fragile / Comments

  • Heh well, at least you found out now before you bought him a male companion in the hopes of them breeding... or something along those lines, lmfao. :p

    Very true! If there's one thing girls are vain about, it's their hair, most definitely. You're very, very true. That sucks. Did you have alapeca? Or, ugh, however it's spelt... too lazy to look it up. :p

    You're welcome! And, a lot of people don't pronounce my name the right way either. >.< It's Mar-tee-sha and people tend to pronounce it Mar-tish-ugh, lol. Thank you. :)
    March 28th, 2010 at 10:47pm
  • sabihaaa, why must you be so cute? :)
    March 28th, 2010 at 07:47am
  • Oh my gosh, that's actually quite funny, lol. Was he insulted by being considered a girl for a majority of his life/whatever? Meh, just call 'im Sampson in secret. :p

    I actually want to cut it. And, I just consider it here so even if I don't like a cut, I know it'll grow back, y'know? "It's just hair!" Lol. And yeah, I can't blame you. It didn't take much for me to want to chop most of my hair off in the beginning, but if you've had long hair your entire life, it can be pretty frightening. D:

    I keep meaning to tell you this, so I might as well tell ya now: I really, really love your name. A lot. It's so unique (or at least, I've never heard it before). So hello Sabiha, I'm Martisha. :p
    March 27th, 2010 at 07:15pm
  • Bits? Sorry, ahah, a lot of people use that word for various reasons: penis, balls, poopie, peepee - lol, you get it.

    Lol. I actually shaved all of my hair off last year (after doing this weird mohican thing) and it grew back a looot faster than I expected, tbqh. I was born with pretty curly hair but it sort of straightened out throughout the years and now we all see what it's like now, but I'm going to get this done with it within the next few months/years:

    Mind you, when I showed my mom that haircut she was like 'O_o?' because I've never been a fan of short hair on [i]myself[/i]. I love it on other people but I loathe it whenever I get a short cut (and I usually get a shortcut because someone was like "wow you'd look great blah blah blah" so it's more for them than myself). Buuut, I definitely found a short style I'm willing to ~*~rock~*~ I had a bob about a year and a half/two years ago and ew... just ew.

    Anyway, thank you! <3 And, I don't mind long messages, ahah.
    March 27th, 2010 at 02:32pm
  • I'm good! I've decided that I love my friends but I'm not going to let my shit (nor will I let my own) bother me. I'm watching Parenthood right now. It's seriously my new television show, seriously. Haha.

    Oh. Well, I'm obviously not a fly on the wall so I'm not going to load you up with a bunch of crap and so "you'll totally do fine!" but: you'll totally do fine... and if you don't, life is life and have no regrets because, in the long run, everything can be fixed... somehow! withalittlebitofmunipulationandetceteraetc Lol idk.

    And thanks ya, thank ya. I'd say what I would originally have said but that's already at the beginning of my comment so you'll already now! Ahah. :)
    March 24th, 2010 at 03:18am
  • Lol. xD (And whoop, I actually laughed in real life, it wasn't one of those "lol/i didn't really laugh" lol's... okay, um yeah...)

    They're not petty, that actually makes a lot of sense. I'm pretty sure you just spoke for thousands and thousands of people out there that couldn't figure out how to word their own emotions, ahah.

    So, how has your day been thus far? :)
    March 23rd, 2010 at 09:46pm
  • Why are you self-conscious? You're, hands down, one one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen. You're beautiful!

    Ah, that's good, ahah. :p

    I haven't been able to! D: :(
    March 23rd, 2010 at 09:19pm

    Okay: Heh, I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean to do so. xD

    Thanks, ahah.
    March 23rd, 2010 at 03:32pm
  • Uh yeahh. I'm really excited for Bag of Bones.
    It sounds beyond cool.
    And the layout is gorgeous, you need to get your vision checked! Haha.

    And I am proud to call myself a wackooo. I will not stop until I marry the headless guy on your page!

    And p.s. boys do stink.
    March 22nd, 2010 at 11:24pm
  • Yayy! Thanks I'm SO glad you like it! And thank you for sparing some sleep to read it.
    Um. I was kinda nervous about it b/c the idea is very popular to some, but I'm gonna try my hardest to make it different.

    BTW, the guy with the elk tattoo or whatever animal... in the icon on your page. I want to be friends with him. I will find him because that tattoo is so fucking cool.
    March 22nd, 2010 at 08:40pm
  • Yaaayyy.
    I'm so glad you liked the ending of CH.

    I'm really excited for your new story idea, btw.
    March 21st, 2010 at 10:48pm
  • You're welcome. :)

    Omg, at first, I thought you were talking about your dad peeing on your mom for their anniversary. I was like: "WHAT?! O_O" Lmfao. Then I realized that you were talking about Paolo, haha.

    Thanks. :D
    March 20th, 2010 at 03:42pm
  • Okay, congratulations on your parents anniversary! :)

    You're welcome.

    Ha ha, peeing on stage. Girl, that's soooul... actually, I don't really know, but as long as he's enjoying himself and, hey, maybe he [i]is[/i] pissing but at least he has a great voice! :3

    Yep, haha.

    I sort of have the protagonist set in my head, just not the plot. :(

    Okay, that's cool. :D
    March 20th, 2010 at 02:22pm
  • Okay, first off, I'd like to say that I love your profile with all of my life. Seriously, it's amazing. No kidding. Secondly, I just googled Paolo Nutini and he has a beautiful voice. So, you just introduced me to a knew artist, I'm pleased, lmfao.

    Okay, onto my response!

    Thank you so, so, so much! A lot of people seem to be excited about it, but you're comment is the ultimate best. Okay so, I totally want to go through with it but the thing is that I have no idea what I'm going to do. I intended to make it a one-shot but then I got a lot of feedback on it and I realize that people would prefer it to be a full length story rather than a one-shot. I can actually see it being chaptered, too, but like I said: I have no idea where to go with it/what to do with it/etcetera... any suggestions (and I totally plan on dedicating it to you now, I do not keed).

    That is all. :3

    Oh wait, no. There's more: you're awesome. Okay, the end.
    March 17th, 2010 at 10:59pm
  • thank you, you're amazing for saying that <33
    March 17th, 2010 at 09:10pm
  • anytime
    March 15th, 2010 at 11:50pm
  • haha, essays do blow.
    i had to write a small one in honors yesterday ><

    my day just started haha.
    but yesterday was pretty good. busy, but pretty good.
    March 13th, 2010 at 05:46pm
  • Fiddy makes more sense, haha.

    And I know, I know, that Cheated Hearts is really sad and icky right now, but I promise it'll get better, well for Keaton anyway. I really like the ending and I hope you do too!
    March 13th, 2010 at 08:06am
  • oooh, that's a good idea.
    i might use that, ha.
    in english we're learning about theme and setting and blah blah blah.
    did you have a good day?
    March 12th, 2010 at 04:31am
  • Thank you for the commen on Ancient (:
    Nah, but the lotus is Stephanie's favorite flower and it's native to Egypt, or so the internet said... haha.
    It's not real symbolic, but it has a reason, I guess.
    It'll explain it more later.
    March 11th, 2010 at 03:32am