with the Jonas Brothers. If they ever read that little note I scribbled on the side of their bus, I would die happily, knowing that those three boys actually knew I existed! I...
November 25th, 2009 at 08:24am