Madame Monstre / Comments

  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    D: why is it not coming close to where you live??

    Come to california and I'll sneak you in with me and my friend and we'll rock out to Blink and My Chem!

    And I know, they have a massive following in Europe its insane!!!
    June 22nd, 2011 at 06:58am
  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    I'm hoping they will but for some reason I have a feeling they might go on a break and then head out to Europe again. But at least I have the Honda Tour to look forward too xD I'm planning on raiding the merch table since last time I went I didn't want to wait in line...

    Hahahahaha well Ritalin's my alter ego so haha kudos for you being a super kick ass killjoy ^_^
    June 22nd, 2011 at 06:52am
  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    Ugh how awful of that person. They are babies for god's sake. How can they be any kind of ugly. They are young, innocent things and should not be disrespected at all. People can act like such monsters! Ugh it frustrates me :(

    I actually just creep on the forums for info on the band and mostly if anyone is planning a meetup in California.
    June 22nd, 2011 at 06:41am
  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    Yeah Bandit is so cute! I think I saw a personal photo of the twins on one of the MCRmy websites and I found it kinda weird. They were cute, chubby little things but you could tell it was a personal photo and I guess fans take it too far with the pictures then to get Frank to tweet about it.
    June 22nd, 2011 at 06:34am
  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    Ahh I was gonna ask you about that too!!! We must be long lost twins or something. I've seen pics of the twins but only what Frank has posted up on his twitter. I have yet to see any disrespectful photos of the twins but I haven't been on the lookout for those. I find it a bit weird looking at the pictures of his kids. I mean I love the man but sometimes I feel he needs his privacy.
    June 22nd, 2011 at 06:24am
  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    Haha agree. Your idea sounds perfect, oh how grand life would be though I am on the lookout for someone that is just like Frank cause he's an amazing man and I'm sure he's a wonderful father to his twins. The same can be said for Gerard too.
    June 22nd, 2011 at 06:10am
  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    My last comment below reminded me of "Kill All Your Friends" just my random thought....

    Anyways he does have magically long eyelashes. I am envious of his looks but then I have really long eyelashes myself so that's a plus. But damn he has beautiful, lovely hips I would give anything to have!! Why are we not as cool as him??!!!
    June 22nd, 2011 at 05:59am
  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    Hehe you so cool now! :)
    June 22nd, 2011 at 05:50am
  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    heehee that was one of the ones I was gonna get too! I love it!! ^_^ Gee looks amazingly hot and definitely is da SEX!! ;)
    June 22nd, 2011 at 05:49am
  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    Bahahahahaha I cannot wait then for this layout.
    June 22nd, 2011 at 04:55am
  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    Haha yeah I'm really in a Gee mood today cause of their recent festival appearances and I love that pic of him. He's just a cutie :)
    June 22nd, 2011 at 04:08am
  • ALICEonCLOUDnine

    ALICEonCLOUDnine (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    The latest Harry Potter made my year because it's so book-accurate! Yeah the Trueblood books are called The Southern Vampire Mysteries a.k.a The Sookie Stackhouse Novels by Charlaine Harris and they're so much better than the TV series which I kind of feel was losing it's way and becoming it's own entity.

    Good luck with your speech! I'm sure it'll rock, no matter the subject :D I'm terrified I'm going to screw up, but at the same time I cannot wait for my friend's birthday solstice party as tradition in her garden in the middle of the countryside on Thursday. Massive rave = OH YES.

    I find it so creepy when people get all crazy of star's kids. Some privacy would be a nice common courtesy, really! I'm sure they'll come to Nashville. They have to! For you!

    What's the age range for Elementary school? :) I made a bookcase and a book box and a bench for my Mum's classroom, because we have 'Reading Corners' in our Primary schools here and hers was in desperate need of some revamping. It was a good project, and I'm proud of my folder work, but I'll be touching up the finished piece over the summer so it's okay to go into her classroom in September.

    Hahaha, I'm probably about to try and work on some Johnny and Jenny right now because I've got some battery left on my laptop and it'll help me get to sleep. :) I want my next chapter to be consistant quality though, so if I get distracted I won't force it to happen.

    If you ever feel the urge, I can recommend a ketchup sandwich because it's so quick to make. I'm a huge hamburger fan too, but I don't really eat them all that often. :D Dad's scottish, his answer to most problems is bacon. Revision = Problem = Bacon! :D I prefer tomato sauces with pasta, or pasta carbonara - my Dad can KILL a decent carbonara sauce, it's one of his specialities! So we don't have macaronni cheese very often.

    Glad it was a good comment, thought it might have been a bit rambley :) I don't know what I do to deserve the kindness of your shout outs especially as they're on the end of such amazing chapters! All I can do is gush a lot and keep saying thank you! It doesn't feel quite enough :) xxx
    June 22nd, 2011 at 03:03am
  • RaelandJasey

    RaelandJasey (100)

    Hey, hopefully i'll be updating playground eyes super soon. I've have all my exams and term papers due over the last month and a half, so i have had literally no time to myself. My last exam is tomorrow afternoon though, so I'm going to get typing right after its over! Thanks for your patience.xo\rae
    June 22nd, 2011 at 02:37am
  • DoubleRepeat29

    DoubleRepeat29 (100)

    United States
    Aww thanks! :D and that would be aweosme! :D it really is an amazing story! :D
    June 22nd, 2011 at 12:46am
  • ALICEonCLOUDnine

    ALICEonCLOUDnine (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hahaha, it's always a tough choice whether or not to read the books/watch the television adaption. I got really into the Trueblood BOOKS and I got a tiny bit disgusted with the direction of the TV series, and quit watching. The TV series isn't really my cup of tea anyway. I can read unrealistic gore, I'm seriously bad at watching it.

    Sorry for not replying in like two days! I had my English exam today and I sort of freaked out over it. Just one more exam left!!! Ahhhh I can taste the freedom and it's going to be sooooo good. I'm going to have a fried egg for a brain but hopefully it'll be worth it. Bring on university where I can legitimately justify writing and posting on here as it'll be relevent to my course.

    You'll just have to bribe your Mum into letting you go. Also I forgot to say that you should definitely reply to Frank's tweet and ask for them to head over your way. You can't be the only one in your area bummed out to have to drive 3 hours to see them (no matter how bloody worth it they are) and I'm pretty sure there can't be much of a protocol. It's twitter afterall. :D

    Definitely take your boyfriend on an adventure. I'm sure he'd appreciate the spontaneity. :)

    Product design? It's 50% coursework and 50% exam. The coursework is you have to decide on a year long project (approx 30 weeks) and design and make a product that you can then make (I think you might call it woodshop?) and do a portfolio of work full of designs, research and models, plans and evaluations of your work. It drained me of all life. I don't even have a purpose for it, I just took it for GCSE and decided to carry it on because I liked it. The rest of my subjects are essay based, so it was nice having a creative outlet.

    Writing is my most therapuetic creative outlet, and personally I think it's the best creative out let (art choked me, and design genuinely almost killed me, music is more like a casual hobby and I tried jewellery making but it was too fiddly for my attention span) so for you to be blessed with an amazing ability to write is just awesome :D

    A ketchup sandwich probably was what you were thinking. Bread, butter and ketchup. I like peanut butter and golden syrup on toast. My mum despairs :D I had 8 packets of crisps for breakfast lunch and dinner yesterday. She fed me macaronni cheese tonight out of the goodness of her heart. Dad just gives me a shitload of bacon really. Brilliant man :) Hahaha, my food habits disgust myself most of the time.

    I seeeeee mibba notifications in my inbox. I'm all over them like a rash. :D Totally getting a comment when I've read it! xxx
    June 21st, 2011 at 08:37pm
  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    Haha we should do one and add lots of Gerard smexiness to it xD Actually I have two one shots and a couple of stories to update so my plate is full for now.

    Yeah it was great beach weather too. Haha my french teacher is gonna henna my hair sometime in July so its gonna be amazing!! :D
    June 21st, 2011 at 08:18am
  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    I forgot to thank you for the story comment on Six Bucks and a Dr. Pepper. So thank you and hopefully my co-author will have another chapter up soon! ^_^
    June 21st, 2011 at 07:29am
  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    Hehe comment war...I've been well just about to go to the beach for the day with my best friend and my old french professor! ^_^ have fun at work cause lord knows I had no fun at mine :/
    June 20th, 2011 at 09:23pm
  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    Dude you had to update while I'm at work.....oh well just an hour left til I can read it xD
    June 20th, 2011 at 06:01am
  • ALICEonCLOUDnine

    ALICEonCLOUDnine (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Might have to have a Gossip Girl marathon when I've got the time. :D I tried to start one about 6 months ago but I ended up spending my time consumed in my English coursework for school, so I ran out of free time. :/ I know they're based on books, I might watch the TV series and then read the books because I've heard there are quite a lot of differences.

    That's exactly why love triangles are a huge sadness for me, because reading a few stories with them in, you can tell the author just cracked up at the misery and then takes the storyline down a route where the hurt one moves on really quickly and it becomes kind of unrealistic. Man, my ex from a couple of years ago became my best friend since we broke up because we knew each other so well, he's got a new girlfriend and I have the best friend jealousy bug because he just tells her everything now. I know how happy they are together and I think it's really great but jeeeez all I want is a proper conversation with the boy. That's like the most 'love triangling' I can take, and it's not even a proper love triangle. Exhausting!

    If there is any way you can get to that concert, do it! It's so worth it because Gerard wiggles and is all sexy and I just can't get enough of him and his sensuality. I've seen a couple of videos of him when he kind of does awkward dorky dancing and I swear I had heart palpatations.

    I really do love your username :D I'm always up for an adventure! This fun comes in brief waves and then I get stuck back at home all miserable. Without my car I'd be completely lost.

    I definitely could have done more studying, which is a horrible feeling. I'm just kicking myself about this design exam because I do not feell prepared at all. And I failed the last years exam and had to retake it this year to pass it. I might have a pastie for lunch tomorrow. I just whipped myself up a ketchup sandwich. I couldn't be bothered to fry the bacon to put in it. I'm so lazy, it's shameful!

    You've definitely got to go with what you're inspired by. :D There's absolutely nothign wrong with being a comment whore! Hahaha. Oooooh you're teasing me with an update. I'll have to read it in the morning. It's 1:30am here and seeing as I got shit all sleep last night, I better put the effort into not being nocturnal. I can't wait to have a possible notification email in the morning :D I'll be checking the instant I wake up! Night night xxx
    June 20th, 2011 at 02:34am