
United States
Joined date
July 28th, 2007


I saw a buncha ppl have this on their prof. who are supporters of mcr and they all said if u r a fan of mcr than copy and paste this on ur prof. so i did lmao!!! :)))

~10 Commandments of My Chemical Romance~

1.Thou shalt not hold a gun to thy lovers head.
2.Thou shalt be willing to die for love.
3.Thou shalt seek revenge on those who wrong you.
4.Thou shalt be a deomlition lover.
5.Thou shalt unleash the bats.
6.Thou shalt protect thy lover from everything(even vampires)
7.Thou shalt respect thy lords Gerard,Mikey,Frank,Ray,and Bob
8.Thou shalt sing the holy hymn of the Chemical Romance
9.Thou shalt see beauty in blood love
10.Thou shalt rock hard.

~10 Commandment of The Black Parade~

1.Thou shalt except death as it comes.
2.Thou shalt sing and march without question.
3.Thou shalt face fear and regret.
4.Thou shalt let go of thy dreams.
5.Thou shalt give blood.
6.Thou shalt fear thy sins.
7.Thou shalt protect thy brothers in arms.
8.Thou shalt darken thy clothes.
9.Thou shalt no walk this world alone.
10.Thou shalt carry on.

~10 Commandments of Gerard Way~

1.Thou shalt never let them take you alive.
2.Thou shalt drink starbucks.
3.Thou shalt play World of Warcraft as an undead warrior.
4.Thou shalt admit thy are not okay freely.
5.Thou shalt unleash the fucking bats.
6.Thou shalt strike a violent pose.
7.Thou shalt stay out of the light.
8.Thou shalt suck thy enimes blood.
9.Thou shalt overcome thy weakness.
10.Thou shalt not be afraid to keep on living.

~10 Commandments of Frank Iero~

1.Thou shalt run around until thou can no lonfer breathe.
2.Thou shalt eat skittles.
3.Thou shalt let the singer feel thou up.
4.Thou shalt wear a badge on thy shirt collar or hood.
5.Thou shalt get tattoos.
6.Thou shalt kick random objects if they are in the way.
7.Thou shalt grin with all teeth.
8.Thou shalt change hair style every year.
9.Thou shalt wear sunglasses in situations of conflict.
10.Thou shalt burn everything and call in cajun.

~10 Commandments of Mikey Way~

1.Thou shalt move as little as possilbe on stage.
2.Thou shalt choose coffee as thy poison.
3.Thou shalt straighten thy hair with dignity.
4.Thou shalt love sushi as much as thinself.
5.Thou shalt be the spiritual advisor to thy peers.
6.Thou shalt wear glasses as close to falling off as possible.
7.Thou shalt have epic battles with brick walls.
8.Thou shalt hate small spaces, large spaces, and grocery shopping.
9.Thou shalt love unicorns with all thy heart.
10.Thou shalt be dangerous around toasters/heaters.

~10 Commandments of Bob Bryar~

1.Thou shalt never get mad at those more annoying than you.
2.Thou shalt look openly cool.
3.Thou shalt declare that Gerard make why heart burn openly.
4.Thou shalt love cats.
5.Thou shalt walk in other direction/lash out if camera is shown.
6.Thou shalt T.P New York.
7.Thou shalt drum until thou can drum no more.
8.Thou shalt give out Mikey Way's phone number.
9.Thou shalt be the hardest working drummer ever.
10.Thou shalt love Mr.Bean as thy equal.

~10 Coammndments of Ray Toro~

1.Thou shalt headbang until thou can headbang no more.
2.Thou shalt stick thou hands in cupcakes.
3.Thou shalt hide thy contacts well.
4.Thou shalt not like to read.
5.Thou shalt not bother to cook.
6.Thou shalt play until tou gets guitar burn.
7.Thou shalt hate thou hair when straightend.
8.Thou shalt sing back-up as if it is the most important part.
9.Thou shalt ask Gerard not to do 'that' in thy direction.
10.Thou shalt be proud of thy fro.

~Gerard Way Quotes~

"We're My Chemical Romance and we shoot mother fuckers like you!"

"If shitty ass rock dudes in shitty ass rock bands ask to see your tits for a backstage pass,I wan't you to spit right in their fucking face and scream FUCK YOU!"

"It taste like somebody stole my wallet.Ya know?"

"This band saved my life twice."

"Do you guys like lap dances?!"

"Are You On Our Side And You Want To Be Diffrent Or Are You On That Side And You Want To Throw A Football At My Head?"

"We like to kidnap them in a van, and leave them somewhere dangerous. SURPRISE!"

"I dont think having a My Chemical Romance action figure will make a kid start his own band, I like to think it will make him save children from a burning building."

"Your going to come across a lot of shitty bands, and a lot of shitty people. And if anyone of those people call you names because of what you look like, or because they don't accept you for who you are. I want you to look right at that mother fucker, stick up your middle finger, and scream FUCK YOU!"

"If you or someone you know is depressed you need to get help!From your friend,from your mom,I don't fucking care! It's bullshit!"

"Just cause you're bigger than me, just cause you're smarter than me, does not mean.. no way, no how.. I'm sucking you off.. for any amount of money."

"This shit is easy peasy pumpkin peasy.Pumpkin pie mother fucker!"

"You better stay on that side of the street mother fucker, I'll knock you out!"

"I'm sick of seeing my face.But I can be sick of seeing my face,'cause it's my fucking face! You know what I'm saying?"

"None. I think we should send a country some cupcakes. You think some cupcakes would cheer up North Korea? Kill ’em with deliciousness."

"Hey, girls, you're beautiful. Don't look at those stupid magazines with sticklike models. Eat healthy and exercise. That's all. Don't let anyone tell you you're not good enough. You're good enough, you are too good. Love your family with all your heart and listen to it. You are gorgeous, whether you're a size 4 or 14. It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, as long as you're a good person, as long as you respect others. I know it's been told hundreds of times before, but it's true. Hey, girls, you are beautiful."

"You guys keep singing , I'm just gonna go over here , and I'm gonna touch myself (fans scream very loudly)"

Steven:Rachle wants to know 'Does Gerard sleep naked?'
Frank:Yes he does!
Gerard:What?!No I don't.
Frank:You did when you slept with me!

Random guy:How do you feel about turning 30?
Gerard:I'm onkay with it...I'm actually excited about it.I think of getting older as learning.30's not old...30 is like the new 20.
Frank:Yeah,for trees!

You know you're a My Chemical Romance Freak when
1. Your carpet is soaked with drool after watching them play on TV
2. You cry when u hear them play your favorite song live
3. You hear someone say My Chemical Romance and you snap to attention
4. You stand your ground and defend them when someone tries to criticize them
5. You feel like burning the TRL building down
6. You read a story and claim you saw one of the band members names, though its not there
7. You have a MCR song for every point in your day
8. You lick the TV when there on it, Mmm..MCR
9. You recite the words to the song when someone even mutters just a word of it.
10. You Live by the words of My Chemical Romance
11. You've asked your parents millions of times if you could make MCR your religion!!
This is for all the kids who doodle MCR lyrics instead of paying attention in class.

This is for all the kids who listened to 'I'm Not Okay' on repeat because it made them feel like they weren't alone.

This is for all the kids who have seen 'Life On The Murder Scene' twenty bajillion times.

This is for all the kids who bought 'The Black Parade' the second it came out and clung to it like a security blanket for a month.

This is for all the kids who love Gerard, no matter what color his hair is.

This is for all the kids think Mikey is awesome, with or without glasses.

This is for all the kids who wish they could play guitar like Frank.

This is for all the kids were worried about Bob when he burnt his leg.

This is for all the kids who secretly fantasize about playing with Ray's hair.

This is for all the kids who know that as long as there is a My Chemical Romance, they will never be alone.

This is for all the kids who love My Chemical Romance with all their hearts.

This is for all the kids who wear their t-shirts not just to look cool, but to promote them too.

This is for all the kids who saved up their allowance for months, babysat, and mowed lawns to go to their concert and sing every word.

This is for all the kids who were never okay.

This is for the MCRmy.

Ways to Tell If You're a Real My Chemical Romance Fan
1.Real MCR fans know more songs than "Welcome to the Black Parade."
2. Real MCR fans know Gerard Way's brother's name.
3. Real MCR fans shout 'YES!' when one of their songs comes on.
4. Real MCR fans punch their cousins/brothers/parents/friends for dissing Gerard's hair.
5. Real MCR fans punch their cousins/brothers/parents/friends for dissing Gerard in general.
6. Real MCR fans know the names of everyone in the band and what they do.
7. Real MCR fans shop for hours just to find a jacket like the band's have for a MCR concert.
8. Real MCR fans take time to right on the front of all their underwear "I love Gerard."
9. Real MCR fans ask their mom "What's for dinner?" and are disappointed when she doesn't say Gerard.
10. Real MCR fans start smoking because they think they will be how like Frank and Gerard. [not really]
11. Real MCR fans ask for Bob the Bryar for Christmas and cry when they don't get him.
12. Real MCR fans do dirty things with their MCR action figures and are proud to admit it.
13. Real MCR fans sleep with a picture of MCR and actually have to wipe off the drool stains.
14. Real MCR fans piss themselves when they see them... on the television.
15. Real MCR fans would admit to let them rape you.
16. Real MCR fans go in a rendition of Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge when they hear a guy in a restaurant say "So Long"
17. Real MCR fans have this on their profile.
18. Real MCR fans giggle everytime Gerard Way says the word 'way' in his songs
19. Real MCR fans will scream "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, **insert band member name here**!!" on his birthday, regardless of how quiet the room is.
20. Real MCR fans watch "Life On the Murder Scene" twice a day then apologize to plants.
21. Real MCR fans often zone out, listening to MCR in their heads, and when someone asks them a question they scream the lyrics they were just thinking of.
22. Real MCR fans write 'my' and 'romance' around the word 'chemical' when in science class.
23. Real MCR fans when hearing any word even slightly associated with MCR on the television, instantly freak out and turn up the volume.
24. Real MCR fans eat skittles and drink coke zero three times daily.
25. Real MCR fans have every MCR picture possible saved on their computer, and admit it proudly.
26. Real MCR fans have actually read and re-read and re-re-read etc. any MCR webpages they could find.
27. Real MCR fans can listen to a MCR song repeatedly and not get tired of said song. (no matter how many times you listen!)
28.Real MCR fans hear New Jersey and instantly think MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR!!!!!!
29. Real MCR fans try their hardest to mention MCR in any project at school.
30. Real MCR fans spaz out when they see the word 'way' in books, on trucks, anywhere.

31. You have at least one MCRSavedMyLife story
32.When someone says "'fro," you say "Ray Toro!"
33.When someone says "Chemical," or "Romance," you think..."MCR!"
34. When you think of New Jersey, you think of Belleville.
35. When someone talks about St. Helena, Montana, you think Helena.
36. You've had their CD for two weeks and iTunes says it's been played at least 46 times.
37. You have mixed feelings about the Used. Bert? Or Gerard?
38. You wake up at two AM thinking about Mikey.
39. You view Alicia Simmons as the new Adrienne Armstrong.
40. You truly believe the Black Parade will come to you when you die
41. You believe they should hire you to be in all their videos since you dance to the songs like nobody's business.
42. Black is your favorite color.
43. The only reason you watch 24 is so you can have something in common with Ray.
44. It pains you to watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force because of the rejection it caused Gerard.
45. You know Bob is a fuzzy bunny and Frank is a princess.
46. You wouldn't mind watching Gerard draw all day.
47. You count the days to and from your MCR concerts.
48. You have their tour schedule on a Word Document on your computer.
49. You've written at least one fanfic.
50. You'd join the TMNT, just to be with Bob.
51. You wouldn't mind Gerard and Mikey smelling like shit if it meant you got to go on tour with them!
52. You'd offer Frank your shower at 3 AM.
53. Even your parents know the words to Welcome to the Black Parade.
54. You dye your hair like Gerard did a few years ago and lament as that random red splotch at the back of your head fades away.
55.You scream when your parents accidentally throw away the review of the show you went to a week before. Then you immediately get it off the internet.
56. None of your friends like them but they could probably write a book on them you talk about them so much.
57. You've Googled their high schools.
58. You adhere to the MCR Bible, the Ten Commandments of the Black Parade, the Ten Commandments of Gerard Way and the Ten Commandments of a Chemical Romantic.
59. You don't care anymore when people call them emo because you know they're not.
60. You'd cut off Bob and Ray's hair if it meant you could have it all to yourself.
61. You relate to Mikey and his unicorn/coffee/sushi fetish.
62. You really wish Frank would talk on stage.
63. You celebrate their birthdays with religion. Yes, that means costumes.
64. You've named pets/stuffed animals/instruments after them
65. The people in your band have set a ban on you singing anymore MCR at practice. Needless to say, this is a rule meant to be broken.
66. You sneak into your computer lab at school at lunch to watch their videos.
67. You call your younger sister "Mikey." Therefore, she hates you. But you can't help that she is skinny, tallish and wears glasses.
68. You plan on making a pilgrimage to Belleville, New Jersey as soon as possible.
69. You listen to every band they say they like during interviews.
70. You only tolerate Brandon Flowers because Gerard Way says he likes the Killers and Brandon likes MCR.
71. Your daydreams consist of commentary on your school day by Mikey, Frank, Gerard, Bob and Ray.
72. You call Gerard "Gee."
73.Your friends all get a glazed look when you mention MCR.
74. You've read Ecstasy: Three Tales of Chemical Romance, by Irvine Welsh.
75. You wrote an essay about how you admire Gerard when your English teacher told you that you had to write something about someone you admired.
76. You're known to wear a black stripe over your eyes to school when you're feeling extra MCR-ish.
77. Life on the Murder Scene=LOTMS
78. You support Bob Bryar's solo project.
79. Even if they went gansta, you'd still love them.
80. You just wrote and/or read this (or forced a friend too.)


I am the boy who never finished high school, because I got called a fag everyday

I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian.

I am the prostitute working the streets because nobody will hire a transsexual woman.

I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights.

We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.

I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my partner of twenty-seven years into the room.

I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had. I wish they could adopt me.

I am not one of the lucky ones. I killed myself just weeks before graduating high school. It was simply too much to bear.

We are the couple who had the realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men.

I am the person who never knows which bathroom I should use if I want to avoid getting the management called on me.

I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed, and raised. The court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman.

I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman.

I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male.

I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men.

I am the home-economics teacher who always wanted to teach gym until someone told me that only lesbians do that.

I am the woman who died when the EMTs stopped treating me as soon as they realized I was transsexual.

I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I didnt have to always deal with society hating me.

I am the man who stopped attending church, not because I don't believe, but because they closed their doors to my kind.

I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most, love.

I am the person ashamed to tell my own friends im a lesbian, because they constantly make fun of them.

I am the boy tied to a fence, beaten to a bloody pulp and left to die because two straight men wanted to "teach me a lesson"


Fav. Bands:
Linkin Park
The Used
Madina Lake
The Audition
We The Kings
All Time Low

Fav. Books:
Postcards From No Man's Land by Aiden Chambers
Twilight Series
Burned by Ellen Hopkins
Impulse by Ellen Hopkins
Crank by Ellen Hopkins
Vampire Kisses Series by Ellen Schreiber

Fav. Movies:
Brokeback Mountain
Sweeney Todd
Tristan and Isolde
Pirates 1 2 and 3
Moulin Rouge
Phantom of the Opera
Tuck Everlasting
Don Juan DeMarco
The Invisible

Fav. Celebrities:
Johnny Depp (obssessed)
Leonardo DiCaprio
Gerard Way (obssessed)
Mikey Way
Frank Iero
Bob Bryar
Ray Toro
James Franco
Gerard Butler
Jonathon Jackson
Justin Chatwin
Ewan McGregor

Fav. Store:
Hot Topic

Kristina C.

Other Friends:
Kristina M.
