
Time::9:53 PM
Update::Out with the old, in with the new! I'm chucking some of my stories that have been stagnant for a while in favor of some new things I've got brewing. Unfortunately, this means that Seeing Red and Letting Go are leaving us. Seeing Red is done, has been for awhile, but Letting Go and I have gotten out of touch, so I'm going to get rid of it before I ruin it. I've got some new ideas (even a HP fanfic or 2) in the works. :)


I come from a small town in Wisconsin in the lovely US of A. I'm hoping someday I'll leave this country for somewhere better, dunno where yet. I love writing (obviously), reading, singing, photography, and horseback riding. I'm of the firm belief that the Harry Potter series are amongst the best books ever written, and I attempt to show my love for them by continually reading them often and giving in some fanfics. The Princess Bride is another big favorite. I loved the Hunger Games when they first came out, but when the hype with them slows down some, I'll love them more (FYI: Finnick is my favorite!).


Story Link
Girl:: GIRL
Boy:: BOY
Chapters:: CHAPTERS
Status:: STATUS

Bellatrix's Daughter
Girl:: Adhara
Boy:: Draco Malfoy
Chapters:: CHAPTERS
Status:: fairly active

Lonesome Dove
Girl:: Lucy
Boy:: Sam
Chapters:: CHAPTERS
Status:: so/so
