Last Words Unspoken / Comments

  • the-quiet-one

    the-quiet-one (100)

    But only just a little bit xD
    I can only imagine, I try to get things down as fast as possible too, but then it's too rushed
    Yeah I sometimes use the spell check of this side and It annoys me that he complains by the name Zacky <_< I mean what's so wrong with this name? Nothing.
    Hehe you're welcome :)
    May 9th, 2010 at 06:13pm
  • the-quiet-one

    the-quiet-one (100)

    I think a bit drama is lightely said, i mean some things were found out and heavy bitch fight
    Seems hard not to rush into the action xD
    Hehe yeah, i hate when it trys to tell you that names aren't correct
    May 9th, 2010 at 11:23am
  • the-quiet-one

    the-quiet-one (100)

    Hmm well i don't think fillers are that bad they always have some kind of information that may be needed later on. And then you can decide how exactly something happens.
    Hehe I actually don't like too much drama at once, some amount is awesome. But going overboard with drama........meh not so good.
    Oh but don't pick it too fast, or you the action will be happeing to fast.
    Haha that sucks when it hates you. ;p That's why i have a simple writing programm, which has, 'til now, never fucked with me
    May 2nd, 2010 at 07:12pm
  • ohrwurm.

    ohrwurm. (100)

    Yeah I'm not much of a HP fan :p I was a huge Twilight fan, but quickly got over that, and I do mean quickly. And yeah I have tech class and I never do what I'm supposed to be doing, I make banners for my stories or go on quizilla or write another part of my story :)

    And you're welcome, even fillers have an important part in a story :) And I know me too I hate subscribing to peoples stories when they say blah 5 comments or no update, thts how you know that they may not be as interested in their story and even quit writing it at some point. Asking for feedback IS okay not forcing. And yess I too sometimes be mean and dont comment *guilty*

    And yeah when I joined here I was like eww I like quizilla better, but when I learned more about the site and it was easier for me to surf it, quizilla is like amateur lol :p Yeah it'slike urgh but jo bros and twilight is like gross to me cause I hate both. But I never understood what the slash is, what is it? LOL :p

    And you don't have to read mine, I mean it's not really good :s I wont be sad if you dont lol :p So if you do start but you arent interested dont read it, the beginning is rough.

    And yess life does really get in the way, we all have other stuff to doand I completely understand why people can't update, I mean I do tend to get impatient, but I still understand. And yeah I LOVE to get christism because it helps me a lot, although people who report your story for no reason is stupid, like the spelling and grammar, I mean its okay to have some mistakes and also the unreadable layout, I like your layout by the way, very readeable :)

    AND YESS!!! I ADOREDD Your chapter! It was really awesome. And I guess I will have to wait to see what's up with the van *sighs* mouhaha! And underneath the badass Matt he really is sweet. And haha yeah Johnny and Jimmy they are still adorable though :D

    btw: sorry I didnt reply to this earlier :p
    April 30th, 2010 at 04:30am
  • the-quiet-one

    the-quiet-one (100)

    Hehe xD commas are just sneaky, I miss them quite often too. And don't worry that's what I'm there for, if you still miss them.
    That's so amazing how hilarious those two are. And it was kind of a filler, some background information of what exactly happened with Mel and Matt and nothing really exciting happening despite the guys discussing stuff and the girls observing.
    Hmm other things like getting the exams down are pretty important, so don't hurry too much.
    Yeah I hate it too, but Word has some advantages like couting words, and the grammar thing (although it's turning against you sometimes).
    I only have the simple WordPad, which isn't really that good, but it's enough for writing some stuff
    April 29th, 2010 at 05:15pm
  • Together.Forever.

    Together.Forever. (100)

    Hey :)
    Well you seem to be good at adding the dry humor :)
    And i like it!
    April 29th, 2010 at 02:34pm
  • the-quiet-one

    the-quiet-one (100)

    When you want the next checked to I'll just correct things myself and then send the corrected chapter to you, it's easier this way ;)
    Yeah that thing (comma) was actually something we discussed the very same day in english that why I pointed it out. Yeah you can deffinitly learn something new everyday.
    Hehe xD I was kind of lazy and didn't want to write the instruction for the comma thing again.
    Ohh really? Hmm Word is kind of dumb sometimes. Besides the commas, that's what we discussed too, soooo......
    April 28th, 2010 at 03:56pm
  • Shadows Harlot

    Shadows Harlot (100)

    United States
    I dont mind when someone says what they "think" is going to happen. I think it's fun to see where my readers minds are and more fun when they see the end result after the chapter is posted. They get excited when they are right and shocked when they are wrong. Maybe I'm an odd author. :)

    P.S. Love the He Never Came update. The flashback was so vivid I could actually hear hooker heels clicking against the pavement walking towards Matt. LOL!
    April 28th, 2010 at 03:01pm
  • ohrwurm.

    ohrwurm. (100)

    I know fun isn't it :) And when authors put pictures of the characters in characters I imagine them(the characters) doing the scene in my head, haha its fun like when Mel slapped Matt in the club I just imagined their reactions and how it all went down.

    And damn that is harsh, remind me why I hate school? Oh right that's why...

    And yess I try to improve and nothing is perfect. And fillers are awesome, but to be honest when I read your story, it always keeps getting better and there's always something that gives a punch to the story, so I don't really consider any of your chapters as fillers.

    And omg I hate people who do that! I might say 'I'd like to get comments because it really does encourage me to write' but not that I need this many comments, because even though maybe like 5 people read it and one person comments, I know that atleast one person likes my story so I shall continue, and I won't just stop in the middle cause even I will wonder what would of happened in my story as it's something that really went on.

    And yeah your story is dead original, I haven't seen any like it on here nor on quizilla (which is another site I go on) and when I came on here I was like wow, these two sites are almost only My Chemical Romance, All Time Low and A7X fans who write fan fictions (which rocks btw =]) And I have to say, my avenged fan fic is like most of them all, and the only thing that makes them original would have to be the characters, and possibly some of the things that happen in the story, and when I want to put them in a hospital for example, I look for a condition and then read up on it, to make the readers believe that this is something that people go through every day every day...

    And yeah, even if comments only say 'good chapter, can't wait for an update' it still makes me feel happy, because atleast I know someone's enjoying it, and I like to comment on stories because I need to tell the authors what I personally think of their story, it's always important :)
    April 28th, 2010 at 04:36am
  • ohrwurm.

    ohrwurm. (100)

    I do that too, and when I'm wanting to read a story, I simply go through my list of subscriptions and continue or start reading a story that caught my eye but I never got around into reading it. And even sometimes if the author has some difficulty with their spelling I don't care because I like to imagine the whole story in my head and that's what really counts for me.

    And it's understandeable, my sister is in university and I see the stack of work she has. And as for me, I'm still in high school and when I come home from school or even when I'm in class and have nothing to do or simply not interested in what the teacher is saying (:s), which tends to happen a little too pften, I write on my Ipod because that's what I like to do, and find time in my empty schedual to do so. And yeah I like how people take their time for their chapters, as for me, I can't say I do because I know my spelling isn't exactly correct all the time because first of all I don't put all my time into that, I simply go over it once or twice and it's done for and also since I'm originally french but I try to improve it. And even though chapters are fillers I think they always bring something amazing into a story and makes it better. But a little drama or action always spices it up :)

    And that's fun, having a pre-reader :) It's nice that you try to improve your story, I see how dedicated you are to it :)

    And don't worry you didn't bore me one bit, I think this one is maybe longer.
    April 28th, 2010 at 03:52am
  • ohrwurm.

    ohrwurm. (100)

    You're very welcome. I don't really judge a story by it's summary or by the first chapter, and my opinions on your summary and your first chapter were nothing good ones, they got me pumped into reading it! Your plot is addicting :) And I shall be waiting for the next, and I like how you don't rush into posting a new chapter all the time, it makes the story better when you have to wait for it, cause then you know how much the author may have put a lot of effort and time into writing it :) And don't worry about the grammar and wrong spellings, even if you have a bit of them it doesn't make the story any less good, but that's my opinion :)
    April 28th, 2010 at 03:19am
  • the-quiet-one

    the-quiet-one (100)

    Yep I deffinitly meant what I said. Look in your messages :D
    April 27th, 2010 at 05:09pm
  • LadyShadows

    LadyShadows (120)

    Great Britain (UK)
    yeah it happens to the people i subscribe 2, yeah i dnt get on much xcept 2 update and read my subscriptions then i have otha stuff 2 do
    April 27th, 2010 at 02:34pm
  • LadyShadows

    LadyShadows (120)

    Great Britain (UK)
    oh yeah it does that to me on the things i subscribe to, sorry if you haven't been getting them though but i am updating regularly so you should be getting them, sorry for the inconvienience though
    April 19th, 2010 at 11:09pm
  • the-quiet-one

    the-quiet-one (100)

    Well i'm glad that your brain is better now ;D
    And i wouldn't mind being your pre-reader.
    Well if you re-read it yourself and you didn't find anything, that's good
    Yeah sure if i know something i'll let you know.
    April 18th, 2010 at 08:46am
  • colour me perfect.

    colour me perfect. (100)

    Oh wow, sorry it took me so long to respond to your comments!

    I really appreciate the long comments, so thank you! They're not boring at all! And I'm glad you like that line so much, and thanks for having it in your signiature!

    Yes, saying 'I know' would have been extremely creepy!

    Haha, yeah, definately insanity. But I still love him! :D

    Actually, in one of the last chapters I wrote that Matt hated coffee. He was just drinking it to keep his cover, lol!

    Matt is quite creepy. I agree, it won't be too much longer until she knows that something is up :)

    Haha, it does! He seems so happy about it!

    The next one should be out soon! I'm glad you liked it and thanks for the comment, I really appreciate you doing all of that!
    April 17th, 2010 at 04:16am
  • the-quiet-one

    the-quiet-one (100)

    Hehe you're welcome :D
    And that just happens when the brain is fried, and as for the proof reading you just wanted it to get down
    Maybe you should get a pre-reader that'll check before you post it
    Ohh really i'm 100? Yay that's kickass. Well just let me know when you have something for me ;p
    April 15th, 2010 at 01:02pm
  • Midnight. Shadows.

    Midnight. Shadows. (100)

    United States
    YOU WON SECOND PLACE IN MY CONTEST! These are your prizes: A comment on two of your stories and a mention in the one shot for the winner and a mention on any of your stories and link in the Authors Note in The Way To A Man's Heart Is Through His Stomach.
    April 13th, 2010 at 03:49am
  • colour me perfect.

    colour me perfect. (100)

    Thank you [i]so[/i] much for the comment! I really appreciate you showing me all the parts you liked, no one ever does it and it really helps me!

    Haha, I know, the dream was a bit confusing but I had to add the intensity in there! And yes, poor Matt! :)

    Ah, I'm glad I had you on the edge of your seat, but don't worry, you won't have to wait long for the meeting!

    Mhm, Matt's definately creepy. But I'm glad you still found it sweet!

    Well, I'm going to update in about five minutes, so you won't have to wait long!

    Thanks so much for the comment! I was a bit worried about the chapter, but I'm glad you still thought it was ok!

    And I'll let you know when I decide between the stories!

    Oh, and by the way, I love the signature! It's really awesome!
    April 12th, 2010 at 01:31pm
  • jesus christ.

    jesus christ. (105)

    United States
    thanks for the comment, love. [:
    April 9th, 2010 at 01:39am