Overflowing Ashtray / Comments

  • Yeah, it was kind of fucked up, but there's nothing I can do about it now. I just hope next year it will be in July and Foo Fighters will be there. If there's one thing I know about them, it's that they always try to make up for a cancelled show. It happened when they were supposed to play at Pukkelpop in 2011, but then a storm passed, people died and the entire festival rightfully got cancelled. They were adament about coming to Pukkelpop in 2012.
    It has been this hot since Tuesday and today is the hottest day so far. Tomorrow, it is said to cool down a bit, back to about 75°F. That sounds like heaven right now. I've already eaten a lot of ice cream, but the effect only lasts for so long... Not to mention the effect it will have on my body/weight. And I've just now tried to make some iced tea, but it's still too hot to see how that works out.
    Happy fourth of July! I hope you have a great day! Don't worry about the chapter, celebrating is more important :).
    July 4th, 2015 at 05:01pm
  • It was bound to happen soon, since it had been quite a while since I've replied on my own page.
    Rock Werchter has already ended and I didn't go, simply because of the fact that I still had to work before, during and after the festival. I do have to admit it sucked. Mostly because it was moved a week forward, so it was the last weekend of june instead of the first weekend of july. The reason for it being moved forward was so that it fit into the touring schedule of the Foo Fighters who then didn't come. But oh well, there's always next year, hopefully it will just be at the beginning of July again, as it has always been.
    It seems like I made a mistake converting temperatures from degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit. Just dubbelchecked, today it will be ranging from 85 tot 95° F. And since it's not a really regular thing here, we don't have any airconditioning, so it's already about 80° inside. I feel like I'm melting away. It's still better then rain and 60° though.
    Glad to make you smile with my comments! Just returning the favor, since you make me smile with your updates!
    July 2nd, 2015 at 11:30am
  • I didn't realise I answered your comment on my page. Makes me feel a bit dumb in retrospect.
    My summer holiday officialy started yesterday at 3.45pm. I can't say that I mind either. I love all the kids, but I've had enough of them for a while. And, on an even brighter note, we're in the middle of a spree of good weather. No rain has been forecasted until at least in a week and a half, with temperatures well above 75°. It's not really what we are used to, mostly, our summers are a lot colder and wetter.
    July 1st, 2015 at 12:50pm
  • So as part of the Mibba Positivity Bingo... thing one of the things to do is to give a gift to another Mibbian so... I made you a story cover for But Most of All. Shifty Since it's a gift, totally unplanned, and I'm not that great at Photoshop anyways, don't feel obligated to use it if you don't like it or anything. There will be no hard feelings if you don't want it. XD Hope you like it, but if you don't, don't worry about it! tehe

    May 20th, 2015 at 10:00am
  • May 19th, 2015 at 05:18am
  • If anything, you made up for there not being a chapter by updating A Sense of Wonder... File ...which I am now in the middle of reading. tehe

    We'll just hug it out and make up. Cute All is well!

    April 23rd, 2015 at 01:38pm


    And regarding your question...


    I WANTS.

    April 8th, 2015 at 08:09am
  • Omggggg I can't wait lol u are seriously my favorite here on mibba and I know you will make it very much a heartfelt chapter when the time comes for Harry to find out what happened to Paulina
    April 8th, 2015 at 01:21am
  • Oooh, that's tough. Think Well, I know how you feel about posting a filler - I like it when I have extra material to post along with it too, so it's really your call. As long as I get to read some more about our lovely girl and her total domination of Henderson soon... I'm good. Shifty
    February 11th, 2015 at 05:57am
  • I'm sure Luda would be honored to have his song in your story. lmfao

    p.s. I REALLY WANT TO READ THE NEXT CHAPTER.... *hint hint wink wink* tehe
    February 5th, 2015 at 09:31am
  • I know what you mean about just getting back into the swing of things at school. I have my first exam of the year tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it. But, I have to push through and just make it until tomorrow about 3pm, that's when my exam will be over and done with :).
    I had cava and white wine, that's about it, but quite a lot of both. Indeed, as long as the hangover isn't too bad, it was totally worth it.
    Christmas sounds quite hectic indeed, with all the driving that you've done. Lounging about on New Year's does not sound boring. If I could, I would do the exact same thing, but alas. My aunt expects us to come over and eat some more than we already did. This year though, we danced of some of the calories on Just Dance.
    Oversleeping on New Year's is also completely understandable and acceptable :).
    January 13th, 2015 at 10:48pm
  • Thank you!
    I've been good. How have you been? And I know, I've missed talking to you!
    Christmas and New Year were great. I may have had a bit much to drink on New Year's Eve, but nothing too bad. The hangover was manageable. How has your holiday season been?
    January 11th, 2015 at 02:27pm
  • Yay! I'm happy to hear it! ::crazy!
    Giiiiirrrrlll, and why you be teasing me? That ain't cool. Hand JK IT JUST MEANS YOU HAVE TO HURRY UP WITH THE NEXT CHAPTERS Weird

    And can I just say that when I read the new chapters, I feel like I'm retaking my gov and econ high school class? XD It's so weird and I can just see my old teacher lecturing! Haha tehe
    January 9th, 2015 at 08:28pm
  • I take it back, it's not snowing anymore. It's raining and all the snow has melted :(
    January 3rd, 2015 at 04:58pm
  • Happy New Year!

    I was so tempted to just answer "spoilers" for a moment :) Julio and Alicia are the main characters on the show. I'm not going to tell you what their relationship is, because that would spoil all the fun for you. You'll thank me when you watch it.

    Guess what? It's snowing! I'm not sure it's not going to melt before the day is done, but it's snowing!

    Ha ha, 60° is warm. It's like spring here. I don't even heat the house when it's over 63° (just because I'm paying for it, though)

    Disney California Adventure for Three Kings Day sounds great. All we do is eat pie (when we can remember to).
    January 3rd, 2015 at 12:32pm
  • First of all, you look absolutely lovely in that new picture.

    I think you'll like the show. I'm quite fond of it. It's as if the writers have thrown in all the clichés they could throw in it, and somehow it works and it's great (I imagine them going 'If Downton Abbey could have it, we can have it, but let's make it funnier/angstier/...' and checking off a list of all the things that you can have in a period show.) I've finished the first and second season, and I'm looking to start the third when I get a little time to properly dive into it. I really like Julio and Alicia, but I have to say that after a few episodes Andrés became my favourite. He's the absolute sweetest.

    I'm glad you're doing well, and happy belated Christmas to you too! My Christmas was alright. I invited my family over for Christmas Eve, which meant an awful lot of cooking (I spent half my evening cooking!). It was nice, but I have to say that I was glad when it was over. How was your Christmas?

    Sadly we didn't have much snow. Even today, there's been snow in a lot of parts of the country, except where I live. I was watching the news and seeing snow everywhere, and I was like 'but I live in the traditionally snowy part of the country - how - what?' I want some snow too!

    I haven't seen the DW Christmas special either. I used to watch it religiously when it aired when I lived at home, but I don't have a TV anymore, so I always have to catch up with episodes after they air, and I'm not that good with it. I just keep telling myself that I need to catch up with it, but never do it.
    I thought that they would get married and have babies too! I thought it was kind of implied by that episode with the tin soldier (I don't really remember what happened, but there was something that made me think that this was where they were heading), so I was not expecting that at all.
    December 28th, 2014 at 10:48pm
  • Oh my God of course! It is a masterpiece and deserves recognition!

    And I'll be waiting Wink

    You're so welcome, love!
    December 28th, 2014 at 09:34pm
  • I've got a question! A completely random one.
    Have you heard of/seen the show Gran Hotel? Because I was watching it the other day (well, I've been binging on it for the last week) and I kid you not, the very first thing that came to mind was 'I'm sure Emi would love this'. So yeah, if you've seen it, what did you think of it? And if you haven't, you should check it out (it's not too hard to find online).
    Oh, and I've got a second question! How are you doing? It's been a while again.
    December 18th, 2014 at 10:04pm
  • Hola, hola! So I reviewed your story Amor y Contrabrando, in case you're curious Cute
    December 16th, 2014 at 01:36am
  • I did see the next installment's story page as soon as I saw it had been "published", and I went directly to the characters page, and what I assumed was going to happen after "Volver a Tus Brazos" really is, but I'm never forgetting that quote of yours for as long as this story keeps going (hopefully, years and years).
    I think I know your writing style well enough to not lose any kind of hope on Paulina and that ginger being together again someday.
    - Sara
    P.S. Kinda missed hearing from you. Hahaha
    November 14th, 2014 at 08:24pm