Overflowing Ashtray / Comments

  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    Don't worry about not replying sooner. I figured I knew the reason why and, saddly, I was right. I cursed like a sailor when those Holland douches scored! And I cursed even more when Robben went down the way he did. He's the one that should get shown a yellow card, that was no penalty whatsoever!
    Let's just hope the Belgians will do better later today. Sad thing is, I can't really watch the match. It's my brother's graduation at 7pm and it's supposed to end at 10, followed by a reception. Too bad the match starts at 10pm. Although he said there's a big screen so we can watch football all together during the reception.
    She has quite an impeccable, yet a bit old fashioned style. Old fashioned isn't really the word I'm looking for though. I think sometimes, the clothes she wears make her look older than she actually is. She tried to 'save herself' by saying she didn't study her kids Panini-books enough :). To me, that was a rather nice safe as well.
    Haha, yep, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Belgium all the way! I'll support and cheer on the team as best as I can given the circumstances...
    It must be nice to have your boss's approval. If it's so hard to gain, it's probably well deserved too.
    Aw, thank you! It was another nailbiting, painstakingly slow game, but we came out on top, that's all that counted :).
    July 1st, 2014 at 02:38pm
  • Alsoldey

    Alsoldey (230)

    United States
    That would be so rad! What gave you the idea for Amor y Contrabando? Y'know I never got around to watching El Señor de los Cielos. I probably should've seeing as all my friends tell me its the best thing ever. I am fascinated by cartels and all, but I'm more into like...pandilleros and pandillas. Shifty

    I miss it so much! I keep getting told that I can visit, I just need to get like a doctor's note from one of my grandmother's to see if I can. My mom says it looks like it's doable for come Christmas time. I'm so hoping I can. I actually lived on a farm over there, really great memories and all. :3

    OH! Okay, I vaguely heard my parents telling me of them going there when they were younger. It's hella rad when my parents tell me how easy it used to be to travel all over the awesome cities.
    June 26th, 2014 at 10:36pm
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    It sucks indeed that Vermaelen can't play and on top of that, Kompany left practice early yesterday because of a groin injury. He won't be playing tonight either :(.
    Witsel has beautiful eyes, but to me he doesn't look that good. Don't get me wrong, he's not ugly, just not really my type.
    Well, our captain was introducing her and the King to all the players, or more likely the other way around, telling her all of their names, so she just had no clue who scored apparently. To make it even worse, Lukaku was very unhappy about getting subbed by Origi, who actually scored.
    Glad you'll feel the same about us if we were to meet, haha. And indeed, that would make for a good match. Although, watching the Belgian team's World Cup matches has been awful. But playing bad matches and winning them is okay as well.
    I don't particularly dislike Modric, but afterwards, his words sounded really thickheaded and just ridiculous. At that moment, I couldn't be happier for having someone like Lukaku on the team. Those must have been his two best goals ever. Those also meant we made it to the World Cup for real :).
    Haha, your boss is awesome! I can't believe you tried to call in sick! Although, if that meant being able to see a Belgium game, I'd probably try it as well :).
    I'll be counting down the days with you! A little over a month left with the useless assistant!
    I already apologize for all the spelling and grammar mistakes that are undoubtedly in this comment. I just got back from some kid's festival we went to with two classes from school. It was great fun, but now I'm exhausted. And now I have to wait 4 more hours until the match starts. I'll probably take a nap between now and then :).
    June 26th, 2014 at 06:12pm
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    Sadly Thomas Vermaelen wasn't informed about the plan and he strained his hamstrings. Not that Vertonghen is that bad of an alternative, far from it, but it sucks Vermaelen got injured.
    The Royals did make me laugh. Literally no one ever expected them to react like that. Everyone knows them as stiff, slightly uninterested people, but we were all proven wrong :). Sadly, the Queen, later on that day, congratulated the wrong player on scoring. She congratulated Romelu Lukaku instead of Divock Origi. The only resemblence between the two is that they're black (I really do hope that's the political correct term).
    We watch the matches on Sporza, a Flemmish channel and apparently, they have their own team of cameramen in Brasil and they are able to spot all the people we know that the Brasilians know nothing about. The King and Queen are known by the Brasilians, but our comedians for example are not.
    Glad we agree on ending the support when Belgium and Mexico meet :). No hard feelings about it, but if we meet, I'll hate you/every Mexican in the world for at least two hours. Might be a little longer if Mexico were to win...

    I was really genuinly happy when Mexico was in the lead! But, the Belgians have a bit of a score to settle with the Croatians. According to Modric, they have a much better team. He already had to take back those words, because we beat them 2-1, thanks to Lukaku. But in the other qualifier against them, Perisic scored after only 6 minutes and we couldn't win, we could just manage to score once. That are 2 of the 4 points we lost during the qualifiers, so we don't particularly like them either. Too bad I can't just dislike Perisic. He used to play for a team in the Belgian competition and although I don't support that team, I still liked him.
    Good thing you got to watch the Mexico match. Not so good thing your boss made you stay later.
    I'll be rooting for Mexico again on Sunday. Especially now that they'll be taking on Holland :).
    June 24th, 2014 at 10:49pm
  • Alsoldey

    Alsoldey (230)

    United States
    Girly! Trust me, I'm the same too! I was so damn nervous in the first half like, when we gonna score? Memo you got us right? But damn! We freaking dominated! Also, yes! Holland has been playing really good.

    Ack! I'd totally keep reading either way. Also you're welcome! And I don't live in Mexico anymore--haven't for 10 plus years--I miss it, and I like letting mibbians know I'm not with the white chicas, kidding.

    But I'm originally from Zacatecas. I miss the shit out of it. But that's rad, never even heard of that place before.
    June 24th, 2014 at 09:24am
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    Alright, the Dutch are next. I wouldn't mind if Mexico won against them. I don't hate Holland anymore, but I still don't like them either. Vamos Mexico! And that's about all the Spanish I know :).
    June 23rd, 2014 at 11:54pm
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    Oh man, they just scored again! That's so awesome :).
    June 23rd, 2014 at 11:36pm
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    Whoohoow, Mexico is in the lead! Really happy for you now! Let's hope they can keep this up for another 20 minutes...
    June 23rd, 2014 at 11:32pm
  • Alsoldey

    Alsoldey (230)

    United States
    Hola! And thank you xD. I'm hoping so too! Lawd, I hope Mexico tears them all a new one! Also, I think I follow you on tumblr? I'm viciousvargas, I just finally realized that we're not friends on Mibba, which needed to be fixed.

    My name's Deyla :)
    June 23rd, 2014 at 08:13am
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    Mertens played a great first half, second half was, unfortunately, not so good anymore.
    But, most importantly, the Red Devils won, after once again a not so good match. Second round is a fact baby! Whoohoow!
    We all danced around the living room. Divock Origi is the man!
    June 22nd, 2014 at 08:19pm
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    Marc Wilmots (Belgium's team manager) just made my day :). Both Mertens and Fellaini get to start! Only 35 more minutes that can't pass soon enough. The nerves are in full swing... I really do hope Mertens will score again, so that he can proof he's not just a supersub as he's being called here. That's the sad thing about him, he's really good as a substitute, but he always manages to not play very well when he gets to start. Fingers crossed he's going to be good today!
    June 22nd, 2014 at 05:24pm
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    As far as I know, the lineup hasn't been mentioned yet. Mertens being on the starting 11 has been a topic in newspapers and on tv since the Algeria game though. Keeping my fingers crossed, only 6 hours and a half to go until Russia :). I'm getting nervous again. On Tuesday, me and my brother agreed every single one of our players should just lay on their beds until the start of the game, so that nothing can happen to them. I'm feeling like that again right now...
    I wouldn't mind meeting the US in the next round. No offence or anything, but we won against the US about a year ago in a friendly, so I know we can win against them.
    I'm also hoping for a good match today, unlike on Tuesday when the match was horrible to watch. And I'll be rooting for Mexico tomorrow as well, as promised. If we meet somewhere along the way, I'm supporting Belgium though, haha.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 11:40am
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    Hah, thanks for rooting for us as well :). And everyone I've seen today agreed with me, instead of only just getting on the pitch during the second half, Mertens should always be one of the starting 11. Although, the players themselves say: we don't have a starting 11 and 12 others on the bench, we have one team. Everyone is important, they say and there's some truth in that as well obviously.
    Ochoa was really awesome last night. Our newspapers all state that he singlehandedly stopped Neymar, which must really mean something. But I understand how you feel/felt about him. I used to feel that way about Witsel . I'm slowly getting over it, since Witsel really is a good player and the reason I hated him happened like 5 years ago, before he left for Portugal. I'm sure Mexico will move on to the second round though. I really hope Belgium will to, as the winner of their group, otherwise they'll have to face Germany and there's no way they'll be able to win against them. Portugal should be managable though and I still think they will become second in their group.
    No real travel plans for the summer, we'll be going on a last minute trip to Centerparks or something like that though.
    The LA Kings Stanley Cup Victory Parade sounds like fun. Hockey is one of those 'typical' American sports that are rarely played in Belgium, so I'm sure I care less about it than you do :).
    I think I'll be watching a lot more football during the next few weeks as well :).
    June 18th, 2014 at 01:23pm
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    I don't know how you feel about it, but I think a draw against Brasil isn't all that bad. Having a three point lead on Brasil would be better, but a shared first place is good as well if you ask me. Although, if it were Belgium, I probably would prefer a win... Hope you get to see some football later on. Enjoy watching the matches you recorded!
    June 17th, 2014 at 11:18pm
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    You're welcome! I didn't see the entire Mexico match, but enough to know they won.
    I've just died a thousand deaths. After 26 min of terrible football, Algeria scored a penalty. Courtois is the best goalie in the world, but he's still not perfect, so he couldn't stop it. Just the entire match was awfull to watch. But then in the second half, Dries Mertens came on, he played a bit better than the others, the Belgians created some chances and we won. Our first goal was a beauty by Fellaini, that gave me some hope we weren't going to lose. And then Dries Mertens scored the perfect goal. My dad almost tore down the sofa when Mertens scored, that's how happy he was.
    Too bad you haven't really been able to see many matches. I've seen quite a few. I've now seen more matches in the past 6 days than I've seen in the year before. In theory, I'd be able to watch every match. They start at 6pm, 9pm, midnight and 3am Belgian time. I'm done with work at 4pm at the latest. The 3am matches aren't ones I'll watch though.
    Ah, England vs Italy was a great game. I would have liked it better had the English won, but still, that Sterling goal was golden.
    I've also seen Germany vs Portugal. I don't know (read remember) how you feel about Ronaldo, so I hope I won't piss you off with what I'm about to say. He really wasn't good. Me and my brother were rooting for Germany, solely because we really don't like Ronaldo. But even apart from that, it was a really good match.
    I'm good, thanks. Maybe I would've said something different hadn't we won, but we did, so I'm good :). Summer is going quite well, but summer vacation is still a little under two weeks away. It starts on Friday next week, or rather, that Friday is the last day of school. I'm really counting down by now :).
    How have you been?
    June 17th, 2014 at 08:16pm
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    Congratulations on the win at the World Cup! One down, a few more to go hopefully. I'll keep rooting for Mexico as well as for Belgium :).
    June 15th, 2014 at 02:18pm
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    Hmm, for me calling me wouldn't help. At school, I switch my phone to the silent setting, so it won't disrupt class. Unfortunately, that also means I won't hear their calls or voicemails.
    That's just how Ashley is. She just has to say it when something's on her mind, or when she wants to say something. Whether it's rude, or at a really bad time or whatever, that doesn't matter, she needs to say it at that time.
    I can't wait for the moment you'll tell me that assistant is gone. I'll be so happy for you and your colleagues. I hate when I have to clean up someone elses mess and it seems that's half your job because of him.
    I don't think I would ever make a good nurse. Not that blood and such make me faint or anything, but at school, fixing up children's knees isn't my favourite thing to do. Although, that's obviously a really cliché idea of what nurses do...
    Don't listen to anything your sister says, you should cherish every moment you have with your goddaughter. And you should be able to cherish it the way you want to.
    Oh, I'm so jealous now. We have a day off on Thursday, but I can't say I'm going to Disneyland. Have fun! I can't imagine you won't have fun, but still.
    We had a great time in Lisbon. The weather was definitely a lot better than it was here in Belgium, even when it only started being sunny at around 2pm. We went to the oceanarium (which was incredibely cool for being an oceanarium, they had loads of stingrays and I absolutely love those), the Belem tower, some monastery, a puppet museum, a coach museum, the Gulbenkian museum (which was founded after Gulbenkian's death, he had this massive amount of art at his place and his will, he said he wanted them to be used in a museum, so basically, you're at a museum, looking at a single person's collection of art), ... It was really great honestly.
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed no one else will get injured. I'm constantly adding to my Red Devils craziness by the way. There's this show on tv about how the players and some other people lived the qualifiers and it's awesome. I'm also really into collecting Panini-stickers and trying to complete the album. Every time I get a Belgian sticker, I go nuts. Too bad I've only got two so far, Courtois and Alderweireld. But they're both great, so that's a definite plus. Only a month and a half longer now. I can't wait!
    April 29th, 2014 at 06:18pm
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    I do the exact same thing. The amount of texts I get asking me to pick up some cereal from the store when I'm there that I haven't read is enormous. And when I get home, I get complaints for not having bought cereal...
    I won't say I didn't struggle studying English at first, but now it's like second nature. I don't really have to think about it, I can just switch from Dutch to English and then back to Dutch.
    The kids are definitely not too keen on religion. Ashley for examples loves me whenever she sees me during recess or somewhere in the hallways, but as soon as religion is involved, she hates me. And she fully agrees with that statement, she told me so last week.
    And thank you, I'd like to think I'm a nice person :).
    Haha, hot car isn't for me either. As soon as it gets a bit warmer, the AC is working overtime.
    Yeah, after Ash Wednesday, we had four weeks and then Easter break started. That's always a two week break, but Holy week isn't always a part of it. This year it is though, since break is already half over. Lent went by really fast is what I'm trying to say.
    I'll count down the days until August! You (and your boss) deserve to get rid of the no good assistant!
    What are you going to school for?
    There's no such thing as going overboard when it comes to godchildren, so I don't think you did at your godchild's baptism. No royal flair is too much when it comes to them.
    I'm sure you're doing just fine when it comes to school and Disneyland is just too cool (not that I've ever been there, I'm just assuming) not to go there from time to time. Especially when you have a Disney pass and annual parking.
    I'm good. Just got home from a trip to Lisbon. I've learned Portuguese is nothing like Spanish. I thought the resemblance between to two would be almost like the resemblance between Dutch and German, but noooo, they're completely different. I seriously sounded more like Russian than Spanish. Thank goodness most people also spoke English (not very well, but enough to get what we wanted).
    Aaah, I can't wait for the World Cup to start. We sadly lost one of our strikers. Too bad we only have to real strikers (although there not all that great...). Benteke tore of his achilles tendon. Now we have Lukaku left. And one of our backup goalies broke his shin. Let's hope nothing else will happen to any of our players. And I'll be rooting for Belgium, Mexico (although I won't stay up to see those games, like I will for the Belgian team) and Spain. Only two more months!
    April 12th, 2014 at 11:53pm
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    I get what you mean. I once let my brother walk home after a school trip because I didn't realise he texted me. Sadly, his foot was in a plaster and it was about 5 miles, so he was kind of pissed for a while. And that's just one of the many times I don't realise I received a text, so no need to worry, I'm pretty much the exact same way :).
    She seems to have learned a bit. She's still not a nice person, but it's been worse before Christmas than it has after Christmas.
    I can only recommend picking up Dutch as yet another language you speak. Although it's apparently quite difficult to master. I know for sure it's a lot harder than English, our grammar is a lot more complicated.
    Ashley (the streets roaming kid) is acting a bit better. Last week, they had a student teacher and she was really participating, on her best behaviour, I was pleasantly suprised.
    Haha, I try my best to be as good a teacher I can be, but it's hard sometimes. Not all kids like me though, I know that for sure. Or maybe they just don't like religion, that's also a possibility.
    It still hasn't snowed here, not that I'm really complaining. The past few winters have been all snowed up, but not this year. It's like nature decided we already had all the snow we needed for this winter during the past winters. It's also been quite warm for this time of year.
    Even though it rains quite a lot here, people still don't know how to drive when it does.
    I've heard about the snow all over the USA, believe it or not, but that's actually an anual topic on the news, snow in the USA. Whether it's the entire country, or just New York, it's a news item...
    I'm good. A bit ashamed to say that I'm already on my next break. Not that I get a lot of time to relax, since I have to study and I have to make a lesson plan for a class my inspector will attend, so it has to be top notch, even more so than all my other classes.
    How are you? It's been too long indeed, but like I said, I totally get the 'misunderstanding' :).
    March 4th, 2014 at 04:50pm
  • hiboux

    hiboux (100)

    Adulthood, that bitch, conspires against all of us. I blame all that goes wrong in my life on adulthood now. Adulthood, and a faulty internet connection.
    February 4th, 2014 at 11:11am