Sybil Vane / Comments

  • Ngghh it makes no sense to me.

    I'm from NY, and yourself?
    June 2nd, 2011 at 02:36am
  • :D YES, thanks. I hate just putting sex in, I'm a big believer in only writing it when neccessary. It was my favorite fic to write though, thank you so much, seriously. <333
    May 22nd, 2011 at 01:40pm
  • Thank you for the comment. <33
    May 22nd, 2011 at 03:02am
  • Thank you so much for the awesome comment, and I think I like the rewritten chapters better as well. They're longer and gives a better first impression to new readers. The old chapters were written more than two years ago, so I guess it was about time.

    Thank you again - and I promise to update soon.
    January 10th, 2011 at 03:30pm
  • how good of a friend am i, logging onto every site, re-sending passwords just so i can wish you a happy birthday? i'm TOO good xD
    so here it is again, HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! <3
    December 17th, 2010 at 04:48pm
  • Aw, hahaha. I've been really busy catching up at school after staying home for two weeks. But of course I'm updating this weekend :-D

    It'll be longer instead of make up sex since you had to wait for so long.

    December 3rd, 2010 at 10:18am
  • Hey! How are you?? It's been SO long, and I'm SO sorry for not being on Mibba since... march? Just wanted to let you know that I am updating my story TODAY. And I will keep updating. I'll try at least one chapter every day until thanksgiving.... and and least once a week after that, but hopefully more. Thank you so much for not giving up you subscription. Oh an btw; I'm in the states this school year as an exchange student so I will be updating during the day your time in stead of during the night as I did when I was in Norway. Thank you again; missing you.
    November 19th, 2010 at 11:50pm
  • Thank you for reading my story "Bury Me In Black" !
    You have no idea how happy it made me to see someone comment so quickly.
    You, ma'am, are radtastic.

    November 8th, 2010 at 05:17am
  • No, not quite done with exams yet. And just found out I (and about 3/4 of those taking the course) flunked an exam, so I'll only have about a month of vacation, but it's okay.
    Got my last exam on Monday. Verbarl English. An entire year's curriculum + I have to be an expert on a synopsis I wrote about a month ago.
    The scary thing is: I'm done. I've read all the book. Prepared a speech to show my expertise. Read all my notes.
    I'm done. I'm prepared. That's fucking scary! There's still 18 hours 'til my exam. I've never been this prepared before, I think. I'M SCARED! Of myself.

    Anywho, yes! I'm fucking waiting for some information too! I think they're losing a lot of supporters by being so secretive. Other bands post videoes of their rehearsels and all that jazz, but mcr are being so quiet. I think many fans are getting boerd and restless, and the competitions don't help much. Especially not for fans in other countries, because (at least I think) the competitions are mainly US-friendly.

    I haven't watche Toy Sotry 3 yet. I don't think I've even seen Toy Story 2... =S I've seen Toy Story!! I can quarentee you of that! But many keep recommending it, so maybe I'll go see it. Though I'm not a big movie-goer. I've planned on watching 3 cinematic movies this year. How many have I seen so far? 0.

    After tomorrow, I will start writing again! I planned on updating a few days ago or this weekend, but then I got so busy with reading for Monday. When I finally caught a break and read the chappy I had prepared, it was pure bullcrap. I refused to update it, 'cause you readers deserve better than the crap I had written.
    So! After Monday: More updates! On all stories! And maybe new ones coming too!
    June 27th, 2010 at 04:30pm
  • It's okay. Things have been busy for me lately, too. People to think about and exams to study for. Still got two left. Not fun! Want vacation! Now! =(

    And thank you. I liked the ending too. Very fairy-taley-like. hehe.. And I also chose Isaac purely because of the meaning behind it. There was another name that I liked better (don't remember which), but it just didn't have enough/ a meaning. =)

    Haha! I love that song! =P And I love when things just fall in sync and you hear a song while watching somethng or you get a text while reading something, and the two things just fit together, even though they never meant to. =D
    Life can be so full of surprises. And jokes.

    Lately, I'm not very good at writing. My imagination has kinda been put on hold, I guess. But I still get ideas and write them down, even just quotes I want a character to say, so spontanious creativity still appears in my mind. Hehe.
    June 10th, 2010 at 04:09pm
  • Same here. Right now, I'm too stressed to focus, so here I am; wasting time. But it's not really wasting time... It's choosing to do soemthing I WANT, ratehr than doing something I have to... I'm defiant by nature.

    Uh., how was it? Was it good? I've considered seeing it since I saw the first poster, but I don't knwo... Anything you could recommend (other than staring at hawtness)?
    Speaking of hot; I jut saw Avatar the other day... Dayum!!! Yes please!
    But aside from the hotness, I was actually quite surprised. I actually liked it! I'm usually not one for those kind of alternative-futuristic movies, but I really liked this movie. Probably because it was so long, so you could really get into it, and then the 3D was just spetacular! Could've been used more, but niice!

    Automatic unsubscribtion? That's crazy!
    Mibba is odd. What it is, 3 months since they've last announced any chnages? Will they ever get here?
    It's been a while since they announced that they'd cut out the journal section, but it's still there... =S

    Yeah, they always give him a girl. What's that all about? Even before bandit, he always got a girl... Frank too... I'm sure I've read one where they got a boy, but it's rare. And I wanna change that!
    Heh... I'm so revolutionary... =P
    But yeah, I've got a name. And a meaning. And it's good, I think. People were real good at helping. =D
    I wonder if they'll like it.
    I haven't even written the chappy yet... =S Kinda blank at the moment. I'm writing like crazy for Eat my heart out, though. =D

    Well, if there's a girl inside G's manly body, then the estrogen must be seeping out, I guess...
    OMG! HE HAS A LEAK! Call a plummer... I'm sure he can crack him in.... =P Such a lame joke... =D
    February 23rd, 2010 at 07:11pm
  • I think it changes every time who deserves the slowest reply! But this reply isn’t TOO late, so yay :)

    I swear, you always have exams and I always have essays -_- WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH SCHOOL?!

    Haha, be warned, my mum gets annoyed when I try to respond wittily.. And then I end up picking everything up and tiding my room anyway.

    I hate boring teachers. Every lesson my philosophy teacher goes off track and starts telling us all about her life story for like the whole hour. And I just stare into space and daydream about stuff to amuse myself. It’s funny if you look around the class at everyone’s faces when the lesson is boring. Their expressions are funny.

    Why french? How many languages do you need to learn?! Jeez.

    When MCR come back on the scene I reckon loads of people will come back to the MCR forums, including fangirls and annoying scene kids. Can’t wait -__-

    Where did CaliW find her pictures? That’s what I always wondered o_O I hate millieann. I met her. She wasn’t very nice. And she thought she owned buzznet, along with Raven. :/

    Oh yeah, actually I am the same. Like, when I’m queueing for a concert I can ramble on about nothing to complete strangers because I’m excited. And I start shaking cuz I’m excited too. xD I also talk a lot when I’m drunk. I’m completely the opposite to what I’m usually like when I’ve had a drink :/ I wish I was my drunk self permanantly.. Not, like, drunk all the time. Just more outgoing… Okay, I’ll shut up, I don’t know how to explain it.

    Okay, I forgive you for slapping me. *pats you back*

    Msn day is every Wednesday, mmkay?

    Did you have a nice valentines day? Go for sushi? I still hate valentines day. Depressing. I did nothing, except work. Lame. But my day wasn’t as bad as my friend’s… She texted me at like midnight last night and it just said ‘can you text? I need to talk to someone’ and I was like uh-oh. So I stayed up and texted her and she told me that her boyfriend cheated on her on Saturday and then yesterday on Valentine’s day (and their 1 year anniversary) he told her he didn’t love her anymore and he was with someone else! D: What a complete asshole. I’m gonna fucking kill him!

    Awh :( I hate it when people become popular and ditch their older friends. It sucks. I feel like she’s embarassed to even have been friends with me now though, cuz she hangs around with a group of people that all don’t like me. So she never smiles at me or anything.

    I have another friend that I have known since I was 4, and I’ve always classed her as my best friend. But I swear we’ve drifted apart so much recently. Like, the only time I see her is when we walk to school together. We don’t talk much at school because she’s in the year above me and I never see her out of school even though she lives NEXT DOOR, because she’s always busy, like seeing her boyfriend or something. I want things to be how they used to be between us, but I think we’ve both changed and realise we don’t actually have that much in common anymore. I miss her. :(

    If I’m being honest, I think you are the only friend I have that I can seriously trust now. And I don’t know how lame that is, considering we’ve never met. But like, I would trust you with a secret over my other friends any day. I feel like they wouldn’t keep it and you would.

    I’m guessing the present still hasn’t arrived? I get more emo every time I remember your Frankie bear is lost in the post!

    Oohh. I want to meet up this year. It would be awesome.
    Dude, I have, like, no social life. I have plenty of time to write my story! It’s one of the only things that keeps me from going insane from boredom. I have the opposite problem: I get way too many ideas :/ I’m sure once you get going the ideas will keep coming, like they do for me :) Yes, I am. Dirty-minded and proud when it comes to frerard! xD Haha, I kind of hate frerard for taking over my imagination. I swear I have no room left for anything other than frerard in there now xD That’s why I struggle with my media work- I have no creative ideas for a film, because it can’t involve frerard!

    I’ve never thought about Bandit watching all those sexy videos of her dad on youtube before.. But oh God, she will be scarred for life! Especially watching the ones of Gee with his hands down his pants, feeling himself up! She should just avoid the internet, srsly..

    I don’t really read any fics on mibba. I’m subscribed to like, 20, but my subscription emails never come through so I never know when they’ve been updated. So annoying cuzI cba to check.

    Yeah, I always look at random people’s facebooks too. You find out a lot from stalking people on there! And I think I have a ‘become a fan’ problem. I’m a fan of pretty much everything xD.
    I know how you feel. *Looks at old, slow computer in admiration* :3

    Actually, Gerard lives at 3820 San Rafael Avenue in LA (aha, I sound like a complete stalker knowing this classified information!) Mikey moved to New York with Alicia, I remember him tweeting about it or something in like 2008. And I know Ray moved too, but I can’t remember where. He said about it either on Twitter or in an interview. I reckon they moved BECAUSE their addresses were on this document that was on the internet, because they have been on the internet since February 2008… Basically, right, Matt sued the record label and Mikey, Gerard, Frank and Ray because they haven’t compensated him with the money that the first two MCR albums have made since 2004. And since he played on those albums, he is entitled to 25% of whatever money is made through sales. So, the guys allegedly ignored his calls and refused to get in touch about the money they owe him for 4 years, so Matt took them all to court. I have no idea if he won the case, but I don’t see how he could lose it… He IS entitled to that money. I feel kinda sorry for him. But then, we don’t know what truly went down between him and the guys, because it’s a ‘forbidden topic’ with MCR. We’ll never know the real reason they kicked him out of the band.

    Spring annoys me. So does autumn. It’s like, winter is exciting cuz of christmas and my birthday and snow. Summer is exciting because of the summer holidays and hot weather. And autumn and spring are just in the middle.. Boring. I like summer clothes better too. And I’m addicted to hot chocolates. And mochas. Working in a coffee shop has its advantages in this case, cuz I can make myself those drinks all the time for free and put loads of cream and marshmallows on it.. xD YUM.

    Yeah, I don’t believe in bad luck, but I still get it! Dx Definitely at concerts. Maybe it’s a sign that I should stop going to them o_O

    Maybe paper cuts are sheets of paper’s way of getting revenge.. You know for cutting down trees to make them.. o_O They’re plotting against us!

    Yes, I am in fact Mary Poppins. Baha really? What’s the deal with the association of umbrellas and the british?!

    Yes, I defintiely went through the emo phase. How do you think I got the skirt?! :S It started in like November 2006 and lasted until like April 2007. Lol, I remember the time and everything xD What’s weird about that is, that was around the time that I reeally got into MCR. Like, I saw them live for the first time in March 2007.. And I was totally a wemo! How embarassing. Everyone thought I would go off MCR when I grew out of my emo phase.. But I didn’t. That’s because I never got into them because I wanted to be emo.. I just liked the music. Besides, MCR are not even emo! xD When was your emo phase?

    Haha that does sound awkward :S I bet that was not very fun having to listen to the guy you used to like talking about that kinda thing about his girlfriend.. I would be so uncomfortable :/
    I don’t like it when people talk like that about sex. I just.. don’t wanna know about people’s sex life, you know? The other day one of my friends randomly goes to my other friend ‘was it awkward the first time you had sex with your boyfriend?’ and I was a little surprised because we don’t talk about that sort of thing really. :/

    Oh yeah, I always play hide and seek with my hair.. o_O It hides in the most random places. I can never find it -_-

    Okay, well I’m getting my hair cut tomorrow, so if it’s short enough I’ll tie it up and you can see my tuftness. xD

    My nails aren’t long enough to be painted :/ It looks stupid. And I always bite my nails so it gets chipped, and yeah, that annoys me too. D:

    Yes, I think Mikey has the best face shape xD But Gerard’s face is cute. :3

    Aww, Cancer makes me cry too. I was listening to my ipod the other day in bed and crying at like every song. MAJOR emo day. But srsly, ‘four become one’ by Hawthorne Heights and ‘Seize The Day’ by A7X are enough to make even the happiest people fucking cry! Especially because I automatically relate the songs to the band members that have died in both those bands. Well, actually 4 become 1 is ABOUT their guitarist that died.. so yeah.

    Did you ever hear the original version of Disenchanted, ‘Shut Up and Play’? I think I actually like it more than Disenchanted!

    Baha, I would srsly LOL if my teacher was using that username on mibba. Or if he was on mibba at all. And majorly freaked out.

    Yeah, I think bob would be shy in person too. And he might run away if you get out your camera.. Dx

    Yeah, I always thought Frank would be the easiest to talk to. But I don’t know what I’d say to him. Like, I wouldn’t want to say the wrong thing. He’s a very opinionated guy! And after seeing him tell that girl who said she loves him ‘you dont even know me’ it made me worried that he wouldn’t even like me saying I look up to him and stuff. Lol yes. I meet my hero and the guy so many girls would kill to meet, Gerard Way, and I don’t even know what to fucking say to him! I WAS just staring at him, like o_____O ahaha. When I think about it, I wish I had said soo many things to him. I didn’t even say thank you or I really like your band. *Slaps self* And I didn’t get a hug D: Right, fuck it, if I ever meet them again I’m gonna jump on Gerard and hug him, tell Frank I love him, and kiss Mikey on the cheek! :L They’ll be like o__O is this girl on drugs? xD

    All boys are idiots, I swear :/

    See, I need to thank MCR for introducing me to you, my best internet friend! And I will. One day.

    Yes, srsly, evil and suffering! :/ ‘Some people would argue that evil in the world proves that God doesn’t exist because he lets us suffer, whilst others would say he does exist; we just experience naural and moral evil because God gave us free will’ blah blah.. That’s the kinda thing we learn about.

    2054 words.. HOLY MOLY. I think it’s safe to say I won. And possibly that I have issues..
    February 16th, 2010 at 01:11am
  • im not that into waycest, but i must agree with that. and i saw them a LONG time ago, like back in .... 2005
    February 15th, 2010 at 05:04pm
  • Mm...I'm a checkers person myself.
    But plaid is really my guilty pleasure.
    February 15th, 2010 at 12:47am
  • That's alright. =D As long as you don't disappear on me, then I'm cool.
    Sometimes I hate being alone too, but sometimes I just need to be alone or I'll bite someone's head off. It usually happens if people won't leave me alone. I just need to collect my thoughts.. I'm such a hermit...
    But I'm not really planning on getting another pet. When my budgie started getting sick, I was set on getting another pet, 'cause I couldn't imagine not having one. Now, it's been a week, and I'm doing alright. And yesterday I took a spontanious trip across dk to visit a friend, and it was pretty nice not having to worry about anyone.

    But if Mibba is always there, watching you, then why don't you get updates? =( I updated my tarzan-frerard a few days ago... Well, 5 days ago now... =S SORRY!
    My updates are so slow lately! THE HORROR!!!!

    Gerard must be a lesbian trapped in a man's body... =D
    February 14th, 2010 at 10:01pm
  • omg that picture is GORGEOUS!!! not like in an insestual way though XD and ive never seen them live, but i want too!!!!! ive seen GREEN DAY though
    February 10th, 2010 at 05:41pm
  • Well, I don't think anyone has ever told me that before.
    So thank you, I think.

    Anyways, oh! Here's a question I like to ask people:
    Checkers or Stripes?
    February 10th, 2010 at 03:43am
  • I just don't like talking in front of crowds.
    My legs start to shake.
    Then I drop all my papers.
    Then, if it's really bad, I might even faint. :D

    Yeah, people say that.
    I don't know why.
    It's not like I'm...hairy or anything.
    In fact, I have very little hair.
    On top of my head.
    February 7th, 2010 at 09:58pm
  • Yeah, I'm okay... Sometimes I get anxiously lonely (if that's possible), but then I just go online or start writing for my stories. I hate being needy with my friends, 'cause then I'll never get any alone time... =P But yeah, sad. But I'm healing. =)
    Mibba is so weird... Acting up all the time, then when you're about to complain about it, it clears up. =S
    Oh, I love that interview! Or at least that part... so fun! Must be so odd for a straight dude to be jerking off, then suddenly watching an interview with gerard... But hey, gerard can turn anyone gay, can't he? =D And if the straight dude's mum actually walked in... "what are you doing?!?!?"
    February 7th, 2010 at 01:54pm
  • hahaha im Rebecca, but most people call me Becca or Becca Bear (or in my friend sean's case, just Bear, and i call him Sheep XD dont ask). and i havent seen it! can u give me a link?
    February 7th, 2010 at 01:33am