fragile / Comments

  • Ha ha. Who didn't love Fiddy? I know his name is 50 or whatever but I feel much more gangsta when I say Fiddy. It rolls off the tongue more.
    Ahaha and thank youuuu! I am so excited about writing Cheated Hearts now. I've been daydreaming about it all day and having conversations with Keatie and ahh. So EXCITED.
    March 10th, 2010 at 07:01am
  • No problem (:
    March 10th, 2010 at 03:18am
  • Haha, that's alright. :)
    March 9th, 2010 at 07:09am
  • I really like toothpaste kisses, it's so sweet and of course the song you had on your profile. and i just listened to the bombay bicycle club. i liike. :) you have an awesome taste in music, my dear.
    and yeah. oh my gosh if i were you and i was stuck with FOUR kiddos, i'd probably vow to never have kids either. i only babysit this one kid on my street sometimes and he is CRAZY. he tries to jump on the walls like spiderman and he never eats what he's supposed too and yeah.. too much.
    my feet are feeling way better! haha. museums always tire me out,
    March 9th, 2010 at 04:34am
  • We always do that on our birthdays. We ask what our friends want so that they actually get something they want, and not something they mightn't like.

    Cows? Wow. My parents are actually Turkish, so our relatives back in Turkey have a lot of farm animals etc. When we went there to visit, I was actually chased by a turkey. Ironic, no? And my family just sat around and laughed, because the idea of being afraid of an animal is hilarious to them.
    I have quite a few friends who are Bengali and and they always teach us words in their language. Not that I remember much. I know how to say "I love you". But I'm not going to try spelling it! =P My best friend knows how to say I love you in 26 languages.

    I'm always rereading HP when I'm bored. I never got tired of it.

    And that is freaking hilarious!!! A couple of years ago, I absolutley adored Meg Cabot and actually considered her one of my favourite authors. A little while ago, I borrowed one of her books from the library, because I remebered that I used to like her, but I could not read it at all. I'm glad it wasn't just me =D
    March 8th, 2010 at 09:18am
  • The contest you signed up for (Simply Beautiful [Photo Contest]) is getting another extension since a few people haven't given me their entries and have asked for an extension.
    The deadline will be this Friday, if you'd still like to do it.
    March 8th, 2010 at 01:46am
  • Uhhh. Essays. I don't like them.
    Haha and babysitting? Ah. I feel your pain sister. I am a HORRIBLE babysitter.
    This weekend I went to the LACMA which is this art museum here in LA and my feet really hurt by the end of it. And yeahhh. It sounds cool, but it was super tiring!

    Anyways, SABIHAAA. You have got me addicted to the Maccabees. No lie.
    March 7th, 2010 at 10:03pm
  • Happy Birthday to your friend!!!

    I'm glad your classes are getting better. =D I'm not sure on the whole English lit. and English lang. thing. Ours is just called English, and it's not actually the English language, it's just essays and analysing texts and writing stories and all that jazz. So yeah, I don't know. And I'm sorry about all your essays. I still have to fix mine!

    And finally it is le weekend, and I can actually relax to an extent because I only have three tests next wk. And so what if one of those goes to the HSC? I am determined to get my daily dose of relaxation.

    My chicken died two days ago. I've had her for four years. I don't know if I told you about my pet chickens before. We had four and now we have none. It's sad. I'm so used to hearing them crowing at all times of day. I think my dad is the saddest. No matter how much they annoyed him, he loved them. He used to sit and watch them in the backyard for hours. I think he wants to get more!

    ...I need a good book to read. Any suggestions?
    March 6th, 2010 at 02:11am
  • Ooh. I'm glad my caps sufficed, because I felt like a mega jerkk. And omigosh, I like you too much to be mad at you, durr.

    Thank you so much for liking Florence, I'm aware it's kind of different from anything else I've written! And yess. I am totally still writing Cheated Hearts. In fact, I'm working on another update right now!

    Ooh, man am I glad it's the weekend! What are you up to?
    March 6th, 2010 at 01:36am

    Anyway, I hope those caps express how sucky that was. and yeah! i did rename Florence because the new title seems a lot better for some reason. Like Tennessee, I didn't know what to name it so I just named it after the main character and I tried that with Florence, but it didn't feel right.

    And yess. I hope your toe is betterr! And I hope your classes are too.
    I'm gonna go read your updates right now. :)
    March 4th, 2010 at 04:09am
  • Ugh, how annoying. I get annoyed really easily too, so when my friends talk about dieting or something equally as annoying I just leave until they're done. But I think by now they know not to say stuff like that around me.

    I hope you make the right decision about repeating. I don't really like Literature (which I'm guessing is the equivalent of English here). Some parts are alright and I enjoy them, but then they have the really ugly topics. But I guess you have that with every subject.

    You have to go ice skating soon. I went recently with all my friends and I was the first to stack it. Not only that, but when I tried to get up, even with the help of my friends, I just fell again and again. Then I had to crawl to the wall and get up that way. It was so embarrassing, especially because basically my entire grade ended up there. It somehow got around that we were going, on Facebook or something, and everyone decided to show up. But I was okay after that. I have a friend whose fingers actually did get cut by someone else's skates, so be glad that wasn't you! She was alright though. They didn't get chopped off or anything. But still, I would've freaked out if I was her!
    March 2nd, 2010 at 08:47am
  • Yeah, I love hanging out with my friends but I'd rather do work on my own because then I can get it done much faster and concentrate more too. Especially at the moment because my best friend has decided to go on a diet (even though she's not fat at all, and I'm not just saying that because she's my friend) and every conversation has to include something about how much she ate today, when all she had was two pieces of fruit, and how yesterday she put on 200 grams (Shock horror!) Needless to say, I feel like strangling her at the moment.

    My essay is on Belonging, and the main text is a bunch of poems by some guy called Peter Skrzynecki called the "Immigrant Chronicles". They're basically about nothing. I hate belonging so much. I don't care if he belonged to his house. We could have chosen a more exciting text, but no. The school chooses the worst one. Oh well. I just want to get it over with. Your text sounds better than mine =D

    And the Winter Olympics have finished today. They were so quick. I completely agree. The Asians are very good. They're my favourite to watch. But there's also one Canadian couple that I like. They all make skating seem so easy and then I go to the rink and fall on my ass every ten minutes. =P
    March 1st, 2010 at 08:29am
  • How ironic... do you know what just happened? I wrote a long comment going on about how annoying it is when that happens, and it just got erased because my stupid computer messed up. I think it got upset over the previous comment where I was bagging it out. Poor computer =( But seriously, that was just freaky. I stared at it going "You've got to be kidding".

    I wrote my stupid english essay, and it took me literally all last night. I hate essays with a passion. They're ugly, and I shouldn't be forced to write them.
    Then I spent all morning studying. Aren't you proud of me? Even though I basically haven't even gotten through half the work yet. Hey, it's not my fault I was too busy watching the Winter Olympics! Okay so maybe it is. I don't know how to prioritise. Oh well. I love the figure skating!!!
    February 28th, 2010 at 05:29am
  • Thank you so much for your comment! I really appreciate it! :DD
    February 27th, 2010 at 06:47pm
  • Stupid me, decided to go for the sciences. I'm taking English Advanced, Maths Advanced, Physics and Chemistry. I already did my bio HSC a yr early, so that's out of the way, thank god! Next wk is jam packed with exams, and what am I doing now? Studying? No. Homework? Of course not. I am doing what I do best, that is, procrastinating. =( I don't wanna study. *pouts*

    I have no free periods. Some people do, but they are the ones that did math as well as bio. last yr. Since I didn't, I do math during that time. But you get used to it, I guess. The extra hrs absolutely kill me. I feel dead. But oh well. I'll survive. Thanks for the luck. You're right, I seriously need it!

    Um, Pringles and Skittles? Weird combination. Or even chocolate and Skittles for that matter. I don't think I'll be trying that out any time soon! It probably wouldn't be too bad, I guess. But I think skittles on their own is enough for me.
    It's not healthy at all!!! And I basically don't eat proper foods much, so my mum gets really pissed. But it's not my fault there's never anything to eat! I never have dinner, and breakfast is really rare. I just eat lunch at school and that's about it.
    February 27th, 2010 at 03:39am
  • Wha?? You have a year 13? What on earth?! This needs some explaining!

    I can't pull a sicky =( I have exams and tests and assignments due in basically every day. eg. On Monday and Tuesday I had a maths exam. On Monday, and today (Wed) I hade chem tests. Tomorrow I have an english assesment and physics test. Don't even get me started on next week! Unfortunately, I've decided to do maths etc for my HSC. Our school is selective, so it's basically required. But I'm quite happy with my subjects in the long run, though they are a pain at the moment. I'd love to do Religion studies. It's so interesting, but it's not really offered at our school. I wish it was. I would have taken it.

    I am addicted to SKITTLES!!! I love them so much. The sour and non sour versions. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. I eat them in physics all the time. I should really stop eating the sour ones, because by the end of the packet it feels as if my tongue is torn and I can't eat anything for another day, otherwise it burns like hell, but it's SO worth it!

    Ice cream always makes me feel better. I'm going to take your advice and eat some right now. You better be doing the same!
    February 24th, 2010 at 09:36am
  • Er, lazy days are the funnest! Haha, my favorite thing to do is to sleep, eat, watch movies, sleep. Ah and school is just the opposite. Being a fellow teenager, I can understand completely.

    And I am so sorry about your toe! Ouch, dude, ouch. I just stubbed mine at Costco, but it wasn't nearly as bad as yours. I send my condolences to your toe.
    How are you though? How'd school go?
    February 24th, 2010 at 02:05am
  • Psh. You'e telling me. I'm still in shock. But indeed, I see. I really, truly do.

    I used to write little notes to my teachers but we're not allowed to do that anymore because the teachers get pissed off and take marks off. And we're not allowed to write to the examiners in important exams, like the HSC, which I guess is sort of like your GCSEs except in yr 12. What are your yr 12 exams called? Anyway, if we do, the school gets a warning and that obviously pisses them off, so they warn us about writing things unnecessary in the exam like "Have mercy on me" and so on. Some people actually write things like that. Or like "This is the stupidest question ever!!!" I would love to do that. But I can't sadly =( And why did your teacher not dance?! Shame on her! Lying to her students like that. Teachers are always lying. It's quite saddening really.

    I'm tired. Can you make me not tired? I quite literally slept through all my classes today. As did the majority of the class actually. I think it's the fugly as weather. Oh well...
    *Goes off to have a little bit of a roar*
    February 22nd, 2010 at 09:24am
  • Ha ha. I will totally take your life squeezing hug and I promise not to mistake it as a death threat!
    And thanks for the link! It means a lot to me.

    Plusss, I'm sorry you have to go back to school. I understand the whole thing about getting used to break.
    February 21st, 2010 at 09:42pm
  • I typed it in! And guess what... it is indeed the Wizard of Oz. The Wicked Witch of the West, to be exact. I can't believe it worked. I stared at the computer in shock for about five minutes and then had a fit.

    I hate paper cuts! I got one recently in the last 15 minutes of my chemistry test and and it killed me. And i have also burned my finger on hair straighteners. They are painful. And it was the day of my formal. Stupid me. I knew it was hot but still decided to touch it. Oh well. Don't hate fingers!!! They're lovely *sighs dreamily*

    My friend made me go on a walk with her yesterday, for an hour and a half. I died. Walking is not healthy for me. It makes me go crazy. I didn't stop talking the entire time, and most of it made absolutley no sense whatsoever. I don't remember most of it. Except I think at one point I said, "I am miracle. Hear me roar." And then started singing Tainted Love in the middle of the park...
    February 21st, 2010 at 04:48am