There are things in this world that I don't understand.
Hola, I'm Tiffany. I like to say hi in a lot of different languages(25) but the truth is I only know English and a little Spanish. But I guess you gotta start somewhere. I don't watch too much TV so if you reference a TV show or even a movie I probably haven't seen it. But if you mention a Scott Westerfeild book I could go on for days.
I almost always message back and try to keep the conversation going. "haha" "lol" "ikr?" or anything else of that nature doesn't help me keep the conversation going, please don't try to use that on me. And I don't know a lot of text talk. If you go out of your way to type wrong, please try not to while talking to me, I can't stand it.
I usually know a little of everything. I know about Charles Darwin, White Vans, Dubstep, architecture, parasites, The Roots, James town, fatal illnesses, and a lot of other stuff too. I don't like to keep to one group of things, life gets boring that way.
Honesty is my new policy, sorry for the truth, it wasn't meant to hurt you. I have little kid habits like waking up early to watch cartoons and complaining when I have to sleep. I'm not as different as I think I am and you aren't ether, but imagination isn't a lie so I don't see why we should treat it like it is.
I have dreams but no idea what I want to be. So I don't blame you if you give up on me. But the dreamers aren't the crazy ones, though I'm a bit of both. I'm content with that and changing isn't a option.

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@tiger bolts! layouts