Overflowing Ashtray / Comments

  • NauticalMile

    NauticalMile (200)

    United States
    Forgot to tell you i was reading that chapter while in line for coffee and had a moment of feels so i had to stop. Haha.I'm so stoked for the next bits of story. I am trying really hard to write a story now because you've written all this awesome and i need to repay you with some awesome as well. Maybe I'll just send it via message instead of a regular post. Exclusive rights haha
    November 14th, 2014 at 06:56pm
  • abigailaag

    abigailaag (100)

    United States
    So will they end up together ? :o and it's no problem it one hell of a story!
    November 14th, 2014 at 01:19pm
  • hiboux

    hiboux (100)

    My weekend was great, thanks. I didn't do much, but sometimes it's exactly what I need :)

    Your comment about Uncle Dursley made me laugh. I had completely forgotten about that part, but the moment I read it, I could imagine myself going crazy trying to stop rejection letters from getting in.

    I've knitted lots and lots of scarves! I've given some away, but even then I have more than I can wear. I'm trying for a jumper now, but it's a long project. I actually started months ago, then I got bored and did something else, and now I'm trying to pick it up again. But while I was bored of the jumper, I did this.

    I hope you've had a great weekend too, and a great day.
    October 28th, 2014 at 07:58pm
  • hiboux

    hiboux (100)

    Can I possibly be more excited for these sequels than I already am? Yes I can!

    Colds are so annoying! You're always feeling poorly and not able to do what you want, and you feel like you're wasting so much time. I hope you're feeling better now.
    Those vacation deals look amazing! I agree that the flight might not be very comfortable, especially with it being that long, but for that price it's still a bargain. Let me know if you ever decide to take the trip.
    Applying for jobs is still annoying as fuck. I haven't received answers yet, but that's a usual thing. It always takes weeks before I hear anything anyway. Still, it's not great to have to constantly worry about finding a job. That's why I'm really happy whenever Saturday arrives, because I take two days off, and I don't even check my mails to see if there is an answer, and there's no post so I can't receive a rejection letter, and aaah! It's just a weekend to myself, and I've got my books and my computer and my knitting and I can just have a nice day in like a little old lady, and on Sunday I go to see my mum, and it's so relaxing. It might sound like I'm making a big deal of it, but I'm just real happy that it's Friday evening. Yes!
    I hope your day at work went well, and that that damn cold left you in peace.
    Very Happy
    October 24th, 2014 at 09:31pm
  • hiboux

    hiboux (100)

    I was going to say that I prefer having an eternal summer, but then I've had a walk outside today and it's lovely now that the leaves have started to fall and they're all crunchy under your feet, and then I got home and had a cup of warm chocolate, so now I really love fall. And also: cookies! That's another thing I like about it, making cookies and ginger and cinnamon biscuits.
    It's not the first time that we talk about swapping places, we keep saying that :)
    If I ever find lovely gingery men, I'll make sure to take pictures of them. Not sure where I'll find them, but I'll search. I'd love to go to Scoltland some day, and according to rumors, there's some of them up there. So who knows...
    How was your day?
    You've updated Volver again yesterday, and I know I commented on the story page, but I'm going to say it again here: it was a very emotional chapter, and brilliantly written. I bloody love your stories :) It makes me want to write more often. In fact, I think I'm going to write a little before I go to bed. It'll be good because I've spent most of the day filling up online application forms until the point I was thinking Argh, fuck it, I'm giving up! And I did give up at some point, because there was that point when I pressed the 'next page' button and it kept indicating that there was an error and I had to fill it all again. But after a nice walk outside, I feel much better, and I'm ranting now, sorry, but that just got me so frustrated!
    Anyway, I hope you have the nicest day :)
    September 29th, 2014 at 10:41pm
  • Alsoldey

    Alsoldey (230)

    United States
    Jeez, that's just so frustrating wow! But we definitely need reform, just ugh. My parents have been here for years, and my dad pays taxes and everything, it is really annoying when you see a lot of people demonizing us and saying that we mooch off of the system...Facepalm

    The heat stopped for a bit, and then it came back and with rain. Ew, ew, ew! It was terrible! I want consistent weather, all I want too, ahaha!

    I don't go to college, my family and I are more work related and prefer to work. Every now and then I stop and think that it wouldn't do me much harm, it would be good to have higher learning under my belt, may even get me a better job, but I'm really easy to please and would rather help pay bills than go to school.
    September 25th, 2014 at 09:54pm
  • hiboux

    hiboux (100)

    At least you've got curls. The minute there was a bit of wind, or after long car or train rides, I just turned into a witch.
    Oh, I'm so jealous of the weather you're getting, even if you're saying it's too warm, because we've just had a rubbish month of august, and I've really missed the sunshine. And now it's back but it's not the same, you feel that fall's coming, and I don't know, argh. I feel like I should've gone on holiday somewhere, even for 2 or 3 days. That would've made the holidays feel more like a holiday ... Who knows, maybe when I've sorted everything out here, I'll treat myself with a few days away.
    I still need to decorate the house a little. I've got most of the furniture I need, and water, electricity and wifi all sorted. Now I feel like I need to buy some more stuff to make the house completely mine, but I never seem to find exactly what I want, and I don't want to be spending money on something that'll just make me go 'yeah, it's alright'.
    I can't believe that your mother-in-law did that! That was really rude. I mean, even if you don't like it, you don't just go into someone else's kitchen and make yourself a sandwich, that's just... no, you can't do that. I don't know if it means that you're not an old mexican woman for not getting over it, or if it means that there's one asleep deep inside of me, but I'd have the exact same reaction as you! If you don't like it, then put a brave face on and pretend that it's alright, or say that you're allergic to something, or that you're not really hungry. Even asking you for something else would've been better than preparing something herself. But you're right, you've got to humor relatives when they come for a visit. Now they're gone and hopefully you'll have more time for yourself.
    I'm glad to hear that the bad assistant got transfered and that the new kid's much better. It's always a pain to work with people who do not put any effort into it. And yes for Disneyland during Christmas time, that must be great. I hope you have a nice time there.
    September 18th, 2014 at 08:20pm
  • Alsoldey

    Alsoldey (230)

    United States
    I'll definitely do that now! Yeah, I was on that the moment it was announced! I was in the first batch, and also the very first one at my all Latinx church to get it, but man that was a struggle too. Some Latinx thought that it was a trap and they would get deported, some kids missed out on it because of that, and it angered the living hell out of me too. No, I totally understand your anger on this and passion too. Right!? I keep hearing rumors that if we keep renewing a certain amount of times that we'd eventually get residency, but I'm not too sure about that. You are so lucky, mama. Whoa! Is he still over in Mexico right now? What the hell even!? I always thought that if you married a U S citizen then you'd get residency and then citizenship. Of course you would be tested to make sure the marriage wasn't a scheme to gain easy access into the US, but still...what the actual hell? I completely agree with you though. I've been so damn frustrated lately because of the renewal and stuff, like I got paranoid that I'd have to get some authorization in between, but I remembered that I had gotten my papers done in June. My DACA expires in October, and I'm just so goddamn nervous and scared.

    So glad I can rant about this with you though, sorry for any excess! Facepalm

    Glad to hear you're okay! Also, I hear you about the heat wave, ugh to it all! Though it's been helping me in losing weight, but I hate how Florida's heat sticks to you, what with all the humidity. No, please leave. I've mostly been working, I'm not to keen on going back to school. Shifty
    September 16th, 2014 at 11:38pm
  • hiboux

    hiboux (100)

    It has! It has been ages. How are you?

    Thanks! I kinda like it too :). And you’re so right it is so much easier to have shorter hair.I’m quite envious of people with long hair too, because they can do all those pretty things with it, but it never worked with me. Whatever I did, it always ended up looking all messy and unkempt, so I'm quite happy with short right now.

    I’m fine. I’m always fine. I’ve moved out (at last) – so now I phone my mom practically every day, because I’m a baby, and because when I’m alone too long I talk to myself like a crazy person. My contract as a teacher ended last June, so now that the holidays are over, I’ve been unemployed for about two weeks. Hopefully that won’t last too long because I’ve got a rent to pay now. But I try to tell myself that such things happen, and I’ve got time to do other things now (mostly, I’ll admit, spending time on the internet, or baking or starting some DIY projects that I don’t always finish).

    I meant everything I said about your stories. I’ve been loving them since quizilla, and they’ve always inspired me.
    I’m not sure there’s many updates that you need to catch up with, to be honest, because I haven’t been that active over the course of the last year. Hopefully, now that I have a bit more time, I can finish a few stories. That’s one of my goals (though who am I kidding, I keep saying I’m going to write more, and I never seem to do it).

    I hope you have a nice week-end and you can rest. You deserve it after that epic chapter you delivered.

    I’m sure there was plenty more I wanted to say, but I can’t think of it right now because I’m exhausted for no reason at all (I think it’s old age), and there’s still a lot I need to do (I have a list, because I make lists now, that’s another thing about getting old, I have to make lists to remember things – replying to you was actually on that list, and it’s the first thing I’ve done, since it seemed like the funniest – way funnier than writing yet another cover letter, I can’t even begin to say how much I hate doing that! – Now I’ve still got about 8 things to do, which I’m not going to do today, because it’s nearly 9 PM and I feel like taking a bath instead – see, that’s why I never get anything done, but I digress).

    Tell me how you’re doing, though, because it really, really has been ages.
    September 13th, 2014 at 08:43pm
  • Alsoldey

    Alsoldey (230)

    United States
    No problem, pretty lady! I'm the same too, I just happened to be re-reading the other story you have, and thought I'd give your Prince Harry of Wales stories a try, I definitely was not disappointed. I'll be ready and waiting Cute

    I've been alright, working and having no time to write anything, really, haha! I've also been a bit worried about the whole DACA renewal thing going on right now.

    How about you?
    September 12th, 2014 at 10:21pm
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    One of my colleagues told me she had to hurry because she had to get the kids to the bus, but that she wasn't looking forward to it. I know exactly what she meant.
    I get how you feel about having your family over. There's always that point when, no matter how much you love them, you just want them to go home. Long live privacy!
    Haha, I can't believe your boss sent you to go get a cake! But hey, it was a joyous occasion :). Brian really seems like a good kid, what with not being a lazy shit like the old one. And he's making you enjoy working again. All hail to Brian, haha.
    Just today, I heard some news that completely shocked me. One of the guys I went to school with in primary school killed his sister on Wednesday. I had heard about someone from the village where I live, killing his sister, but I didn't know who it was. But this morning, a colleague was talking about it in the teachers' lounge and that was quite a shocker really. I've gone to school with him for 6 years, although that's already 15 years ago it's still really weird to know him...
    September 12th, 2014 at 04:33pm
  • NauticalMile

    NauticalMile (200)

    United States
    Haha Pinche Emi. Thank you!
    September 11th, 2014 at 09:14pm
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    I know, last we spoke was 2 months ago...
    Life's good. The school year isn't even two weeks old and we're all back to the same routines :). On Fridays we talk about the most ridiculous things, the bus lady still isn't a nice person (I doubt she'll ever be, haha), some of the kids are a bit rowdy, but I can't help but love them all, ...
    How's life been treating you? You finally don't have to deal with the horrible colleague anymore! At least, I hope so for your mental wellbeing.
    September 11th, 2014 at 11:49am
  • NauticalMile

    NauticalMile (200)

    United States
    Serves you right! Haha. I felt the need for nostalgia now that I'm the big two five which is oddly my height backwards. You've made me want to write you a random oneshot. Damn let's see where this goes. Enjoy the pan Miss Lady you deserve it!
    September 11th, 2014 at 07:12am
  • abigailaag

    abigailaag (100)

    United States
    cant wait (: im sure it will be worth the wait
    you're an amazing writer!!
    July 17th, 2014 at 10:18am
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    A concussion is what we thought right after he went down. Apparently, he doesn't even know that he wasn't replaced right after. He doesn't remember anything from the first half, not even playing on for about 15 or so minutes or how he got to the changing rooms. That's a definite concussion right there... I was also slightly worried about Higuain (I know, I know, you and Argentinians don't mix, but still). The way Neuer planted his knee in Higuains face, that must have hurt as well...
    I know there's nothing wrong with going to bed at 1, but some people think otherwise and they tell me every single day that I should go to bed earlier. Why bother? It's summer holiday, no school for 2 months...
    July 15th, 2014 at 11:09am
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    At least the right flag colours won, too bad it's the German flag and not the Belgian one.
    I was rooting for Germany as well. Thank you Götze! And damn, how bad did Kramer look? His eyes were hollow when Schürle came on for him. Schweinsteiger didn't look all that well either after taking that elbow to the face... But I think they've forgotten about everything that was hurting by now.
    I'm good thanks. Enjoying my summer holiday and still recovering from Rock Werchter. It would probably also help to get to bed before 1am, which I haven't really done this week...
    How are you? I really like your new avatar picture by the way :).
    July 14th, 2014 at 12:22am
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    I managed not to cry, though a few cursewords might have slipped out. Too bad there were some giant people standing in front of me though, so I didn't really see much of the match. That goal was really harsh and I think during the second half, Belgium really wasn't bad. Unfortunately, scoring seems to be really hard lately...
    July 6th, 2014 at 12:31am
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    I'll be watching today's match at the Rock Werchter festival. Watching football with about 80.000 other Belgians should be fun. I'm really hoping they'll win, but I have my doubts. Realistically, it should be normal for Argentina to win, but now that the Belgians have come this far, I want them to go all the way to the finals. I hope you'll enjoy watching the match!
    Haha, I love how your boss came out to question your sanity after the Belgium-US game :).
    Good job on convincing your dad and brother to join the Belgian side! Welcome, we have cookies, haha.
    I'm not going to lie, the nerves kicked in watching a bit of Germany-France. By now, they're skyrocketing... Only 5 more hours that can't be over soon enough. I was talking to one of my friend's friends at Rock Werchter yesterday and he said the only thing he was looking forward to today was watching the match. I agreed wholeheartedly! Only to cry of they're to lose. I know now that if they lose, the waterworks will unleash and there'll be nothing I can do to stop them. And if they win, my voice will be gone until the semi-final or something like that.
    July 5th, 2014 at 12:46pm
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    I had about 20 heart attacks and died about 15 times, but we made it. In overtime, like 6 or so out of 8 matches.
    My utmost respect goes out to Tim Howard though. He did what Ochoa did against Brasil I think. After the first half, Belgium had 14 shots on target, all of them saved by Howard. And Mertens almost scored a header, which would probably be a first, seeing he's only 5'6" or 5'7".
    It's now half past one, but there's still so much adrenaline running through my veins I can't even go to bed, since I know I won't be able to fall asleep yet.
    Next one is Argentina and I would so love to win and then beat Holland in the semi-finals. Payback for them beating Mexico.
    I'll shut up now, since this is just stupid football talk, and it's not even interesting football talk...
    July 2nd, 2014 at 01:24am