YoruChan / Comments

  • KaThErInE1993

    KaThErInE1993 (100)

    I have a new story, you should read it!
    January 13th, 2011 at 02:58am
  • headcase

    headcase (100)

    New Zealand
    thank you very much for the story comment <3
    October 21st, 2010 at 06:28am
  • headcase

    headcase (100)

    New Zealand
    aw, thanks for another comment!
    October 8th, 2010 at 02:24am
  • headcase

    headcase (100)

    New Zealand
    thanks for the story comment!
    September 28th, 2010 at 07:40am
  • ByeByeVanity

    ByeByeVanity (100)

    United States
    Lol, I hope I do too
    September 22nd, 2010 at 04:56am
  • ByeByeVanity

    ByeByeVanity (100)

    United States
    Thanks Chu :)

    My friend keeps telling me that the manga is awesome. I want to read it but alas, I don't have time :'(
    September 22nd, 2010 at 02:01am
  • ByeByeVanity

    ByeByeVanity (100)

    United States
    It was AWESOME. They come out (subbed version) on like fridays and saturdays.
    September 21st, 2010 at 10:59pm
  • ByeByeVanity

    ByeByeVanity (100)

    United States
    Did you see the most recent kaichou wa maid sama?
    September 21st, 2010 at 01:43am
  • ByeByeVanity

    ByeByeVanity (100)

    United States
    I am a complete anime lover (though I haven't seen very many of them xD)
    September 20th, 2010 at 11:29pm
  • ByeByeVanity

    ByeByeVanity (100)

    United States
    Just wanted to say I LOVE your icon and profile pic. Kaichou wa maid sama and Shugo Chara are some of my favorite animes.
    September 19th, 2010 at 08:40pm
  • headcase

    headcase (100)

    New Zealand
    thank you for the story comment (:
    September 19th, 2010 at 05:19am
  • Lepine

    Lepine (100)

    United States
    Amee-chan! Haven't talk to you in a while babe T_T me is sad...hey hey guess what I started watching Kaichou wa Maid-Sama the other day and I loved it! jiji thank you for the recommendation ^^ how have u been lately?
    September 13th, 2010 at 09:47pm
  • Lepine

    Lepine (100)

    United States
    Mibba is a bitch sometimes, it seems she doesn't get the message >_< don't worry amee babe You know you can always find me on msn jiji I seriously had a fabulous time with you last night it was really fun! I hope we can talk soon again luv u so much my cute little sister *Bunny Super Hugh! (kiss)
    September 6th, 2010 at 03:52am
  • Lepine

    Lepine (100)

    United States
    o.o what's wrong with mibba she is been a bully! *she beats mibba and stands victorious over it! HAHAHA :P Omg you're so cute amee-chan ^^

    Oh thank you sweety jeje I hope you enjoy them as soon as you post something on mibba let me know and I'll read it right away. Sorry I took so long to answer this one, as you see it was a busy weekend with friends jeje

    Yey! You'll be my sexy private German tutor! xD jk but thank you amee-chan it means a lot ^^ Oh Mexican and Chinese yummi! actually I cook Mexican food all the time you see I live in Juarez close to El Paso so that's my hometown any time you wish I'll cook you anything ^^

    Oh that's nice! Actually is raining right now and I was watching a movie xD! still is so hot, Juarez can get really really hot during summer :S I hate it but haha one gets use to it.
    OH Lotus! I was going to say that one because is also one of my favorites but I wasn't even sure it was a just a flower... I know xD silly but still I rather talk about things I know instead of making a fool of myself. But is nice you like them they're really beautiful, and I'm happy you like cold weather. Is it really cold on New York is so cool you live up there I never been to New York even when I have visited various parts of the world xD if I go there some time we should meet for coffee or something it would be nice to meet you!

    Oh about the relationship mm well sorry but that guy is a jerk! You are such a sweet and nice girl "-.- that gets me mad is such a waste. Oh about me, well I just broke up with my boyfriend about a two months ago and he already has a new girlfriend, still it didn't make me sad or anything on the contrary ^^ I was finally happy to end that misery and be free to enjoy my life. I guess I wasn't ready and that guy wasn't worth it I know I deserve someone better. jiji Girlfriend, well I never had one but I'm bi so if I get to meet the right girl I wouldn't mind opening my heart to her. I just hope that new piece of knowledge about me doesn't make feel weird. *cute eyes

    Let's see, my favorite book is Peter Pan and Sherlock Holmes ^^ My favorite part of the world is Paris! It was my sweet 16 birthday gift! I didn't want a party so my dad and I went to the world cup of Germany and spend one night on Paris at my birthday jiji which is July 6, when is your birthday honey?

    My favorite thing to do on my free time, xD well I have lots, like reading, writing if I'm in the mood, playing wii with my brother, or just hanging out with my friends I love to talk and socialize jiji oh and exercise xD my favorite is swimming and I go everyday except weekends. I hate when I get an author's block or you can't find anything else useful to do. My dream job is to be owner of my own company and accomplish success...always challenge myself and try new things to try my potential jiji But hey is so awesome that you want to work for Pixar! Go for it I'm sure you'll accomplish it always follow your dream and work hard to reach it! *cheers!

    oh the hotmail account I already added you, I always get online every night to check my email and chat so you can find me there, by the way what is the time difference between El Paso and New York? One hour? I'm not really sure jejej

    And about the costume thank you amee-chan! *hugs her!

    I'll put the pictures on mibba hahaha I can't wait ahhh! xD would you be my Yuki for the convention if I dress up like Zero? *cute face jiji
    To be honest I feel like such a geek with that xD still I don't care, even when I study hard I know I'm not hahaha *sexy cool pose :P

    So my turn! What's your favorite sport? Hobbies, favorite book, what is your clothing style, do you have interest on your same gender? *blush sorry I had to ask you know the Alice inside of me which gets me curious. Favorite part of the world and do you have any siblings?
    August 30th, 2010 at 05:56am
  • Lepine

    Lepine (100)

    United States
    jiji oh awesome! portraits, I know that is really hard to draw, perhaps the movement or something but that's so cool amee-chan ^^ Oh yeah I understand but still hope you post something it doesn't even matter if it's a short story I'll read all of yours ^^

    Oh I'm so glad you like to read! *hug I don't know of many girls who do and is a shame but still ^^ glad you're one of them. I saw a book from the library from Barrie as well and about Peter but I can't remember the name but if you remember the one you suggested go ahead and let me know ^^.

    Oh polar bear I have one in my room! they are so cute and dangerous as well, isn't it ironic? hahaha There's one book called East that is so beautiful and is about a polar bear and a girl name Rose Nyhmn or something like that I can't remember how to spell her last name but is sort of a Beauty and the beast version, or Eros and Psyche! is one of my favorites you should read it is really sweet ^^.

    Oh yeah I understand what you mean with the midnight inspiration. I been having problems since I got back to school and is a pain getting up at 5 30 to shower and have breakfast. Oh Piano! hehe I know is such a beautiful instrument is my favorite, besides guitar and violin. I'm more a vocal girl but I play the piano too so I can teach you if you wish ^^.

    Oh really! Spanish can get so annoying with the change of verbs and endings but still if you ever need help with it just talk to me ok? I can help you with that, actually I have a friend that speaks english, spanish, french and japanese. I do too xD but I have to take lessons in Japanese only because I love its culture. Is going to be my graduation gift you you should come with us it would be fun! German... I need to take one linguistics class for my degree plan so I was going to pick that one. It sounds interesting xD By the way amee-chan in what city of the United States do you live? If you feel unsure or uncomfortable about answering you don't have to ok? Also are you going to college? What is your major? Mine is international Business and frankly I was having a hard time with my accounting homework only because I took in high-school in Spanish and I didn't understand the concepts at first. jeje

    Well my favorite food is Japanese and Italian, especially lasagna like Garfield xD My favorite smell is that of rain over wet soil and during rainy days I love to be kissed under it xD hahaha seriously. My favorite flower, I guess you could say pink roses, no idea why perhaps because of their smell or their elegant and beautiful form. And my favorite is cold weather. I love all the stations of the year except for summer. Fall is my favorite ^^

    What about you Amee-chan. What you like to eat? Do you study hard for your classes? Have a boyfriend? What do like to do during rainy days and what's your favorite flower and station of the year?

    Oh by the way if you have a hotmail account so we could chat this is my email: gabymontes14@hotmail.com

    oh by the way I just remembered, I went today to the tailor and got my measurements for Zero's uniform! I'm so exited about it and she is going to do it so it resembles my figure. It will be exactly the same and she's is very skilled. All I need is the jacket and the vest. I already have the pants, tie, shoes and shirt. I'm so exited! haha Have you ever done any cosplay? :D
    August 28th, 2010 at 07:39am
  • Lepine

    Lepine (100)

    United States
    Wow now that I think about it it's so true! Led ZEPpelINg xD I never noticed that, well not really mi nick name Lepine means rabbit in french and for some reason all my friends compare me with a rabbit haha probably because Alice in Wonderland. hahaha but yeah

    Oh and Stardust, no I haven't seen it yet! But I know what it is about haha it looks fun, next time I go to the movies I'll rent it. By the way is so awsome that you love drawing! Do you like to draw anime? is funny how boys look so girlish all the time xD but anyways I would love to see your works!

    Actually I love to draw as well, and paint also but my skill is better with the pencil and shadows xD hahah what are your favorite techniques and subjects? Mine are pencil and Surrealism. Actually I haven't seen any of your stories, have you published them on mibba? haha I know what you mean by that it happens to me as well only that when I have a proyect I have to writte it because otherwise I won't forget about the idea and the plot xD

    You could say that reading is also a passion for my right now I'm reading Peter Pan it has been my favorite story and movie since little. Do you like to read? and if you do what books you like? jeje

    Now for my favorite animal I love wolves! Maybe that's why I loved the game of Twilight Princess of Zelda, I'm not much into video games but I loved cute little Link since I saw him! And favorite time of the day, mornings jeje because is the raising of the new day ^^

    What about you Amee-chan? what are your favorite animals and part of the day? Do you play an instrument or know another language? jiji I felt like Alice xD

    PS: Yey! Good thing Mibba played nice, I was having problems with facebook and i just couldn't get on so I had to change my pasword. Do you have facebook? I f you do please add me on your friends list! here is my profile...

    August 25th, 2010 at 10:40pm
  • Lepine

    Lepine (100)

    United States
    Awwww! That sounded so cute Amee-chan! *She hugs her Jejeje *She smacks mibba for been mean to her friend. Hahaha

    Oh yeah Fruits Basket totally forgot about that one! XD Definetly agree with you there are just so many. You know sometimes when I'm bored and inspired to writte something else besides serious proyects I create fanfictions. xD I have done Vampire knight and Junjou Romantica.

    Oh yeah Zero cosplay! he is the only exception! I used to have my hair like him, no the color but the shape jeje I thought it look pretty cute. But you have really good taste! They're very good animes. Black Cat! Totally Love it! he is so so so cute! I like him better with the clothes of a bad guy I think he looks hotter like that xD

    About my favorite music. I guess you could say metal, rock, sometimes classic, *really into the cultural XD my favorite bands are Guns n Roses, Ozzy, Aerosmith, AC/DC, and Led Zeppelin. My favorite movie is Peter Pan and also Ratatouille, ^^ oh yeah and Memoirs of a Geisha I read the book twice xD and favorite color, purple jiji that;s pretty much it. Oh and you are not been nosy at all! I love that you are interested in making a conversation so we can know each other better ^^ so please by all means ask anything you want I'm just as naturally curious jeje.

    What are your favorite hobbies besides anime? :D
    August 24th, 2010 at 06:59am
  • Lepine

    Lepine (100)

    United States
    Amee-chan! jiji Nice to meet you too ^^ yes that's the picture I was talking about, you know I haven't really seen it but I'll watch it since you recommend it ^^ oh by the way *Blush thank you it means a lot that you liked my story jeje. Oh yeah about my favorite anime, well I have lots and my favorites are Vampire Knight, *Zero Lover jiji Ouran Host Club too, Junjou Romantica, Ranma, seriously I can go on on xD I have so many series on my list. But yeah Vampire Knight is my favorite, I want to make a cosplay of Zero jiji oh and manga I don't read much but games Kingdom Hearts and Eternal Eyes are definitely my favorites ^^. What about you?
    August 23rd, 2010 at 02:02am
  • Lepine

    Lepine (100)

    United States
    Yoru-chan! hahaha I know! you were the my first comment and I was really happy you enjoyed my story! My name is Gaby ^^ If you have nickname you would like me to call you please let me know. Oh oh by the way,from what anime is your profile picture? it looks similar to Ouran Host Club o^^o
    August 21st, 2010 at 01:09am
  • headcase

    headcase (100)

    New Zealand
    aw, thank you for the story comment (:
    August 4th, 2010 at 09:48am