Rachel Smiles / Comments

  • Thank you sooooooooooo much for the story comment <3
    I'm glad you like it =]
    June 15th, 2010 at 11:43am
  • yeah, he sparkles! doesnt that seem a bit, flamboiant? haha. and theyre overly dramatic! you can move at a pace faster than .2 miles an hour if you try, you know that right?
    *rolls eyes*
    and its just BAD. the story line has been used a thousand times before, edward and jacob (bleh) are ugly. and i dont see a point in the movie at all. and whats with the whiteness? since when is pale suposed to be sexy?
    and "jacob" is orange... *shudders*
    its a trend thing i swear! and some day they're going to think back to these days and be embarred out of thier pants that they screamed edwards name so many times. YOUR NOT IN A FREAKING HOTEL ROOM WIHT HIM! YOU ARE NOT FOOLING ANYBODY!
    like i said. perverted sense of humor...
    (alot of that is directed twords the teenies and the charecters. its pretty easy to pull apart, but ive had people that just dont have i click the first time.)
    im fallign asleep right here and my bed is comfier than the floor. so im going to go to bed. good night!
    December 9th, 2009 at 07:23am
  • haha. im not on crack. or crank or coke. thats a lot of c's. yeah it does seem like im high doesnt it? well, thats just my odd hyperness. its dark plus im tired so im hyper. its how it works with me. *nods head*
    every hundred words or so? and you poke it. fun activitys!
    wow, i seriously do seem high. thats just messed up becuase i dont even like taking cold meds. im already spacey enough i dont need drugs screwing me up more.
    im usualy more monotoned, but thats during the day. yeah, inwardly vampiric. AH! when did teen movies start to go downhill, like when they first started? and i think twilight is a new low. just my opiniion. i couldnt watch half an hour of the movie without feeling tourtured. and i LOVE vampires!
    December 9th, 2009 at 07:05am
  • yeah, iwas setting up a backdrop for photography and the stand FELL ON MY HEAD! wow, the funny thing is that as im writing this im listening to a song called "the bitch song" you gotta love bowling for soup. =]
    "i wonder if you know your a bitch, but i love you any way." haha. love the song!
    yeah, poke it. its like that penguin game.
    poke. poke. poke. poke. poke. poke. poke. poke. poke. poke. poke. poke. BAM! hit with a shotgun. or a mallet. maybe it'll bite ya. =]
    my sense of humor is, easy... yeah. perverted to. haha. =]
    depending on what i say im hard to understand.
    haha. im also half asleep. i laugh alot when im half asleep. haah. yeah... see. there it is agian. idiotic laughter...
    December 9th, 2009 at 06:54am
  • im doing tons of research on publishers. traditional, vanity, servises, self, royalties, contracts, terms of use, investment, THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS!
    my heads kinda spinning.
    i just put up a journal on it.
    so, yeah, publishing is whats up. =]
    yes! tuesdays are kinda sucking alot lately. im not sure i want to know what thier sucking, but still... XD
    yeah, is your head okay, i had a pipe dropped on my head earlier today so i feel your pain, literaly. =]
    December 9th, 2009 at 06:39am
  • your welcome hun, i saw your journal and it seemed like you could use a little cheering up, well, that comment most likely didnt do it, but still. =]
    hi, im macy by the way.
    hm, a little about myself. suck at htis. does that work? bet not.
    im writing a book and looking for a publisher, i love metro station atl blink 182 and millions more, mostly what i have icons for on my profile. page. not the "tresspasers will be shot" one. but that is funny.
    sorry, my typing sucks today, maybe you are right about tuesdays...
    December 9th, 2009 at 06:10am
  • and, welcome to mibba. =]
    December 9th, 2009 at 06:04am
  • I love your about. it is truely awesome.
    yeah, i can be a real bitch. seriously, i wake up as one every morning. im just like "get away from me, dont talk to me, and keep your sh*tty little fingers off of me." yeah. but im just fine when its dark. haha.
    December 9th, 2009 at 06:03am