I work at a CD store and I love it. My twin is Tanja_Dahl. Best friends can't describe our connection because we're that cool. I'm randomly hyper and randomly quiet. I'm a smart ass and half the time you can't take what I say seriously. I love meeting new people and I love to read and write. If you see that I have like twelve stories going on at once, its because my brain never stops and I'm always coming up with new ideas. I don't know what else to say except be my friend =) message me if you'd like or comment. Until then, love peace and chicken greese.....or tofu if you're a vegetarian.

Date: 12 May 2011
Time: 11:51 PeaEm
Music: Criminal Minds on TV
Updated: Chapter 7 of Fallen Now Is Babylon

Twin Dearest Minnie Whore Jennie