Empty Fishbowl

Empty Fishbowl
United States
Joined date
November 27th, 2009

~Empty Fishbowl~

My Life Right Now...

School takes up a lot of my time, lots of studying, reading, homework and all of the rest of the excitement that is high school.

Music, both playing and listening, I'm a band geek, it's off season now but I'm in the marching band, playing the trombone, or boner if you will. But even thought marching is over I still have Basketball games to play at, concerts and regular practices.

Farmville, my addiction, when I'm online I live on Facebook and 99% of the time I'm on Facebook I am on Farmville either plowing, planting or harvesting my fields.

I'm Currently Reading...

Silas Marner, a school assigned book that although started odd and confusing is now shaping up to be very interesting. The Odyssey, I have read parts of it before but I am tackling the entire book now. The Time Machine, a personally selected book for a project but a very good read so far.