London in the snow - Pics!

So, my camera decided to die on me a couple of weeks ago and seeing as i haven't gotten round to buy a new one, i haven't been able to take any of my own pics of the snow.So i took the liberty of stealing some pics from news websites...St. Pauls:Houses of Parliament:Brighton Pavilion:Random pretty ones :DAnd finally, the lake district. Doesn't look like it's in England, but it is:Beautiful isn't it
February 2nd, 2009 at 04:45pm

Snowy London Town

It's snowing like crazy here!!!!!Most snow i've ever seen in my life!!!!!I feel like i'm in Prague or something.No buses are running so i can't get to school :DWell, i walk to school, but non of my teachers know that so i can have a day off.City of London airport is closed, most of the tube is closed and most train stations as well.I'm off to make snow angels and have a snowball fight with my...
February 2nd, 2009 at 09:32am

Link to see the desolation row vid for free!!!

I've been hearing on the grapevine that My Chemical Romance's vid for desolation row is pretty hard to get a hold of on youtube (i'm too lazy to check if the vid is up) it is:'s on the right hand side, you really can't miss it. It's not that big, but the quality is good and it's the vid after all.One word: Hot!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
February 1st, 2009 at 10:50pm

Interesting - yay or nay?

I'm completely un-oringinal and uncreative, so the idea of doing this list thingy was not mine. I don't want to say i stole it, but i've merely been inspired to do my own.It's basically 50 facts about me. You might find it interesting, you may not, but i'm always fascinated by other ones like this so i thought i'd just throw it out there.Et voila:1. I am a vegetarian (soon to be vegan)2. I want to...
January 31st, 2009 at 01:08am

Weird dreams (inspired from a previous entry)

While browsing through the different journals on Mibba, i came across one whereby someone was sharing their weird dreams, and, as if i lightbulb went off above my head, i thought 'why don't i share my weird dreams on here'. So here goes:Lets start with the most recent dream, two nights ago.I woke up (in my dream) to find Jay-Z on my stairs trying to lift a body on top of my roof via the window we...
October 1st, 2008 at 01:08am

Insomnia help please!

Hello reader!On and off for the past year i've been suffering from insomnia. It went away during the summer, but now it's back and i mean it's PROPERLY back. Last night, for example, i only got 3 hours sleep. I know pretty much for a fact that school and personal problems are causing it, but i was wondering if anyone had any ideas of how i could get a couple more hours of shut eye?Help would be...
September 30th, 2008 at 09:45pm