ugh horrible

I absolutely hate it when my parents think my little brother is an angel! They say since I'm older I'm meaner to him. He's 9 and he cusses and made out with his girlfriend in the back yard who was 11. No he did not get in trouble when my parents found out, but yet if i have a boyfriend my dad gets mad and grounds me, and strangely i dont know how he finds out.I can not tell my brother anything...
May 31st, 2010 at 06:09am


Your mom. those two words of joy. best comeback in my school, besides thats what she said. I can say it to anyone, and someone else could say owned or burn and thats awesome. Except thats what she said works in any sex ed class.Dear Teacher,You seem to not understand i have 7 other classes that give me homework!I have no time to study for ANY big tests, only because i have 5 other tomorrow! Why is...
May 29th, 2010 at 07:10am


Why? why does it matter so much if your age or grammar? does it mean your less intelligent? does it mean your not capable of better things? why would someone tell if you lied about your age? does it make you a better person if you do? age is not like maturity. it is never like maturity. snitches get stitches lol. but if your under aged on here do you feel its right that your like the little...
May 29th, 2010 at 06:27am

what happened yesterday

so my friend ale and i lol grammar! were just sitting in my room when i check my missed calls there was a new voice mail and a missed call and it was a 901 number and i live in Texas so i have a 254 so i called it back and then i called and said hey did you call my phone and shes like yes do you to Duncan elementary and i said no i go to Audie Murphy middle school and then she was like well im...
May 29th, 2010 at 06:01am

my life

i dont know how to start so ill start with my life my birthdays today yay and well it was its kind of sucked a little cuz my brother yelled at me all day because his friend was here so he was really mean to me telling me to shut up when i was watching tv and he was yelling at me outside and when his friend slapped me and i said i would tell my dad (he slapped me really hard) and donte wouldnt be...
May 29th, 2010 at 05:31am