fragile / Comments

  • I loooove Moss. I even put a link to it on my page haha.
    And thanks! I'm trying to update CH right now, so we'll see how that goes.
    February 21st, 2010 at 03:54am
  • you're welcome.
    February 21st, 2010 at 02:14am
  • Steal the computer. Quick! Put it somewhere you can keep warm! hehe
    But yes. I see what you mean about the mini heater thing. The one in my laptop keeps burning me. It's really annoying when I'm already friggin hot. Yeah I heard somewhere that it's usually very cold and darkish in the UK. But yay! It was sunny. That's made me happy =)

    Well, if it's not Wizard of Oz, what the hell is it? I would google it, but what am I supposed to type into the search engine? I don't think "IIII'mm mmeeeeltiing" would work =P

    I love Australia. I'm not completely sure why, but I really do. But if I didn't live here, I would want to live somewhere in the UK. I plan on going there after I finish school. I envy YOU!

    If you took away the teachers and all the classes, school would be awesome. (not to mention completely pointless!)
    I had an epiphany in the middle of chemistry. Here is what I realised:
    I have fingers. I actually have fingers. These weird looking long things that I can just wiggle and stretch. They can do the coolest things. They're magical. I'm watching them now, tapping away at the keyboard like they have a life of their own. They are amazing. And I have them. Can you believe it?
    February 19th, 2010 at 06:55am
  • Haha, thank you!
    I'm glad you're liking it so far :)
    February 17th, 2010 at 12:28am
  • Psh. Who reads flour packets these days? Just use what you find, I say. And trust me, you ahve not tasted poop until you have tasted some of the things I've made. I'm hopeless in the baking department.

    Yeah. I know what you mean about your parents. My parents are foreign too, but they came here in their twenties after they got married and my dad helped my mum learn english. They finished uni and everything, and now my dad's a professor at uni, and my mum is a director of a childcare centre. So I basically have no excuse for not going to uni, because "if they did it then why can't I?" as they are always saying. Not that I mind. Even though I don't know what I want to be at the moment (and should decide soon, really) I really want to go to uni. But I see where your parents are coming from.
    As lame as it sounds I have no idea what I'm going to do without school. It's not that I enjoy school a lot, it's just that it's always there. Do you see what I mean?

    haha! that is so funny. When I said I was melting, that exact line popped into my head, but I have absolutely no idea where it's from! =P Is it the Wizard of Oz? I'm not sure...

    hehe, I live in Sydney, Australia so I guess it makes sense that while it's hot here it's freezing there. Oh wow. It's gets dark early there. It's gets dark at about 8:30 pm here, but that's because it's daylight saving.(Or is it NOT daylight saving? Oops. I'm not sure which one's which. Oh well) I'll try not to melt. I have taken to standing in front of the open freezer, but I only end up getting yelled at lol. I demand you to go sit in front of a heater of some sort and not move until you're boiling hot! Don't turn into a popsicle!!! I'll be very upset if you do =(
    February 16th, 2010 at 10:54am
  • Thank you.
    I'm going to try to write it.
    I just need time to actually do that.
    February 15th, 2010 at 11:09pm
  • Oh definitely! =P
    Once I tried to make pancakes with my friend. They were so disgusting it's not even funny, and we had to throw them to my chickens who ate them up happily.

    Maybe you should tell your parents about the all the schoolwork. My parents know about it most of the time, so whenever they ask me to do something I make up a school excuse. =) But sometimes I just can't get out of it because my mum says "You're homework's not going anywhere!" And then you can't argue with her and end up with piles of dishes laughing at you sadistically.

    I'm MELTING!!! It is so hot. I'm going to become a puddle any minute now...
    February 15th, 2010 at 09:03am
  • How cute!

    I'm so tired. They have increased school hours for those in yr 12, so now I have school until 5 pm instead of 3:30. I'm going to collapse. And I have a shitload of homework. This is so unfair... =(
    But no. Enough about me. How are YOU? =D
    February 10th, 2010 at 08:10am
  • haha! Just googled David Mitchell. He's cute!!!
    February 8th, 2010 at 02:08am
  • Well good luck with that! =D

    He read the poem to me in class in a sort of joke-y way, so at least we weren't alone or anything-that would be strange. I don't know, he was really weird. Sometimes he would just sit there and say "I don't understand. Do you guys hate me?" just out of nowhere. I think at one point we complained to our co-ordinator that he was a shit teacher, but me and my best friend are known troublemakers, so she blamed us and told us he'd already reported us to her, and told her we never listen in his class/ are always talking etc. so basically made it out to be our fault. Teachers are always moving us so that we don't sit next to eachother, and at the beginning of the year, new teachers are warned about us. They think we don't know this, but I'd like to think we weren't completely stupid.

    Thank you so much for reiterating the fact that your very likeable science teacher has a **** ** (as you so elegantly put it) all the time. can you not realise? Not that I go around staring at that part of the anatomy all the time or anything (I'm not that much of a freak! =P) but seriously, wouldn't you realise?

    Who would've thought teachers were actually somewhat amusing enough to talk about? Vegetarian shoes?! What on earth are they? I'm lost. She does sound funny though. haha! A facebook page dedicated to her. Wow! I think a guy in our school made a facebook page dissing our principal, and everyone joined it, but then the teachers found out, and everyone freaked and left it!
    February 8th, 2010 at 02:00am
  •'re teachers definitely beat mine in the weird/gross department. =P
    I see what you mean about the IT teacher. We had this legal studies teacher last yr, who was from Scotland I think, and all the girls absolutley fell in love with him, including my best friend, who was certain she would marry him one day. (She's a little crazy. Her yr 6 teacher quit his job, because she had this massive crush on him, which basically everyone knew about, and he thought it would be unprofessional to continue at the school. No joke) Anyway, then rumours started going around that he was some heir in Scotland, which I'm pretty sure turned out to be true. Also, he could play the guitar and sing, which he did for us at one point. This, of course, made the girls even crazier about him, and next thing you know, he's decided to leave the school- apparently due to the constant shameless flirting, & no one would pay attention in his class because they were too busy obsessing over him! He wasn't even there for a year.

    I can't really think of any pervy teachers except that english one. He was the creepiest. Especially when he recited that love poem to me that one time. I think the guys were more freaked out than we were though, because they all ended up dropping his class for another one.

    I wish I didn't work out what the stars meant! =P
    I don't care how likeable your science teacher is, that is disgusting! How absolutely awkward would that be? I can't even begin to imagine. And I don't think I've had any teachers that smell really bad, THANK GOD!!!
    February 7th, 2010 at 01:50am
  • He sounds so cool! I wish I had a teacher like that! But no. I must get stuck with all the cows, because that's how horrible my luck is.
    But you're right, now that I think about it. I can't think of one teacher that isn't a bitch. Except my physics teacher. He's all right, but I wouldn't marry him thanks. =P I remember my english teacher in yr 10, Mr B. He was this new creepy Canadian guy. Once, one of the guys said something about one of the poems we were studying, i don't really remember what it was, and then Mr B goes on and on saying stuff like, "Do I excite you? Do you want me to go harder?" and all this shit, and me and my friends are pissing ourselves laughing, and he acts like he doesn't know that what he's saying is so wrong, but I'm pretty sure he was pretending, because it's impossible to say all that and not realise. Plus, he was sort of doing this creepy smile thing =/ And the poor boy, is sitting there going "Okay, sir. That's enough now. Seriously," with his head in his hands. The guys never let him forget it. I felt so sorry for him! (But it was still funny =P) But we gave that teacher hell. He only lasted one yr, and then left. =)
    February 6th, 2010 at 03:21am
  • A challenge? I can imagine. I realised just today that it's not writing the story that's the hardest bit, it's adjusting it, changing it. I also realised that my english teacher is a bitch! =P
    February 4th, 2010 at 10:47am
  • Hey, thanks soo much for the awesome comment. I never would have thought "She Wolf" could have inspired a one-shot until I finally took the time to read the lyrics online and it just came to me. But anyways, I'm so glad you liked it and thanks again. :)
    February 1st, 2010 at 11:11pm
  • Thanks for the comment (:
    Swan Lake is actually a ballet, but Disney made a movie out of it called "The Swan Princess".
    January 30th, 2010 at 04:45pm
  • HEY! I am SO sorry, I took like forever to reply!

    We've been having orientation into our new schools here, which basically means one thing: Doing embarrassing things with boys! Like couple-mass-dancing and playing games that involve holding hands with boys and running around, except they're so fast, so now we just get dragged around! D: Hahaha it feels like we're 5 and they're mixing us up like little kids. :D But it's fun in a way, I guess. :D

    Yup, I am definitely going to be going on hiatus! It's been really mad in my new school, so I guess I need to put the writing on hold for a while, because I'm so tired that I can't even generate any more ideas! I guess I'll start writing when my drive for it begins to accelerate. :)

    I'm so glad you found your cat! It totally sucks to lose something that means so much to you, especially a pet! I've never really had proper pets, but I've always wanted a dog, and I can understand how it would feel to lose that pet, because pets are always so sweet and innocent, and loving, and always there for you after a hard day of school or work! :) So I'm really happy for you!

    Anyway, take care! :)
    January 29th, 2010 at 03:46pm
  • Aw, thank you for the comment on Calamity Jane. :) I hope to update it soon.
    January 29th, 2010 at 03:06am
  • i like your hair. :)
    January 25th, 2010 at 01:06am
  • hi there.
    January 23rd, 2010 at 03:21am
  • Hah well I'm just saying that I like to know that there is eventually going to be a plot, but I know what you mean. I tend not to introduce plots until the sixth or seventh chapter so I mean, I'm just as guilty of doing this as the next person.
    January 22nd, 2010 at 10:54pm